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Graham is running around playing with his toys while Xavier is cleaning up the kitchen.  Tonight is Graham is super hyper because tomorrow is his first day in preschool and he is estatic. He thrives on social interaction especially with littles his own age. Xavier told his this morning and he has been talking about it non stop all day. Xavier finishes up the kitchen and starts their bedtime routine.

"Come on Graham you need to take a bath."

"Nu daddy I pway more." Graham protests.

"Okay 5 more minutes then your gonna clean up okay?" Xavier compromises. Graham nods his head in understanding and continues to run around. Soon 5 minutes pass and Xavier goes to tell Graham.

"Your 5 minutes are over. Start picking up your toys."

"Nu can I pwease pway longer."

"No I said 5 minutes. I know you're excited for school tomorrow so you need to get ready for bed."


"No and I'm not asking you again. When I get back in here you better have cleaned up those toys." Xavier goes to the bathroom to get Graham's bath ready. He picks out his clothes and lays them on the bed then he puts his soaps and toys in the bath.

Graham cleans up his toys not wanting a punishment. He almost has them all put away and puts some aside that he wants to bring in the bath with him. Xavier has the bath ready and goes back downstairs to get Graham and check his work.

"Good job now puts those last couple of toys away so you can get in the tub."

"I bwing in baf?"

"No those have batteries and if they get in the water they'll break."

"I wan dem!" Graham stomps his foot.

"Graham I told you why you can't bring them so put them away before I take away all of your toys." Graham's lip starts to quiver and he throws down his toys and begins to cry and have a tantrum. Xavier sighs and picks Graham up. He begins to kick and scream at Xavier. He understands that he is excited for preschool but it's no excuse to act out.

"Your better stop before I give you a spanking." Graham has only been spanked 2 times but he didn't like it either time. He stops kicking and cries on Xavier's shoulder in defeat. Xavier takes him to the bedroom and sits with him on the bed.  He shushes and rocks him until he stops crying. Xavier wonders if preschool isn't the right choice at the moment.

"What's wrong baby? Do you not want to go to preschool because you could always go later."

"I wan go to pwesool."

"Then what's wrong? Are you scared to go to preschool?" Graham nods.

"I wan go pwesool but I scawed you weave." Graham explains.

"Darling, you are gonna make so many friends and I'll be back to get you at the end of the day. I promise." Xavier assures and kisses Graham's forehead. Once they finish their hugs and kisses Xavier drains and refills the bath tub and they both get in together. They end their night cuddling and exchanging 'I love yous'.

Hope you loved that chapter! I have good news and bad news. The bad news is I will be stopping this book for the moment. I am not sure when I will continue posting on it. The good news is that I am working on a new book! It will also be ddlb themed and the chapters will be posted on Saturday instead of this book. I love you all so much and I can't express how much I seriously appreciate all the support on this book! I hope you all with stayed tuned for the next 'chapter' in my journey as a writer! Much love take care!<3<3<3

DD/LB OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora