Chapter 12: First Date... I'm Ready

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The next day Xavier was oddly at peace yet filled with excitement he spent most of the night trying to figure how he wanted to set everything up. He's seen it a few times already but he wanted to make sure she was comfortable as she was probably overthinking everything. He had every detailed nailed down to a T. His friends offering support all morning. Even Liam and Preston texted him with some helpful things. He really needed tonight to go well. After realizing he needed a little sleep so he wouldn't look like a zombie he was a little nervous as to how much more drained he could feel waking up from sleep as he was more worried about what he would possibly see.

Feeling sore as his quick session with Ari had come and gone. Getting some work done on his bed he was going through any and everything he could get done before the new week came. He was going through the work and surveillance on Donovan which was already starting to show some red flags. At least that would be one great down fall avoided. It was going to be weird. He was awaiting for the man to come in for his interview. Xavier was just wanting to make sure all his ducks were in a row. When he heard a knock on the door.

"Ah! Come in it's good to see you. Can I get you a drink?" Xavier asked the man about his age and just about his height. "No sir. Thank you." "Come right through here. Take a seat. I'm sorry to bring you all the way out here on such short notice and a weekend. Thank you for coming my time today is busy so I will make this quick though and let you get back to your weekend." "It's no trouble at all sir. I'm happy to help." "Alright well I think we should formally introduce ourselves. Xavier Holden." Xavier told him reaching over holding his hand out for both men to laugh. "Dylan Wells sir." While shaking his hand and letting go Xavier couldn't help himself with a chuckle.

"Please no formalities between us man. We going to be in a lot more contact with each other from here on out I would prefer you to call me Xavier or Xav. Dylan." "Alright. That wasn't cryptic or anything" Dylan laugh off. "Well Nix told me about checking through a certain employee. Was there any problems in my work or follow up sir... I mean Xavier. I'll get used to it sorry. Was there any questions about it?" Dylan asked him a little confused. "No actually I'm loving every little thing you got. I want you to keep it up. I also have another little job for you. I have asked for the best in security detail and you are what they gave me. I got to say looking over your Resume and credentials they are definitely not wrong." Dylan looked up at him confused.

"I want you to start looking over someone for me not everyday alright just sometimes through out the week. I just need to know she's alright and safe. Just you know a few days a week. Your choice. Unless you know she going somewhere questionable or working late. Please just watch over her and report back to me. Also need you to keep up on the original assignment you've been doing. It will come with a pay raise as this is kind of a promotion. Do you think you can do this for me?" Xavier asked him.

"You want me to stalk a woman sir?" "NO! No. No not stalk. We are not stalking we are just watching out." "No offense Xavier but you sound like you trying to keep tabs on a special lady friend? I'm just trying to make sure this aint something I'm going to get arrested for. She doesn't have like a restraining order or anything like that against you sir right?" "No it's nothing like that. Did Nix tell you anything special about me before you came in that door?" Dylan paused nervous about his answer but thought the truth would be the best way to go.

"He said you have premonitions about things and they come true." "Do you believe that?" "I don't joke around about superstitious things Xavier. I don't like to tempt fate. My grandma did all that voodoo, hoodoo things. I do not kid about psychics. Do you believe you are one Xavier?" Dylan asked him. "Did you do what Nix told you two nights before you came here?" "Yes I did." "So you went and picked random lotto numbers and not told him what they would be?" "Yes I did." "I don't want you to pull them out. Just watch it. Xavier went to the table and on the paper wrote down the nights lotto numbers and what the numbers were Dylan picked. Also what the whole weeks weather would be. Also how many people would be injured in a traffic accident happening right that moment.

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