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Currently Braxton is jumping on his daddy to wake him up. He wants attention and his daddy isnt giving him any. Asher barely go any sleep last night because Braxton stayed awake all night and kept running around the whole house. He didnt lay down until 3:00 am and its currently 7:00 and hes wide awake again. Braxton's little age is 5 and he can be a trouble maker sometimes. Asher can usually tell if Braxton really wants attention or he just wants to provoke him. Right now he just wants to provoke.

"Braxton you had me up all night so either go back to bed or wait until I get up and I will play with you but right now please let me sleep." Asher mumbles from under his blanket. Braxton doesn't want to be in trouble so he leaves his daddy alone. He isn't tired so he goes downstairs to play. His stomach growls so he goes to get some snacks.

Once he finishes his snacks he goes to watch tv. He waits for what feels like hours for Asher to get up. Braxton has heard about people running away from home and wonders if his daddy would care if he was gone. He goes to his room and finds his car backpack and puts some toys, snacks, his blankie, and paci. Asher rarely lets him use his paci so since he wont be there Braxton can use it whenever he wants. Braxton looks around for anything else he may want to bring and heads out the door. He knows there is a park around his house so he can go there. He believes its to the right so he heads to the park.

Asher woke up later feeling more rested than he had when he was woken up 30 minutes ago. He gets up and goes to look for Braxton he goes to his room and sees that he is not there. He hears the TV and heads downstairs to find his little. Asher goes into the living room to find it empty.

"Braxton!" He calls out and searches the whole house. He quickly slips on his shoes and runs outside. He looks around and doesn't see Braxton. He shouts out his name but no response. Asher runs into the house to grab his keys and heads out to find him. He makes a left toward the park in hopes Braxton may have gone there. He gets to the park which is empty. He sees people and drives up to them.

"Excuse have you see a boy like 5 foot, brown hair, and striped pajamas?" Asher quickly asks. They shake their heads and wish him luck. He continues down the road frantically looking for Braxton.

20 minutes into Braxton's walk he realizes that he might be lost. He continues down different sidewalks in hopes of finding something familiar but no luck has come up. He finds a bench and sits down and begins to cry thinking of the huge mistake he made. He regrets ever leaving and misses his daddy. He forgot about his backpack with his comfort items and just wants to go home. Braxton cries wondering if his daddy has even noticed his disappearance.

Asher still has had no luck or seen any sign of Braxton. He tries to thing positive but his mind keeps thinking the worst. He turns around and heads the other way hoping for better luck. He regrets not waking up and thinks that Braxton being missing is his fault. He calls one of his closest friends, Malcolm who is also a daddy and tells him what has happened.

"Look it's not your fault. Maybe he had some good intentions behind it." Malcolm assures

"I just can't just shake the fact that he did it because of me. I mean what if something ba-"

"Stop thinking like that okay? I bet he is fine and the negative thoughts aren't helping anyone." Malcolm cuts Asher off. Asher curses out hearing thunder rumbling and seeing rain drops fall on his windshield. He says goodbye to his friend as he continues to look for Braxton.

Braxton finally remembered his backpack when the rain begun and pulled out his blanket and paci. The trees slightly sheltered him from the from but he was still getting wet. It has over been and hour since he left home and its getting darker due to the rain clouds. He is terrified and knows that he will never see his daddy again. The rain is getting harder and he misses his bed and his daddy but he knows he'll never get them back.

Asher drives by the community walking park when he sees a figure on a bench. He can't tell if it's Braxton due to the rain so he gets out to check.

"Braxton! Is that you?!" Asher shouts as he runs through the rain. The figure doesn't respond but as he gets closer he notices Braxton's blanket. He pulls the blanket off and looks down to see Braxton curled up laying on his backpack with tears all over his face and his paci in his mouth. Braxton looks up and immediately recognizes his daddy and reaches his arms up. Asher instantly picks him up and grabs his stuff and goes back to his car. He sits with Braxton in his lap and they just hold each as they both cry.

"Baby I missed you. I love you so so much!" Asher cries out.

"I miss ou too daddy!" Braxton sobs. Asher could tell that he slipped further which doesn't surprise him. He waits until they both have calmed down and somehow gets Braxton to sit in the passesnger seat so he could drive them home. He carries Braxton into the house and they take a hot bath together and cuddle the rest of the day.

Thanks for reading I'm actually pretty happy with this chapter! Love you all and stay safe!<3

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