Artistic Life [Arc 10.9]

Start from the beginning

"The little shrub in the photo was also a source of my inspiration. In that photo, my mother was hugging me, so I painted it, so it looked like it was kneeling in front of my mother, to show how thankful I was to my mother.

"For the above-mentioned evidence, we can also say it's just another coincidence. However, even the clothes my mother and I were wearing as well as the decorative designs on them are the same. I don't know if this could still be called a coincidence."

Su Mo sat in front of the television alone, watching the live broadcast. When the assistant took the photo out, alarm bells blared in his mind. His hands couldn't stop shaking as a bad premonition overwhelmed him.

He didn't think he would have such a photo. He had always believed there was nothing Mu Jin wouldn't tell him. If Mu Jin had brought this up as evidence before he submitted his piece for the exhibit, he could still say he was inspired after seeing that photograph. But now, he had already won and even told the press many times that his inspiration came from his grandmother. It was too late to take back his words.

He did it on purpose! He definitely did it on purpose! Su Mo glared at the TV furiously, wishing his glare could burn Mu Jin to death through the TV screen.

Su Mu hugged his head, thinking about what he would do later. What could he say to refute Jing Yang's words, what could he do to prove that he was inspired by the painting himself? If he couldn't come up with something, he would be finished, absolutely finished!

Jing Yang spoke, "If you guys think this picture and a few children's draws isn't enough to prove anything, then please listen to this second piece of evidence I have. "

After seeing the evidence, the reporters already believed in Jing Yang's words and were shocked at how Su Mo had shamelessly twisted the truth like that. They all wanted to rush back and criticize how Su Mo had plagerized Mu Jin, but upon hearing there was still more evidence, they immediately stopped and waited with rapt attention.

Jing Yang's assistant broadcasted an audio clip that recorded a conversation between Jing Yang and Su Mo.

"Mu Jin, where are you going?"

"There's only the two of us here now, so you can stop pretending now. Do you think we can continue living under the same roof now? How stupid do you think I am, thinking I would continue to live here so you can continue plagiarizing my work?"

"I wanted to apologize for copying your painting, but I really wanted to win this competition, so I did what I did. We've been friends for so many years- you should forgive me just this once. I swear I won't do it again."

In the clip, Su Mo personally admitted he had copied the painting. There was no way Su Mo could refute this piece of evidence.

Jing Yang took a document out of the assistant's hands and personally showed it to the reporters, "I got the clip appraised by a professional. This is the report. Not only does it prove the recording's real, but it also proves that the voices in this clip are Su Mo and I's."

He recorded it, he actually recorded it! Su Mo's face turned ashen as he stared at the screen with wide eyes. He was finished. This time, he was completely and utterly finished.

Su Mo fell in a daze as he hugged himself, thinking about what he would do after this. He trembled in fear, unable to control the tears rolling down his eyes. All the years he spent painting were useless. Now, he would never again be able to go along the road of painting. With such a big scandal made public, nobody would want to buy his paintings and he might also be expelled from school.

Su Mo shrunk himself on the sofa as he thought about his wretched future, not even noticing when the live broadcast had finished. His cell phone suddenly rang, waking him up. He jumped up from the sofa, looking at his phone in fear.

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