20: Dating

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He told me to get up and change when we finished watching on Netflix. I asked, "Can I not go? I don't even know how to swim." Someone invited him to a pool party, and somehow he brainwashed me into agreeing to come with him. I don't even know why I said yes.

"Just because it's a pool party doesn't mean you have to swim." He said, and I gave him a strange look.

"Then why is the called a pool party if there's no swimming involved?" Isn't that the point of a pool party? It's why it's called a pool party.

"I know it's stupid. Just go get changed." he said.

"Fine. What do people wear at pool parties?" I asked him.

"Ummm, swimwear." He answered with a shrug, "Bikini? I guess. But you don't have to." he added. I got up and headed to my room to get ready. I check my closet to see what to put on. I do not want to wear a bikini. 

I slipped into a long-sleeve crop top and paired it with high-waisted shorts. This is okay, I suppose. Even though I won't swim, it kind of seems like it's designed for swimming. I see myself in the mirror, and I believe I look good. I'm genuinely proud of my buttocks. It makes me appear good wearing these shorts or any skinny jeans that I wear. Thank you Mom and Dad. 

I came out of my room and asked Beni, "Beni, do you have sunblock?" He looked at me, stood up, and crossed his hands.

He grinned and exclaimed, "Ay yay yay! Mami! Que buen culo!" I rolled my eyes at him. (What a very nice ass!)

I'm not sure what he's saying, but it's clear that he's staring at my butt. I asked him again, "Do you have sunblock? Quit staring at my ass." He laughed as he left for his room and returned moments later with a sunblock. I took it from him and put some on my neck and legs. I handed him the sunscreen and said, "Help me put some on my back and face.

He told me to turn around, and I did. I felt his hands rub the cream onto my back and neck area. He put some on my face after that. He changed into a sleeveless t-shirt and shorts. Of course, he didn't forget to wear his sunglasses and hat. 

We arrived at the party venue around 4 p.m., and there are a lot of people. Some are drinking, dancing, and just talking. I enjoyed the party we went to yesterday because I met a new friend, but that doesn't mean I would like to party every day.

Beni introduced me to some people. I don't recognize their faces. They spoke with me briefly after Beni introduced me before ignoring me once he left to talk with his other friends. I like the first party more. Not that I care about their opinions. I went to the snack bar and immediately began to eat. I'm hungry. Why the hell are people not eating these foods? Is it just for decorations?

Someone called out my name while I was shoving food into my mouth. I turned around, and it was Beni.

He told me, "My friend is interested in you and wants me to give him your phone number."

I asked, "Who?" He pointed at the guy in the corner, and the guy gave me a wink. Why doesn't he approach me and ask for my number directly if he is interested in me rather than asking my friend?

"Are you really friends with him? Are you two close?" I asked him.

"Yes. I've known him for years." He answered. 

"Be honest, is he someone who gets into serious relationships?" I asked him.

"No." He flat-out answered. 

"Then don't give him my number." I said before eating my grapes

"You don't like guys?" he asked. 

"Obviously, I like guys, and I'm open to dating, but," how should I say it? Should I be honest with him?

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