Chapter 14: Threat? That's A Promise

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*Knock*Knock. Taking a deep breath. The nerves would not settle down. Opening the door letting to see a happy and smiling Xavier in front of her. "You look beautiful." His smile was just ear to ear like he won the lottery. Standing in front of him in a simple long black dress with a small slit up both sides. It was as if she was dressed to go on a job interview. She sure felt like it was. "Thank you. You look very handsome. Then again you always you do. I guess it just comes natural for some people." She teased him. "Well you of all people would know all about that wouldn't you?" Wiggling his eyebrows to her. Making her blush to him looking away from him quickly.

"Not that I wouldn't love to stand here and watch just how much more I can get you to blush, finding out just how far it can go. I think we will be late if we don't get going. Are you ready?" Calming her nerves down as she tried to play off his sexy voice doesn't get the way it does to her. She only nodded grabbing her cell phone wallet and locking her door. As she was putting the key in the little slot in her phone he caught her attention when he spoke. "Is that all you are bringing?" He was curious normally women carry a little clutch or purse for their wallet, makeup or whatever else they carry in them damn things.

"Yeah. How much do you think I need?" She chuckled to him as he opened the door and shut it for her. "It's just so small." "Well it carries my I.D, some money, my bank card and even a slot for a key. What else would I need to go to a dinner?" "Good point. It's very nifty. Do they carry like Uni-sex ones?" "Why you want one too?" She mocked him. "Yeah little bit. Its very practical. Maybe we can get those matching ones." They both laughed; however she had no idea how serious he was.

As he they pulled up to the valet and he opened gave the keys to him. One of the men already beat him to helping her out. The place was huge. Taking her by the hand he looked up smiling to her. He knew how much his parents were trying to help him impress her. Never once did he stop to think if maybe something was too much on her. He never thought anything could be too much, he wanted to give her the world. His world right on a plater. He saw the small look of concern she was failing to hide.

"You alright Ari?" He asked nervously worried she was falling ill. I didn't think we were going somewhere this fancy. I mean I'm so underdressed. The last time I saw the Dark Rose it was like a middle class place you know like a nice steak house. This is. This so different." She spoke softly. It was dawning on him how nervous and undervalued she was feeling. "Well my parents are very fond of you. They are also like to treat people the like to nice things. You don't have to worry. Looks, money, or status don't mean one little thing in my family. We couldn't care less about that."

"Yeah sure I can see that." She mocked using her hand to show him the building before them. "What about all the other big wigs, and partners you have to put up with. Is the media going to make a big deal on this? Would your investors be so thrilled to see you out with such a plain person? Would being caught out like this damage your image. You worked very hard to get where you are." Cutting her off before she could continue on.

"I don't have investors. I am the leading investor. I have partners on some projects and that is it. They won't care. I wouldn't give a flying fuck even if they did. People need me more then I need them. I don't care f the media sees me with you. You are what I want Arabella." Pushing a stray hair behind her ear. "I would love for the whole world to see me with you. I am not ashamed of this. I will never hide you. When you got something as beautiful and precious like a diamond you don't hide, you present it proudly. I mean there will be some issues for you when you finally go steady with me. The media may question you. Follow you but I will handle that. You have nothing ot worry about." Looking at her calm down a little bit he decided to dive into some questions.

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