Chapter 18: Cabin of Dreams

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Xavier woke up from a nice dreamless sleep. It did nothing but pist him off. He had so many questions he guessed he wasn't getting answered yet. Ryder, Jace, Dylan and Nix came into his home. Looking kind of serious. Holding some articles and a tablet. "What's with the sour faces?" Looking down to see a bunch of pictures with more articles of the media asking questions on how the Arabella Aldermen trapped or got her claws into a man like Xavier Holden. Some articles were supportive. Some were wondering what tricks she used to seduce him. Making him angry.

"Well now for the Brightside most of them are supportive. I'm sure if you just do a couple of interviews this will all get cleared up." Dylan told him with his hands up in surrender. "I already got an interview with a famous talk show host. I brought the articles that only spoke negatively about you guys to make sure you put them back in their place." Nix told him in tone that made him believe he was more then offended for everyone instead of Xavier. That was Phoenix though he was the one brother close to him who would always ride the emotions for or with you. Xavier looked around and gave a small smile he was proud of the love he had with his friends.

"I need to speak with Ari first. Make sure she is alright with all this." He held the phone in his hand staring at the send button his stuck over it. "Too scared to call. Still a little worked up over last night?" Ryder asked looking at his face for answers. "I just. I think I might have been a little weird and I don't want her to be like, you know suspicious just yet. There's so much I'm just not ready to tell her just yet. I know the longer this all goes out without telling her about everything the worse it'll be. But honestly I already told her the first day I woke up from the hospital." Putting his hands on his kitchen counter leaning down a bit with his phone in front of him.

"What if she thinks I'm a freak again or something. What if she bails because this is all too much." Nix cut him off. "First off bro she never thought you were a freak. She just had a freak out there is a difference. You just woke up and spilled some of her life story she never shared with you. A stranger she met not even three days before. She was entitled to be concerned. That didn't mean she didn't believe you. She only needed some space to digest that information. I mean hell who wouldn't. You aren't giving you guys enough credit. She may be perfectly fine with all this. I mean it's not like it's your fault this happening. I mean hell she is still around right?" The other guys murmuring in agreement.

"I was the one who got us on that plane that crashed and that's how it started." "Ya but you didn't crash the plane bro. Be easier on yourself no one could have saw that coming." Jace cut him off. "I'm starting to piece some things together now. I really do believe Brently always looking out. Most of the visions I saw impacted his friend group so much each time I got one. Mainly floating around Arabella. It feels like he is manipulating me a bit with my emotions because he knows how much seeing her in pain or like I did in those dream does to me. The hurt I feel straight through my soul. I was starting to think he was a guardian angel. Now I know he is. He's just hers. I don't know to be thankful, annoyed or mad. It's kind of like being lied to with no lies." Xavier tried to make sense of what he was saying.

"Hey, you know what in the end who really cares. He has been right about everything and helped so many people. According to his friends this is what he was doing before he even past on. The important thing is the end results, right? Everyone for the most part is safe and sound. No one got blown up. No unnecessary deaths. We are still handling some things one step at time. But isn't that the bigger picture man?" Dylan asked him looking around the room. "Yeah. Still though man. How do I tell the woman I love I see her dead best friend in my sleep. That he was the one giving me visions of all this. What if one day it stops. What if one day I can't help anymore. What if I get dragged out to try to explain everything. I'm just going to be like oh you know it's a Casper friendly ghost thing going on." Xavier asked them waving his hands up in self-mockery.

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