Chapter 10

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"Keep running." I said to Izabella and Jimmy while i pointed at Cade so they would follow him. We ran from the alley back to the main road and we ran across the yard towards this hotel.

"Where are you going!" I yelled to Cade and wondering why would we go to the hotel when we could find the Autobots and leave from this town. 

"There's always one in charge!" Izabella yelled while we ran on the hallway and there was random lonely man mopping the floor. 

"Obviously. We need to find the big one and if we do that, we can take them all out." I answered. We turned to right towards the elevators and i started to push the button as fast as i could like the elevator would come down faster.

"Hurry, hurry, they're coming." Jimmy said and stared the hallway.

"Like i could make the elevator to come down faster! It's a metallic machine!" I said and i waited the doors open.

"So are you." Jimmy said which made me raise my eyebrow. He was right though.

"Yeah but i have a soul." I murmured.

The elevator blinged and the doors opened. We all automatically ran inside. 

"Holy crap!" I almost yelled and i felt my soul leave from my body.

"Oh, my God! A leprechaun." Jimmy got scared too.  

"who the hell are you?" Cade asked and there was standing a smaller human sized transformed in the corner of the elevator. 

"Leprechauns are tiny, green and Irish, and that is offensive." He started and pointed at Jimmy. I smirked a little bit and i already liked this one. Cade pushed Izabella away and she kept staring at him. 

"What are you looking at, little girl?" He asked from Izabella. 

"What are you looking at?" Cade spit back and the elevater started to move. 

"Cade..." I murmured and he just shrugged to me.

"Hello. Master Y/n, i have been sent to collect you." He started and stared at me.

"Collect? What am i? Collector's item?" I asked. 

"You heard me right." He repeated.

"Oh, you're not collecting shit." Cade stepped in front of me and tried to grab from this transformer but he dodged Cade and started to swing and punched Cade.

"Stop! Both of you." I said and i stepped between them.

"So, you want to play rough." He was swinging fists to Cade. 

"What is wrong with you two." I asked and i pushed Cade away from this bot.

The elevator doors opened again and this little transformer took a few steps back. I looked towards the doors and there was a drone.

"Move." I raised my voice to the others until the drone pushed me through the window. I felt the sharp glass on my skin and the awful feeling from falling down. Knowing that i don't have anyone with me in secure. I miss the feeling about cold servo around me body pulling me closer to the chest plate and how the warmth is coming under the plates. 

"Y/n!" I heard someone yell my name and when i look up i see how Cade tried to grab me but it was too late. I wake up back to the reality and i grab from the drone so that i don't fall to the ground. 

"Hold on!" They keep yelling at me. I keep my grip on the drone i'm looking down. I feel how we crash towards the building's wall and i groan a little bit.

"Hang on there!" I heard Cade's voice. 


"Is she still alive?" Jimmy asked from Izabella and Cade. 

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