What happens after a downpour

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The first thing he notices is pain, everywhere. It is so overwhelming he just wants the sweet darkness to claim him again. However, a sense of fear and urgency wakes him up a bit more. He tries to reach for his throbbing head but the movement makes his aching body scream at him to stay still. He opens his eyes to look at his surroundings but finds that everything around him is dark, except for a vague, faint bit of light that's coming from above him. A soft whimper escapes his lips as he moves his head around. Bad decision. 'What happened?' He tries to search his brain for the answer. The last thing he remembers is sitting behind his drawing board, texting Phayu. How did he get from there to wherever he is now? Slowly but surely the memories start trickling into his mind until it suddenly all comes flooding back, washing over him like a tidal wave. It makes him nauseous to the point of almost throwing up. He swallows thickly and tries to remain calm. He has no recollection of how he got wherever he is now, the last image he can conjure up is seeing Danaisak's motionless body. So, he must have gotten away, right?
He's terrified. Afraid that, maybe, he is missing an important detail. What if his attacker hadn't been as out of it as he had hoped? What if he'd gotten to him and locked him up somewhere? The thought makes him freeze. He listens for a bit but when he is certain he's alone he gathers his courage, hoping for the best.

"Help!" He calls out in a weak, scratchy voice, the sound not nearly enough to be heard by anyone.

He tries to move again. He has to get up, find his phone and call Phayu. But he quickly learns that there's almost no room to do so. His legs bump against something and when he feels around with his hand it lands against a cold, smooth surface. He tries to get his eyes to focus on his surroundings once more and realizes he's in a bathroom stall. A vague feeling of relief bubbles up in his chest.
'So, I did get away.'
He tries to push himself up but instantly collapses again, his body in too much pain to be of any use to him.

"Help! Somebody! I'm here!" He calls out again as he knocks on one of the walls.

The simple motion leaves him drained. Even more so when no answer comes. He starts to cry quietly, thick tears rolling down his cheeks. He wants to go home. He wants his P-Phayu. Anxiety swirls inside his heart when he thinks about his boyfriend. He doesn't know how long he had been out but he is certain Phayu will have tried to reach him. Maybe it was him that called earlier? And Rain failed to pick up. Phayu will be worried and probably mad as well. His husband will most likely be disappointed in him since he didn't tell him about what his classmate did to him back then. The predicament he is in right now is all his fault. The others were right, he is stupid. He made all the wrong decisions in handling this and now he would have to bear the consequences.

At first he doesn't hear it but then some noise coming from somewhere on the other side of the door draws his attention. Sickening angst burns in his stomach at the thought of Danaisak coming back. He hears someone talking but he can't make out what they are saying. Is there more than one person or is he simply on the phone?
As they seem to come closer, the words become clear to him.

"There are cameras in the building. Maybe we could find security and ask them to check the footage?"

"And then what?"

"At least we'll know if he's still in the school or not."

That voice! It sends shivers down his spine, in the best way possible. He recognizes both of them. He balls his hand into a fist and bangs on the wood.

"P-Phayu!" He cries out desperately.

Prapai had a very good point of course. Phayu is glad that his friend seems to be able to think a bit more clearly, his mind not as clouded by worry like his and Sky's are. There are indeed cameras at school. If they could find out if someone had taken Rain out of the building or not then they would have a better idea where to search for him.
A sudden sound makes him stop abruptly.

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