Chapter 15

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"One thing i know for sure is that Megatron was after this Talisman." I said and i pointed my arm.

"So the battle is upon us. It's why they're here, why they keep coming to Earth. And we must claim the staff before it is too late." Burton said and crossed his fingers. A smile appeared on my face. Another adventure and i thought these were over.

"Wait. We what?" Viviane asked again. 

"Saving the world of course." I said to her.

"Only a direct descendant of Merling himself can wield this instrument of absolute power. And you Miss Viviane, are Merlin's last descendant here on Earth, and as such, you are our last hope to help Y/n." Burton explained to Viviane.

"Okay, wait. Go back. You're saying that i'm related to the wizard Merlin?" Viviane wasn't sure if she heard right but then Cogman brought a book with him and slammed it in front of Viviane. Family tree...

"Oh. Oh." Viviane murmured.

"Bit of a shock, isn't it?" Burton asked.

"Only you know the staff's location, imparted to you by your father. He had to leave a clue, didn't he? " Burton asked from Viviane.

"Are you sure? She doesn't have that i know where the staff is look. " Cade said and looked at Viviane.

"Listen, the only thing that my father imparted to me was to get out of his study." Viviane spitted.

"Two worlds colliding, only one survives. Your words excatly. Only lecture time is over. You were born for this. This is the latest image of their world coming here." Burton showed pictured of Cybertron and my eyes went wide open. I took few steps past of Viviane and i grabbed the pictured from Burton. 

"Oh, no...  Okay, I needed to help the boys get back to this world right here and trust me that it's not gonna help if the world comes here." I said and i looked all of the pictured.

"So you'd better find that staff quickly. Now!" Burton continued my words.

"MI6 and TRF are here!" Cogman yelled to us.

"Move it! Go!" Burton yelled and we started to run out of the room and the little building. 

"Cogman, get me to London, okay?" Burton said to Cogman and i already knew what we needed to do.

"Bee is waitin' for us." I said to Cade and Viviane. 

"What r u doing?" Viviane asked from me.

"First we're gonna find the staff and then i hope i can do the rest of it." I murmured.

We ran out of the building and the MI6 and TRF cars were already in the yard. 

"Bumblebee!" I yelled to him while he climbed over the wall.

"I got them, boys." The old tank said but after that he stumbled on his feet and fell down. 

"Hurry, move! Quick, quick, quick!" Hot Rod told us and Bee transformed to his altmode. 

"Okay, Bee, let's get out of here." I said to him while i opened the driver's seat door. Cade opened the passanger's door and let Viviane go first in the back. 

"Get out of here! My weapon will stop the time!" Hot Rod said and then he took his gun out and shot the men. It really stopped the time and there was like a bubble dome around the MI6 and TRF men but they moved like in slowmo. 

"Bee..." I said raising my voice a little bit but right then Bee started his engines and started to drive away. 

"Fucking TRF... How did they knew we were here." I said and i focused on the driveway. 

"You know this TRF?" Viviane asked.

"Better than you think." I murmured.

"They're Y/n's former friends." Cade said.

"Thanks, Cade. But he's right. Most of the soldier from the army belongs to the TRF. About 6 years ago when TRF was invented they wanted me to join but of course i said no." I explained shortly before we entered in London. We saw the big ben and not long after that Bee stopped in front of a Viviane's house.

"Go behind the building and meet us there." I said to Bee. Bee left immediately after we stepped out. Viviane walked first and leaded us towards the house. Viviane opened the door and we stepped in.

"Mom?" Viviane called and i turned to look at Cade. 

"Cade, jacket?" I asked quickly.

"Why?" He asked.

"Not everybody are used to this?" I said about my arms. The realisation hit Cade and he took his jacket off and gave it to me. If there are older ladies, they will be asking. We followed Viviane to the main room.

"Everybody, this is Y/n and this is Cade. This is my family." Viviane introduced us and i tried to smile to them.

"Hello!" They all greeted but i think their eyes were only on Cade.

"Cade. Hello, i'm Marie." She smiled and shook hands with him. 

"Don't touch him. Um, i'm gonna go and get changed." Viviane sounded nervous. 

"Y/n, nice to meet you too." I think Viviane's mom greeted and wanted to shake hands with me. I didn't want to be rude so i shook hands with her.

"Oh, are you okay, darling?" Her mom said and examined my hand.

"I'm fine. It's just i'm ill but it's not contagious. I was born with it." I smiled and i left go of her hand. 

"Guys." Viviane called us and i turned quickly to look at her. 

"It was nice to see you all." I said to Viviane's mom and her friends. After that i walked towards Viviane and i was happy her to interupting us.

"Okay, MI6 and TRF are gonna be here anytime soon so we need to hurry." I said to Viviane while i walked up the stairs. 

"My dad had a lot of stuff." Viviane warned us.

"So, finding the staff's location... What does that mean? We're looking for, like, what? Like, a map, or a letter, or books, or..." Cade tried to guess 'cause even i didn't have an idea what we were looking for. But when Viviane opened the door i felt already failing.

"Holy shit! It'll take a year to find something in here. " Cade raised his voice.

"I don't know where to find this bloody staff." Viviane started

"Well, better start searching if you don't wanna end up dead and before the other planet is gonna hit ours." I said. 

"Look at this little fake horse. Probably stuffed in its butt or something. Guys do stupid stuff like that." Cade said and held this little horse in his arms.

"Then break it! There could be something inside." I told him and then Cade just threw the horse down. I looked around and i went next to the shelves. I started to pull the books down if there could be anything. Cade and Viviane were throwing things around. 

"You checking behind pictures?" Viviane asked. 

"Just rip it. Rip it apart!" Cade said to her. 

"Let's make this quick." Cade said.

"Try harder!" I yelled because we didn't have any clues.

"Oh, my God. Such a hoarder." Viviane cursed and we kept throwing the things down. Viviane went to the other shelf and pulled all the books down.

"Slow down." Cade told her.

"No, don't slow down!" I said back because we didn't have time to slow down. 

We haven't fine anything! NOTHING! Viviane went to sit on the chair in front of the table and i was staring at her. 

"If we don't find something it's all over." I said to her. 

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