Chapter 20

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I keep jogging in front of Lennox and i know he's staring at me. I feel the whole ship moving under our feet and i can only think about Prime. Suddenly the water is draining inside of the ship. The water's pressure made me lose my balance while the whole ship is changing it direction. Lennox grabs from the liana and quickly grabs from my arm. I automatically held from his arm and i'm trying to grab from the liana.

"We need to get to the top." Lennox stared at me and his eyes tells me everything. He never was the bad guy here. I know he didn't want to do this. In answer i nod to him and i start to climb up. While we're climbing up i need to open my mouth.

"You need to apologize!" I yelled to him so he could hear my voice through the noises.

"What?" Lennox yells back.

"Apologize!!" I yelled.

"Right now?" Lennox asks.

"Yes!" I raise my voice.

"I'm sorry! You know i didn't want to do it! I tried to change it but they didn't listen to me." Lennox apologized while we finally entered on the entrance and on top of the ship.

"You got to be fucking kidding me?" I said while i stood up and i looked around. Lennox stood next to me and he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"There!" Lennox said and pointed the way where Optimus and Bee were.

"Let's go." I said and i started running.

The running was hard and sometimes almost impossible 'cause all the waves and the ships movement. Gotta say i've never ran on top of the ocean.

"Y/n, watch out!" Lennox yelled to me while there was a huge wave coming towards us. I quickly started to back off but we were too slow when the wave pushed us down and under the water. I tried to get my lungs full of air when we went under the water. The noises sounded two times louder and i felt like the whole ship was gonna crush me.

I started swimming towards the surface and i felt huge relief to breath again. I was scanning around and i didn't see Lennox anywhere.

"Lennox! Lennox, where are you?" I tried to yell and still i didn't see him anywhere.

"Shit... Lennox!" I yelled.

"Here... I'm here." I heard behind me and i turned around. He was there and alive.

"Don't do that again!" I said and i started to climb out of the water.

I wanted to run as fast as i could. My legs weren't burning like they would do 10 years ago. I feel lot stronger and i feel like i can run longer. There they were. Right in front of me.

"Don't go there!" Lennox yelled to me 'cause i was running right towards Optimus and Bee. Those two were fighting and Bee kicked Optimus so that he fell down on his back. He was laying there and i took the opportunity and try to fix things. I ran next to him and started to climb up. Optimus was groaning but i just wanted to have eyecontact with him.

"Optimus! It's me! You gotta stop this!" I raised my voice and i tried to get eyecontact with him. He tried to look at Bee who was behind me and Optimus loaded his gun and shoot towards Bee but he dodged it.

"Stop it! Please, look at me! Optimus what happened to you?" I tried to reach for his face but then Bee jumped up and tried to punch Optimus. I moved my body and dodged it while Optimus grabbed from Bee's hammer and held him still so he could shoot Bee. I was still on top of Optimus and i was starting to feel anger because he was not listening.

"God damnit, what is with you?!" I yelled to Optimus but there was a huge wave again which hit on us and i fell down. Firstly i hit the wall but i straightly got up when i noticed that the whole ship started to move again but this time it was going up to the sky. I began to slide down to the middle of the ship and i tried to stop myself. Bee was right there and i was about to hit him.

The Last Knight || Optimus PrimeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz