Chapter 7

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It was morning and the night went fast. I'm not saying that i slept any better than any other night but atleast i didn't feel tired. We were awake with Cade and the Autobots but i didn't know where the kid was.

"You know what i really miss." I asked from Cade.

"What?" I asked.

"Coffee." I murmured.

"You can get it from store." Cade said and pointed outside.

"Well it's easier said than done." I smiled.

"But seriously? All of the things you miss coffee?" Cade asked.

"Well, of course there are other things but if i would even try i would end up dead so..." I said and i leaned towards the table.

"Rise and shine. Top of the morning!" Crosshairs said and walked towards us.

"I really hope today is a good day." I said to Cade.

"Another glorious, boring day." Crosshairs announced.

"Better be boring than deadly." I said back.

"Okay, now i'll go check that voice box for Bee." I grabbed the voice box and i walked to another side of the building.

"Bee, let's do this." I smiled to him and he responded happily to me. I climbed the ladders up and Bee went to lay on the "counter."

"Let's do this." I said to him.

"Just do whatever you want." Bee whirred to me.

"Oh, i will. Flick me if it hurts." I laughed a little bit.

"Hey, Z, come on over here!" Cade yelled to her.

"She can watch." I murmured.

"C'mon. Let her start." Cade said.

"Okay." I murmured.

"Hurry up, kiddo." I yelled to her. Izabella was running towards us.

"Doc, come in, Doc." Bee called Izabella.

"Can i do it?" Izabella asked.

"Yeah but if you fuck up i will finish it." I smiled and i handed the voice box to her.

Izabella grabbed few tools and started to work.

"When you've opened it and disconnected the wires you need the unscrew the third one on your left." I explained quickly and she was focused.

"Izabella, your left..." I said 'cause she was doing her right one.

"I know what i'm doing. Don't rush me." Izabella said.

"Fix your attitude first and then the robot. It's not that hard but you're focusing too much on it. You need to be quick 'cause it's not comfortable to him. Do you like going in the Dentist? Nobody likes the dentist." I said and i lifted the old voice box out.

"Hound said you worked in the military. With those who are now in TRF." Izabella suddenly said.

"Well, he's Hound and he says things." I murmured.

"But it's true right? You're a soldier and that's why they know you. They're after you, right. And except you have dogtag..." Izabella continued.

"Major not soldier... Yeah they're after me 'cause i defenced them and i'm at their side. Imagine living with 30 big brothers in the same building." I said and checked the new voice box.

"But would you go back? What would you say to them?" Izabella asked.

"Maybe. It depends what they would say to me but does i need to tell them anything? Sorry for chosing my family and friends over you." I said and i placed the new voice box.

"She gives the orders and they do what she tells them. They don't know what to do and are stupid. Real dickheads." Wheelie commented.

"Right?" I scoffed.

"Really?" Izabella asked.

"Uhh, listen there are some very important people to me and i loved him, like a bestfriend or brother. Of course i would say a lot of things but it's just what he didn't do and of course it's not his fault." I murmured.

"I think he still cares about you even though you're a traitor." Izabella joked.

"Yeah, i know." I smiled back and i cleaned my hands.

"Okay, i'm ready, Bee." I said and i placed my hands on my waist.

"Done." Izabella said too.

"Bee, sit up and start singing." I joked and Bee pushed himself to sit down. I jumped down and i was infront of him.

"You're real voice. I've been waiting for this." I smiled.

"This is so exciting." Bee said but there was one problem. It was a female voice.

"Oh, no. This isn't my damn voice." Bee said and hit the ground.

"You motherfu-... Next time i see that Autobot i will kick his ass." I pinched my temples.

"This is such bullshit." Bee said

"I know, i know but we will get your own voice back." I said.

"Daytrader is a punk-ass bitch." Bee said and ripped his voice box off.

"You said it." I smilef softly but then my smile faded

"Y/n... It's the code. Somebody is coming." Sherman said through the radio.

"What? Oh, no, no, no, no..." I said and i tan outside.

"Everybody get your stuff and prepare to leave! They're coming!" I yelled and it was chaos.

"Shit... Cade!" I yelled and i ran to press the button. I went grab my backpack and my pictures. I can't leave the pictures.

"Minute to evac! Hurry up!" I yelled.

"Get as many guns you can take!" I yelled and i went to grab some.

"Hey, those are the Feds. I know the government when i see the government." Jimmy rand behind us.

"Shut up and move!" I raised my voice.

"I'm not going to jail. I can't go to jail, man." Jimmy said and Cade stared at him.

"Hey! This is the real world. Okay? Lets go!" Cade said harshly.

"Fucking Lennox..." I murmured and i knew he was part of this. I ran to the front yard and i saw the Autobots transform.

"Hound!" I yelled.

"Give me this one. You definitely gimme this one. This will mess somebody up good." Hound said and grabbed guns from the ground.

"It's all yours but without you dying." I murmured and i ran towards the Autobots.

"Roll out of here. I'm tonna buy you some time." Hound said.

"Be smart but you better follow us! I will kill you if you die." I yelled to him and i opened Drift's door.

"Wait! Wait!" Izabella yelled.

"I was born a hero." Hound said.

"You're not leaving me! You leave me, they take Sqweeks." Izabella yelled.

"Leave Sqweeks! He's a survivor!" Jimmy yelled.

"Cadeee!" I yelled and i was getting nervous.

"Go, Y/n! We'll follow you." Cade yelled and i nodded and i closed Drift's door.

"Okay, leave out of this place." I said to Drift and he started to drive away.

"And i said this was gonna be a good day." I murmured.

"Not everyday is a good day." Drift said to me.

"I don't even remember when i've had a good day." I said back to him.

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