Artistic Life [10.13]

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What Jing Yang didn't say was that the reason he was able to remember every detail so vividly was because they were real events.

"However, if you wish to design a mermaid in general, the upper body should be female. Despite its wonderful beauty, why did you paint this mermaid with an upper body that looks like a man?" Cui Yan was puzzled.

"It isn't just a look-like. He was totally a man when he appeared in my dream." Jing Yang said, "Nobody says mermaids have to be female. Perhaps there are only male mermaids on other planets in other dimensions of the universe?"

"How do you breed offspring if there are only men?" Cui Yan thought Jing Yang's playfulness was amusing and cute.

"Because they are mermaids, even if they are only males, they can reproduce offspring." Jing Yang said solemnly.

Cui Yan looked at Jing Yang's face and thought he was so cute like this that he couldn't stop holding him tightly in his arms, kissing and touching him.


Su Mo just stayed at home nowadays, hiding in the house, watching the online reaction to Wu Xiuyuan's post. Even if Mu Jin had not been scolded as harshly as he is, he had expected another round of scolding on the Internet. Could it be that the netizens have suddenly transformed into the Virgin Mary and can tolerate everything mentioned in the post? However, the number of people scolding him on the Internet has not decreased at all!

The reaction to Wu Xiuyuan's post exposing Mu Jin's true face was not overwhelming. Part of the reason is that Cui Yan suppressed those third-stream media outlets that immediately fanned the flames when something happened without checking the facts. Instead of distorting public opinion with fanfare and cynicism, he let them repost the article in a slightly more interesting way.

Another factor is that netizens have been slapped far too often. In the absence of real evidence and no one purposefully inciting trouble, they have learned to wait patiently for the next development of events.

Wu Xiuyuan claimed that Mu Jin seduced him, but these were just his words, and the so-called evidence he presented was insufficient. Even if Mu Jin really did give him those items, they are all very common. People are completely incapable of making any other accusations.

Mu Jin's cards to him contained blessing words, which were common among friends. They were more like gestures of appreciation and gratitude from students to the teacher. And the number isn't large, as evidenced by the festivals mentioned in each card; he only sends them out on holidays.

They themselves also used to give their teachers small gifts during the holidays and write a blessing card to express their gratitude when they were students. Perhaps there is a deliberate flattery in it, but to call sending a small gift and writing a card "seducing the teacher"? Many netizens believe that Mu Jin is just too attractive, which gave Wu Xiuyuan his own illusion. After all, there are people in this world who will think you like them even if you just smile politely at them.

And Minshan College has already stated that it will investigate this matter and will reveal the truth once the investigation is completed, so netizens are not in a hurry to comment at this time; everyone is waiting for Minshan College to publish the investigation results before commenting.

Su Mo stared at the computer screen with red eyes; he hadn't slept much since Wu Xiuyuan published that article. But after a few days, he still hadn't gotten the desired outcome, and he couldn't even find a comment that scolded Mu Jin to make him satisfied.

Su Mo became increasingly enraged. He couldn't take the rage that was about to erupt in his heart any longer. He threw his mouse, stood up and kicked the table hard, then walked over to the bed and threw himself on the pillow.

How is this possible?! This should not be the case! Why did he get beaten up by rats after being exposed? Mu Jin was also exposed, but there was no impact at all? !

Su Mo bit the pillow and beat the bed to vent. He imagined himself punching and kicking Jing Yang. He had a strong desire to kill Jing Yang. This can't be left alone; no matter what method he employs, he can't make Mu Jin feel better! He must succeed in his revenge and subject him to the same agony as he is now!

Su Mo sat up abruptly after a few moments of venting. Wu Xiuyuan needed to keep doing this, he thought. He can no longer do anything on his own. The only thing he can do is threaten Wu Xiuyuan into doing it for him. He had to make Wu Xiuyuan's description of Mu Jin even more exaggerated. He'll make Wu Xiuyuan appear in front of the reporters this time. The effect is undeniably superior to simply publishing a post.

Wu Xiuyuan has recently been at home, and it hasn't been easy. His father scolded him, telling him that doing something so destructive and unprofitable was plain dumb. His father also said that even if the student named Mu Jin truly seduced him, if he feels that not publicizing the truth is insufficient to alleviate his unwillingness, then there must be actual evidence to indicate that he did it, rather than getting some evidence that isn't evidence at all.

Wu Xiuyuan was lost for words in the face of his father's reprimand. He wanted to show evidence that could be used to prove his point. Su Mo forced him to write those words, and after chasing Mu Jin for so long, Mu Jin kept a safe distance from him. He didn't make any more aggressive moves in any way, so he couldn't produce any actual evidence.

"Why are you calling me again? What else do you want me to do now that I've done what you said?" Wu Xiuyuan returned to his room and shut the door behind him. He is irritated whenever he sees Su Mo's name. When he sees Su Mo calling him again, no matter what the purpose of the call, he feels hatred and annoyed. And he already had a feeling that Su Mo's call this time would be nothing good. His tone was very bad after he picked up the phone.

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