Chapter 1

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"So are you coming or not?" I asked from Cade and i was pissed out.

"Yeah, i will drive." Cade said and walked next to the driver's door.

It was very early and sun hasn't rised fully yet. We were driving towards the "Danger zone" where nobody could go. Today Hound noticed a message or could you say some kind of signal that thr Transformers was coming towards Earth.

"Do you know where it is?" Cade asked.

"No really but i'm sure we'll find him." I said next to Cade.

I had a plan in my mind and how we should do this. There could be everything and in worst case TRF would come there to see what's the deal.

"Bee and Hound, we're going in." I said to them and they answered back to me. The sun was already up and we stopped the car for a while.

"So my plan is that me and you are going around this and Bee will go the other way so i'm pretty sure we'll... find him." I stopped.

"You hear that?" I asked from Cade.

"Yeah." He murmured back to me.

"Are you kidding? There shouldn't be anything at this time..." I groaned. Cade started the engine and we started to drive towards the noises.

"Go!" I yelled to Cade and he turned to right and there was kids.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked firstly from the kids who were hiding but then i sighed.

"Hop in the car..." I murmured to them and i took a grenade from the back of our car. I threw it towards to this TRF robot who was walking towards us but it didn't stop the robot.

"Lucky bastards..." I muttered and i started to shoot the robot.

"Bumblebee!" I yelled and he drove through the building's wall and destroyed the TRF robot.

"I'm tired of people messing with me." Bee said.

"Yeah, me too." I murmured and i turned to look at Cade but he was talking to this one girl who was crying on the ground.

"It's over." Cade said to her.

"No! I can fix him." She cried.

"Nobody can fix him, he's dead." Cade said and grabbed from her arm.

"Cade, we don't have time." I said and i knew the TRF was on their way.

"Hey, look at me. Would he want you to die, too? Let's go, now." Cade said and didn't leave the girl there. The kids were on the back of our car and Cade started to drive out of the Zone.

"Come on! Come on!" The kids yelled.

Cade drove closer to this fence where the kids passed through.

"Hurry up, kids! You don't have time." I said to them and waited them to jump out from the car.

"What? Hey, you're the girl!" This one boy said.

"This girl is about to leave and you're supposed to leave too." I said to them.

"The one who saves Transformers. I thought you were just a legend." The boy said.

Cade was waiting in the car and i walked towards the fence with the kids.

"Mhh-hm." I hummed.

"Some legend. You were too late!" The girl was giving an attitude.

"Kids, your turn. Go." I said and pointed the fence.

"Hey, you know there's a reward for turning you in." The boy sounded happy.

"Is that so?" I smiled back.

"Yeah." He agreed.

"You know that i will come at night and suffocate you when you're sleeping. You want that?" I asked from him.

"No." He said back.

"Then could you please go? And don't come back.." I said to him and he went straightly to other side of the fence and his friends followed him.

"See ya around, legend." This girl said to me.

"Hope not." I murmured back and i started to walk back to the car.

"Did you see him?" I asked from Cade.

"I did." Cade said to me.

"Good... I'll go see him and you're going with Bee." I murmured.

"What?" Cade asked.

"Listen, the TRF are on their way here and most likely they're after me than you so if anything happens, you can just give some back fire." I said.

"Are you sure?" Cade asked.

"100% and it's not taking long." I smiled.

"Then, let's do this." Cade said to me.

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