Chapter 9: Somethings Different

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After about thirty minutes and they had a little bit of a sweat going. Ari determined they had enough. "That was brutal. You sure you don't want a job in security because damn woman you got torture nailed to a perfect T." Xavier told her as he wiped his face with his shirt as they came down into the kitchen. Looking at the two pizzas that surprised her. "I had it delivered. Look I know you aint eating right today. No arguments. Just come grab us some drinks and come with me to the theater room. Please." Xavier asked her pleading with his eyes.

"Yeah alright." She sighed heavily grabbing two- two liters of drinks. "Really that easy? No fight tonight?" "No energy to fight with you tonight and this smells bomb as hell so lead the way." Smiling down to her he did as he was told. As they got comfortable he go the text confirming that Liam go the welder to come through. Everything was now set up. Smiling widely. "Everything ok?" She asked looking at him smiling to his phone. "Yeah. I just was really hoping to get this guy to come work for us under a new project were working on. My friend letting me know he's going to come through." Xavier told her happily.

"Really? You smile that big for a guy. Wow. I thought you was texting a girl. You know finally caving into one of the many from your fan club." She teased him. "Hell no. Them girls scare the crap out of me. Besides they aint real. They don't care for me. Not the real me. They couldn't keep me in line and call me out on my shit when I need them to. None of them sure as hell can grab my attention under all that pound of make-up that's for sure. Don't go putting that evil on me now. That's just mean even for you Ari." Xavier told her making her blush.

"So really. You wouldn't give not one of those woman a chance huh?" "What women? Where are you seeing these women?" He asked her looking around the room. "Oh come on Xav really? So all the girls giving you the side eye when we hanging out grabbing food. Or magically start missing a button on their top when you walk in the door. The baristas even when they write their numbers on both our cups for you to call them. Not one of them is worthy enough of your attention. I mean some of them could put super models to shame and you don't even give them a second look. It drives them nuts. You really going to act like you don't see them?" Ari asked him in disbelief.

"First off that barista is not only bisexual she is a swinger in a happily open relationship that was an invite for both of us not me. You should feel flattered she thought as a couple we were beautiful enough to get invited to a swinger party. So check that off the bucket list." Xavier told her making her laugh because Arabella honestly didn't know that. "Ok fine you got me on that." Ari told him making a big check sign in the air. "To answer your other question yes and no. I know they are there. I know they are dropping their dignity trying catch my eye. But no Ari they don't catch it not even a little bit. I don't see them. I can't see anything past them. I don't even care to. I don't care how beautiful they think they are. Or even how mad they get. It just goes right over me." Xavier told her as they finished their meals.

"Maybe you just haven't met the right one because your too busy looking away." Ari teased. "How about you? You don't give the men who look your way even half a glimpse to even know they exist around you Ari. Men willing to give their left nut just for you to smile at them." Xavier told her looking at her more deeply. "Men who would gladly stab me with their dates stiletto heels just to be standing in my spot next to you." "I think you need your meds because now you just getting delirious. Seeing things. How many fingers I got up man." Laughing at him.

"Naw gorgeous I'm serious. I really don't know how you think you can get away with it. As a man let me tell you it's never going to work." He said moving their trash out of the way. "What's not?" "Arabella you always try to be this simple woman hiding in the back ground like a wall flower no one is going to notice. It's never going to happen. Not with you. You are the most beautiful woman in the room. Every time. You bring a certain light and aura if you will in your presence. You would have to be numb of all senses to not notice you in a room. In a place filled with master pieces you would be the only one worth viewing. Taking the breath away from all those who surround it. Who crave to stand next to such beauty even just for a minute. That's why being a wall flower will never work for you." Xavier told her flatly still looking her in the eye.

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