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Thomas is going to wake up Easton and Julian so they can go to daycare while he is at work. He walks into their bedroom and turns the light on. They both start to stir and wake up.

"Good morning my babies." Thomas said as he went to pick up Julian since he is harder to wake up in the morning.

"Good morning daddy." Easton said while yawning. He was more of a morning person than Julian was. Thomas held Julian and whispered sweet nothings in his ear attempting to wake him up. Eventually Julian woke up and they all exchanged their 'good mornings'.

"I have to work today so you two are going to daycare okay?" Easton smiled and nodded and Julian just sat there not responding and zoned out.

"Juju are you okay with that?" Julian quickly snapped out of his thoughts and nodded. They ate breakfast while Thomas packed their lunch. Once finished they went upstairs and Easton picked his outfit and got dressed himself since his little age was 5, but Julian needed help since his little age was only 2. Thomas got their bags packed and they got in the car headed to daycare. Once they got there Easton went off to his side of the daycare which was for the bigger littles and Thomas brought Julian to his side. Thomas left for work but not without saying bye to both boys.

"Bye Juju!" Easton says as he happily runs over to his older friends. Julian waves and goes to find some toys to play with. He sits on his padded butt after he finds and two dinosaurs and starts to make them fight each other. An older boy named Dalton who is 4 comes up to him and takes both dinosaurs.

"Hey dat mine!" Julian says reaching for his toys.

"No you big baby these are my toys!" Dalton teases and sticks he tongue out as he walks away with the toys. Julian gets up to find some new toys and then he sits away from the other kids. A little girl comes up and asks if he wants to play with her and another boy and he agrees so they play together until it is snack time. Easton sits with his friends while Julian sits alone happily eating his grapes that his daddy packed for him. Soon Dalton comes over to him.

"Give me your sandwich now before I tell the teacher that you hit me!"

"But I no hit you!"

"Give it now or I will hit you!" Julian quickly handed over his sandwich in fear of getting hit. He finished off his grapes still being hungry. After lunch it is naptime for the younger littles which includes Dalton. Julian gets his sleeping mat and blanket and lays down close to the corner when Dalton comes over and kicks his feet. It didn't hurt physically but it did hurt his feelings. Julian didn't want to tell the teacher and seem like a burden or a tattletale so he just turned over and silently cried himself to sleep. Once he woke the teachers were changing anyone who needed it and Julian did. As he was walking to get his diaper changed and Dalton whispers, "cry baby". Julian just wanted to go home to his daddy. He gets changed and the remainder of the littles head back into the main playroom. Julian goes to grab a toy and Dalton sees him and tries to grab it first.

"No it mine I got it first." Julian says as he pulls the toy away.

"Give it to me now!"

"No!" Julian shouts which gains the attention of the closest teacher, Mrs. Madden. As she approches the boys Dalton punches Julian in the lip. She rushes over while calling for another teacher. The other teacher, Ms. Caddel runs over to take Dalton to punishment and call his caregiver.

"Oh goodness Julian are you okay?" Julian just begins to uncontrollably sob. Easton heard and looked over to see his brother and runs over to him. While Mrs. Madden tried to help Easton calm Julian down Ms. Powell called the boys' dad.

"Hello is this Thomas Baker?"


"This is Ms. Powell from the Sunshine daycare and Julian had an altercation with another student and other student punched him in the mouth."


"Okay thank you we will see you soon." She hangs up and goes to check on Julian who is still crying. Mrs. Madden tries to grab the crying Julian but he clings onto his brother and continues to sob harder. It only takes 10 for Thomas to show up and he runs in the daycare still hearing Julian's cries.

"Hello Mr. Baker he didn't want anyone of us to hold him so he's been holding onto Easton for the past 20 minutes." Thomas walks over to pick up Julian but he cuddled more into Easton thinking another teacher was trying to pick him up.

"Juju it's daddy want to come here?" Julian immediately recognizes his daddy's voice and lifts up his head to look for him. Once he finds who he's looking for he jumps into his arms. Soon after Julian is in his daddys's arms he begins to calm down and stop crying.

"So what happened to him?"

"Well we are currently waiting for our security tapes so until then would Julian be comfortable telling us," Mrs. Madden says.

"Juju will you tell us what happened," Thomas asked.

"Dalton be mean t-to me and he took my d-dino toy, ate my samich, a-and kick me." Julian explains while slightly hiccuping. Everyone's eyes immediately soften at Julian.

"Oh my gosh Julian why didn't you tell us?" Mrs. Madden asked feeling horrible that this happened to Julian.

"I no wan be 'nnoyin. I sowwy."

"Aw buddy you will never be annoying and what Dalton did was not at all okay. So if someone does something like this again you tell a teacher or your brother so he can tell us okay?" Mrs. Madden explains to Julian and Easton, who was still standing there with his brother.

"Yea you make sure you tell someone immediately okay," Thomas adds on and Julian nods. Thomas puts Julian down and walks away to talk to a teacher about Dalton's punishment.

"We still haven't spoke to his caregiver yet but he will be removed from this daycare. Also once we get the tapes we will review them and show them to you and Dalton's caregiver." Thomas nods and thanks her and goes back over to Easton and Julian. Thomas picks up Julian and tickles his stomach to which he starts to giggle.

"How about we go get ice cream!" Thomas suggests to both of his boys. They both celebrate and quickly agree. They all say bye to the remaining teachers there and get some ice cream and then go home to cuddle.

So sorry this is out late something came up but I hope you enjoy! Also this story currently has 156 reads!! This is so crazy to me and I never thougth it would get close to this many but thank you to all my readers you mean the world to me! <3

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