rain don't lie, Rain does

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They are sitting at their usual spot on the table, eating breakfast in silence. Phayu is watching his boyfriend who seems to be entirely lost in his own mind. There is a sad curve to his lips and his brows are pulled into a small frown.

"What kind of thoughts has my wife looking so dejected?" Phayu asks in an attempt to get his attention. He isn't prepared for the way Rain flinches at the sudden sound of his voice. It is as if he'd completely forgotten that he wasn't alone. For a few seconds that felt like minutes, the boy is looking at him with big, startled eyes until he relaxes a bit and smiles softly.

"I'm sorry, Phi. I uhm... I was thinking about the work I need to do for my next project." He says a little hesitantly. "I didn't really understand the task and now I'm not sure where to begin."

Although it wasn't the truth, it wasn't exactly a lie either. He hadn't been able to concentrate much when the teacher explained their next assignment so he really didn't know how to start. But it wasn't what was occupying his mind.
Phayu frowns slightly, feeling like there is something off about his boy's answer but he can't put his finger on it.

"Hmm...," he hums in thought. "You could ask nong Sky to try and explain it to you later today? If you're still not sure after that I can always take a look at it for you this evening."

Rain nods in agreement and his lips turn upright. "I will, P-Phayu. With your help, I'm sure I'll get it right!"

His smile feels a little more genuine this time.

"That's my good boy!" Phayu praises.

Those words have the desired effect as Rain starts to blush and practically beams at him.

"I'm going to get ready for school!" The boy declares loudly as he jumps out of his chair and rushes towards the stairs.

Just as he is about to get past him, Phayu grabs his wrist in a strong but gentle way. He pulls him closer, taking a hold of his other hand as well. A soft tug makes him bow over slightly, their faces coming closer.

"First, can I get a kiss from my darling?" He asks in a teasing tone.

The color on Rain's cheeks deepens. He tries to pull his hands back, undoubtedly to hide his face. But the elder refuses to let him go and chuckles slightly.

"P-Phayu!" Rain whines, closing his eyes instead. "You're cheating!"

"Awe, please...," the man begs playfully. "How else am I going to get through my day, huh?"

The younger boy opens those beautiful orbs of his to look at him. His unrestrained love for him brightly shimmering right there, as clear as day. He moves closer until they are almost able to touch and places a soft, lingering kiss on his lips. Phayu makes a content noise, moves one of his hands to the back of Rain's head and deepens the kiss, not letting go until he is satisfied.

Rain stops in front of his department's building. He hesitates a bit longer before finally moving forward and entering the door with a sigh.
'It's okay, Rain. It's all going to be fine. You are worthy of being by P-Phayu's side and P-Phayu loves you. He loves you and no one else. If you don't listen to them, they can't hurt you.' He tries to give himself some courage while he finds his way through the hallways until he reaches the right classroom.
His steps falter when he hears them. They are not talking about him. At least, he thinks so. They didn't even notice him yet. But the sound of their voices alone make him want to turn around and run. He shakes that thought off immediately, grabs his bag a little tighter and keeps his eyes on the ground while maneuvering himself past them, towards the door.

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