Chapter 6: Letting Out, Letting Go

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The car ride was a comfortable silence as she went to a drive through to make sure Xavier ate. It's been far to long and he really needed to take a pain pill. As much as she needed him to stay on bed rest and take it easy for a few days. Her heart was beyond thankful he didn't listen and put a stop to a monster. Being one of the few people to actually believe her evidence and reports and was powerful enough to do something about it she was willing to buy him lunch or make it all year.

"Thank you Xav. Really thank you for everything you did today everything you made happen. Plus everything you stopped for possibly happening. I mean really God only knows just how horrible this could have really gone on. Like there's no telling what evils would have come from the repercussions of letting him just have free reign in that state. It's way too risky. That family always drove me nuts thinking they were so untouchable. You have no idea how much today really meant for me and so-so many others." She told him as she pulled into his drive and turned off the car.

Looking at her glistening eyes he knew how much she was holding back. He knew exactly what would have happened and his poor Ari had no clue just how right she really was. "This should have been handled immediately. I have no idea why they just couldn't call a meeting. I know I wasn't a main investor when that whack nut was hired but after I signed on board I should have been informed of those reports. I'm sorry it took me this long to see how twisted some of the things in that place really are. I really need to get a team in there and start interviewing and testing the staff. I can't let things like this go so easily without people facing consequences. This will never happening again. Nothing like this will ever happen again under my name. I promise you that."

Putting his hand on hers. "I want you to know you can always come to me with problems or concerns like this Ari. I will always hear you out. This was such a huge step for so many families today. Also a huge step in letting other people know that it doesn't matter how powerful your name or you think you are. You will always reap what you sow. No one should ever be above the law or what is morally right. Again I am just so sorry it took me so long to get this to happen. Now let's go inside and eat." Smiling to her she just nodded grabbing the bag of food and getting around to his door.

"You should really be bringing your cane or your crutch. It's too much too soon. You doing to much on this leg. I am going to check it when your done. I think it may need to stay on another week. Unless you stay off it." Helping him up the door as he unlock it. He couldn't help but groan at the thought. He was much more smirking to himself as a woman who was way to short to be helping a man of his size he towers over her yet she really holds her own. At the moment he was thankful for whatever extra help he received as the pain started to build up. Grabbing his pills off the counter, Ari had handed him a small cup of water with a small appreciative smile.

"What can I grab you to drink for your food?" "Whatever you get for yourself." "Alright, soda it is." Placing it down in front of him as she placed the huge sub sandwich in front of him hers was half the size. The bag of chips was next as she made sure to look to see if he was comfortable in the chair. Looking around she seemed to found herself with him once again in the theater room. The chairs were better for him to get in and out of and even better position for him to sleep. If this is where he felt comfortable she would make sure to make it feel as peaceful as she could.

"Witcher? Is that any good?" Xavier asked her. "You really don't watch too much T.V do you there bud?" "No I guess not but you know I got the time now. I mean I always see some trailers with the guys every now and then. I think hey I should try that. But you know how it is when time gets away from you and you lose your train of thought. I'm seeing all this healing time. More like a chance to finally slow down for a minute and just try to relax do a couple of things I always say I'm going to try to do." Xavier told taking a big bite.

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