Chapter 2: Watch Me

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~No One's P.O.V.~

"I'm sorry I think I went into a mini stroke what did you just say?" Ari asked him looking at him in shock. "I said you're my wife. What's wrong with you babe? You feeling alright?" He asked her using his hand to hold her cheek and jaw to check her eyes in worry. She was still covered in cuts and bruises. "I think maybe you may have slammed your head a little harder than we thought. I think your concussion may be taking more of a toll on you then we think." Ari told him with a quizzical questioned eyes. "I'm not following you Ari." He asked confused. "Why don't we take this back into your room son and let the doctors check you over. Than we will figure this all out. Dr. umm." "Alderman. Sorry, ok yeah lets." Ari said using her hands for them to show her the way. As the doctor, a nurse, Xavier's parents, and himself she followed into a huge private room.

The doctor checked him over and ordered another CT for his head. "Alright now Mr. Holden what is the last thing you remember?" The doctor asked him. "First off who are you?" Xavier asked not liking the closeness between him and Ari the way they were huddled together. "I'm sorry I'm Preston Johnson I am your doctor. I'm also a good friend of Dr. Alderman if that helps you in any way." Preston asked him in hopes it would since he seemed to really be hung up on one of his best friends. "It doesn't actually but I trust Ari's judgement. I uh I remember a bunch of thing very quickly and it seems kind of a lot at the moment like things keep coming to me. The last things I remember is a picnic with my parents and Ari but then I keep getting the flashes of a plane crash we were in a while back." Xavier told them as they looked at each other oddly.

"Xavier I never met your parents. We've never had a picnic and the plane crash was literally two days ago. You've been in a little coma for two days while your head and body tries to heal. We met two days ago as well. Do you remember that?" Ari asked him calmly. "I remember bumping into you outside on the street in Bridge Creek. I remember being with you and getting us on the plane. Two days? That can't be right. That feels wrong. Are you sure?" Xavier asked her getting nervous. Looking at his parents who were only nodding in agreement. "What happened after the crash babe?" Xavier asked grabbing on to her hand. Taking a deep breath she decided to sit down on the side of his bed next to him to make him more comfortable. "You may want to sit down to Mr. and Mrs. Holden this may take a minute." They took a seat looking at her confused they haven't heard the story yet.

"Preston could please take you Annabeth and go do rounds or something?" Ari asked looking back at him. "You know where to find me if you need me. Any of you." Preston told them with a small smile. "Well we did meet outside on the street when I ruined my shirt after my coffee all over my shirt. It was my surprise when I was walking through the airport on the stand by list when you called out to me. You told me about the small little plane that would be coming later you helped me get the ticket but refused my money. So we got to know each other for three hours. Then again once we got on the flight back. Thirty minutes before we were supposed to land. We were looking out the window and then we noticed we were on the wrong side of town. Before we could even think about why the plane started to shake. We went down into the shallow parts of the ocean with all the sharp and big rocks above and below the water. There were metal rods randomly everywhere." Taking a deep breath.

"You unbuckled me and threw me on your lap and the whole side of the plane we were on my chair it was tore right off the plane. You got me just in time. Half the back of the plane got ripped out. Then on the right side the part with the door got ripped out too. We hit another bump and I flew across to the top of the plane along with about three other passengers. After that I crawled out and helped the one who slammed his head very hard off the plane or what was left of it. The elderly couple and the other man got to the shore before we did. You helped the last man of the trio to the shore and came to help me lift the last one. You were in bad shape the metal rod had already pierced through your leg and you've hit your head a few times." She told him squeezing his hand a little tighter as he memories were taking a toll on her as well the more she spoke the more he was seeing it sa it unfolded.

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