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Jacob is laying is when he feels someone jump on him. He groans and looks down to see his little, Ryder. He has a playdate today with his friend, Colton. Jacob looks over to the clock to see it's only 6:00. He can't help but chuckle when he looks to see Ryder with a big goofy smile on his face.

"Good mornin daddy. Wake up Colty is coming today."

"I know but it is only 6:00 a.m. and Colton isn't coming until 1:00." Ryder pouts and Jacob grabs him and kisses all over his face to make his start laughing. They cuddle but after 15 minutes Ryder is bored.

"Daddy Im bored." Jacob fakes an offened gasp and pretends to cry. Ryder starts to giggle and pretends to console his crying daddy.

"Silly daddy. Can we watch a movie?"

"Sure what movie." Jacob asks already knowing the answer.


Jacob turns on Spiderman and Ryder focuses on nothing but the tv. Once the movie is over it is 8:30 and they go downstairs to eat breafast before a bath. Jacob has cereal and coffee while Ryder has waffles and juice. Once they finish Ryder takes a bath without a fight, which surprises Jacob, and they both get dried off.

"Daddy I wear my new spiderman shirt?" Ryder asks with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course you can baby." They get dressed and go to living room  there is still 2 and a half hours left until Colton and Paul come. Jacob looks over at Ryder who is yawning and trying to stay awake.

"Ry how about we take a nap before Colton gets here."


"Come on we can lay down in my bed and I'll take a nap too."

"Fine." Ryder pouted as they went up to the bed. Jacob just laughed at him because he knew he would be out in a couple of minutes. They cuddled and Ryder asked to watch spiderman so Jacob put it on but turned down the volume. After turning it on Ryder was out within 5 minutes and Jacob fell asleep soon after. After 2 hours Jacob woke up to a text from Paul saying they're close by. Jacob sends a text back and gets up to wait for them. He decides to let Ryder sleep so he isn't cranky from being woken up. He hears a knock on the door and gets up to open it.

"Hey Paul how have you been?" Jacob says as he and Paul hug.

"Good. You?"

"Yeah great and hello Colton how are you?" Jacob says looking down at Colton.

"I good where's RyRy?"

"He's napping right now but he'll be up soon. I see you brought some toys so why don't you play in the living room while we wait on RyRy so me and your daddy can catch up is that okay?" Colton nods and they all go to the living room. Paul and Jacob start talking when they here foot steps come into the living room.

"Daddy where yo- COLTY!"

"RYRY!" Both boys scream and run towards each other. Paul and Jacob both laugh.

"Come Colty and I show you my spiderman toys!"

"Okay!" They run to Ryder's playroom and start playing with all the toys. They laugh and babble back and forth. They continue for an hour until they realize they are hungry. They run into the living room to where their daddys are.

"Daddy we hungwy."Ryder explains and Colton nods.

"Okay are dino nuggets and juice okay with everyone?" Everyone nods and Paul goes to help Jacob in the kitchen. While the food is being made the boys go back to playing.

"Food's ready!" Paul shouts and the room the soon filled with the sound of little feet running in. They sit together and start telling their daddys the games they played in the playroom. Once they finshed they both ran back to the playroom where they spent the rest of their evening. Paul and Jacob fondly smiled as they went on to their conversation.

Hope you enjoy!<3

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