Chapter 8

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Bee, Cross and Cade were behinds us and i knew this wasn't done but i could sigh from relief.

"Tactical positions." Cade said through the radio phone.

"Get them safe." I answered to him.

"I'm on it." Cade said.

The Autobots drove to the intersection and i opened the door quickly and stepped out so Drift transformed right after that.

"Decepticons are coming." Drift said.

"All right. We all know our hiding places." Crosshairs said but then Drift swinged his sword close to Bee and there was something.

"What's this? The tracker brought them right to us. When are you going to grow up?" Crosshairs pushed Bee.

"Dang it." Bee murmured.

"Boys, don't be machismo." I pointed at them.

"Any?" Crosshairs asked.

"Maybe a little bit but not too much." I smiled slightly and i started to run towards Cade.

"Cade, did you see Grimlock!" I yelled to him.

"He went to his place." Cade said and entered inside the building.

"With Slug?" I asked.

"Yeah." Cade said.

"They all better be damn alive when we meet." I murmured and i looked at Izabella.

"I'd like to at least keep my blaster." Jimmy said.

"Not today. We're sticking to the plan. The Whole town is wired and rigged." Cade said.

"Nah this is getting serious so we can't fuck this up." I said.

"Kid, you're gonna sit down and stay there." I said and pointed the couch.

"You ready?" Cade asked.

"Better be." I murmured and followed him outside.

"Get the other pack." Cade said and we brought the wires closer from the bombed area.

"Here they come." Cade said and leaned towards the building. I was on the other side of the road watching the Decepticons approach us. I took a deep breath and prepared myself.

"Boys, get ready." I said to the radiophone.

"Y/n, mind if i bail?" Wheelie asked and he sounded scared.

"Yes, stay there and you'll be fine." I whispered to him.

"Aw, yeah, Decepticons is in the streets." Mohawk said and transformed with the others.

"Oh, i feel a fight coming."

"I'ma kill ya'll right now."

Megatron was behind them but coming closer all the time. "Search this town." He ordered and looked around. "She's here." Megatron said.

"I'm letting ya'll know what we came to do." Mohawk but then there was a loud thud and metal plate fell down. It was Sqweeks hiding there.

"Get over here!" Megatron raised his voice.

"Look at that little blue beetle-looking mofo." Mohawk said and Sqweeks was right in front of Megatron until he lifted Sqweeks up.

"He's gonna ruin our plan!" I whispered loudly.

"Look at this little ugly dude." Nitro Zeus said.

"You're awash in their repulsive scent. Disgusting." Megatron hissed.

"Hey!" I heard behind and it was Izabella running.

"Bee, stop her." I heard Crosshairs on the radiophone.

"Put him down!" Izabella ran towards Megatron.

"Fucking kid." I groaned.

"Here she go. Look at her, walking all steong with pigtails." Mohawk said.

"Go to hell!" Izabella spitted back.

"This poanet is hell. " Megatron said and then i felt something nasty in my arm. I groaned little bit.

"Ooh, what's that on your arm?" Wheelie panicked.

"Shit." I murmured and it felt awful.

"Put him down! You think i'm afraid of you, cabron?" I heard Izabella's voice on the background.

"Get your ass back here!" I screamed to her.

"Y/n! You have something i want!" Megatron said and noticed me.

"Cade!" I yelled and he shoot Megatron and after that we pressed the buttons and the bombs exploded.

"Now!" I yelled loudly to the Autobots and i ran to grab Izabella.

"What the fuck were you doing?! I told you to do what i say! We're not doing any FBI shit! What the hell were you thinking to start showing an attitude and screaming at a Decepticons! I should've leave you there!" I yelled and i was pissed off.

"It's Barricade!" I yelled and he drove in front of us.

"Run!" Cade yelled and we started to run to the other way. Megatron started to shoot out way and Izabella was screaming.

"Stop screaming!" I yelled and we were running towards the road. I saw Grimlock running towards us and he jumped over us and attacked on Nitro Zeus.

"Good boy, Grimlock!" I yelled and we started to run the other way and away from them.

"Decepticons, retreat!" I heard Megatron order.

"That plan went to shit." Jimmy said and ran towards us. We were hiding at gas station.

"What did you think?! I know you're a kid but i could kill you right now. Do you know who that was?!" I asked.

"No." Izabella felt embarrased.

"Of course not..." I murmured.

"That's the only plan we have?" Jimmy asked.

"Yeah..." I murmured.

"Get down." Cade whispered and i automatically lowered myself. There was bunch of drones flying towards the town.

"What are those?" Jimmy asked.

"TRF." Cade answered.

"They know we're here." I whispered.

"We gotta get inside. Come on. Run." Cade said and we started to run towards the closest building in front of us.

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