Chapter 3: Dad's Words of Wisdom

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                                                ~No One's P.O.V.~

It was Sunday and Ari just got done doing a run through the woods by her house. Coming up to the door she was stopped by her dad who was sitting on her front porch swing. Crap. The meme of Ralph Wiggim from the Simpson popped in her head with the famous line of I'm in danger came rushing through her head. "Hey daddy." She said panting a little with a sweet smile. Only to be greeted with that look that told her it wasn't' going to work. No one beside Preston and Brently knew her like the back of their had like her dad. "How's it going? You hungry?" Coming up unlocking the door which he already had a key for which just went to show she was in real trouble now and wanted her to feel the fear of seeing him there in person. "I could go for a drink. Then you can tell me why you have been so quiet all week." He said with a kind strict voice.

Getting a soda for them both and sitting across her kitchen bar counter to look at him as he sat on the tall stool. "I'm not ignoring you dad, or mom. I've honestly been busy and tired with work. That run was the first time I had any minute to myself. I just need to think." She told him. "I understand that kiddo but you can't expect your mom and I to be ok with you not checking in after what happened last week. I don't know what we do if anything worse happened to you. You know your mama blamed herself for the whole damn thing like she struck the plane down herself." He said with a big chuckle.

"She blames herself you know. For the conversation you two had of her hurrying you home." He said with his head down in a raspy tone. "I told her it wasn't her fault and even then told her to leave you be. No one knows what you are going through other then you. We all need time to heal in our way. BUT when we call you pick up the damn phone! I watched you coming in this world bloody and screaming I have no problem letting you leave the same way." He joked to her making her laugh hard with some tears coming to her eyes. It was heartwarming hearing her dad use her mother's famous line.

"Well if it wasn't for my new friend you may have missed that oppurttunity last week." She told him sadly. "I know you told me what happened but why do I get a feeling you holding back from me baby girl? Something about you is different, off. Something off." Looking at her father. "You are just so good at that. How is it mom is the therapist?" Looking her in the eyes knowing he would never judge her. She's always been open with him like a friend to both her parents. "It's Xavier." "The 'new friend' from the plane. The one who saved you, after getting you on it in the first place." He asked using air quotes not asking but using his tone as a direct statement. "Yeah... See he woke a few days ago after everyone. You know, and he seemed to have some different opinions about us." She sad looking down. "What kind did he have?" He asked getting a little on guard. "He thought I was his wife." "I'm sorry he thought you were his what?"

"His wife. He woke up flipping out because he couldn't find me and was yelling at the staff trying to find me. He looked up to where I was and squeezed me into a hug like I would float away if he let go. He kept checking me over making sure I was alright he said he saw all these images and that we were married and all kinds of other things. It threw me off." "Well, ok. You know most people who have near death experiences come back from comas seeing and knowing all kinds of things. Maybe his brain just got some things crossed over. Is he alright?" "He's fine. We are still friends I will be helping him make full recovery. I think it would you know also help being around someone who just went through the same things I just did." "You sure you're ok with all of this kiddo? I mean what do his folks think with him thinking y'all together?" Her dad asked leaning back in his chair.

"Well at first I think his mom when she asked me about us was kind of hoping there some truth was in there. About his claims. His dad thinks I could be good for him. So on the parent front I think I got the approval. Got that going for me." Ari said sarcastically while holding thumbs held up and a big smile making her dad laugh. "That's good I guess. I mean that's a whole other world there with those kind of people though Ari." "What's that supposed to mean?"

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