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Adam and Blaine were watching tv downstairs when Adam says they should get ready for the day. Blaine woke up before Adam, and when Adam woke up he found Blaine on the couch. They watched cartoons for about 30 minutes then they got up to get ready. As Blaine was running up the stairs and tripped. Adam picked him up as he began to cry with no tears.

"Shh it's okay. It's over now what did you hurt?" Adam asks in a comforting voice. Blaine points to his knee while hiding his face in Adam's neck. Adam looks over his knee and doesn't see any mark, but he continues to hold him as they enter Blaine's room. Adam sets Blaine, who has stopped crying, down to pick out his clothes. Blaine's little age is 4-6 so he is for the most part independent. He picks a dinosaur shirt and some khaki shorts. He gets dressed with a little help from his caregiver. They go downstairs and Blaine asks for a marshmallow.

"Can I have a marshmallow please?"

"Not right now maybe later it's too early now."




"Do not raise your voice at me I said maybe later. You know better so your not getting one today." Adam firmly says. Blaine pouts and but looks sorry.

"I'm sorry for yelling." Blaine says apologetically.

"You are forgiven I have some work to do but my office will be open so I can hear you okay? So do you want to watch tv or play with toys?"

"I want to watch Curious George!" Blaine shouts. Adam nods and takes him to the living room to turn on Curious George. Adam goes to office to work on some last minute work errands and leaves his door open as promised. Blaine gets bored after watching Curious George for a little bit so he jumps on the couch. Soon he falls and hits his head on the coffee table. He begins to loudly wail which makes Adam run in the living room. Adams scoops Blaine up and begins to rock him. He continues to uncontrollably sob.

"Where are you hurt at baby?" Adam asks but only gets loud sobs as a response. Adam decides to just bounce and hold Blaine until he calms down on his own terms since it seems he can't calm him. Blaine doesn't calm down until almost 30 minutes pass. Once he calms down he just stays snuggled in daddy's arms.

"Want to tell me what's wrong now baby boy?" Adams says running his hand up and down Blaine's back.

"I j-jumping then fall." Adam is a little taken aback of Blaine's higher pitch in voice and younger vocabulary.

"Honey how old are you?" Adams asks realizing that he probably slipped into a younger age. Blaine looks at his fingers for a second and then he holds up two. Adam thinks that he may have been slipping throughout the day which is why he yelled about the marshmallow. Adams thoughts are interrupted by Blaine's whines. He begins to rub his eyes with both of his fists.

"Are you tired baby?" Blaine just continues to whine. Adams takes him up to his bed but Blaine refuses to let go.

"Do you want to sleep in my bed?" Blaine sleepily whines so Adam takes him to his room. He lays him down on the bed and joins him shortly after. He figures that he has no chance of leaving him by himself so he settles on taking a nap with him. They sleep and for the rest of the day Adam gets to be with a happy and content baby Blaine.

Hello everyone thank you for stopping by and reading! I'm not to sure about this chapter so hopefully a better one next week! Anyway hope you enjoyed!<3

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