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Kai is sitting on the couch because he woke up before Jackson since he didn't go to bed until 2:00 a.m. It was now 7:00 in the morning and has been about 30 minutes and there are footsteps coming from the stairs. Kai turns to see Jackson coming down with a thumb in his mouth and his other hand rubbing his eye. He makes it to Kai and gets in his lap.

"Hey baby are you still tired?" Jackson shook his head.

"Are you hungry?" Jackson nodded. Kai picks him up and tries to place him in his chair but he won't let go. Jackson decides to let it go and hold him while he made breakfast, which was just toast and fruit, since he wasn't really heavy. He quickly finished with breakfast and let Jackson sit in his lap while they ate. They both finished and once Kai loaded the dishwasher he noticed Jackson sucking on his thumb. He pulled it out and asked if he wanted a paci instead but he just whined and put his thumb back in. Kai got him a paci anyway because he didn't want him sucking on his fingers. Jackson happily took it much to Kai's suprise. It was on Kai's agenda to go grocery shopping so he has to get him and Jackson ready to go out.

"Let's go get ready baby boy we have to go grocery shopping today!" Kai said in an enthusiastic voice to get Jackson ready and to wake him up. Jackson looked at him and smiled around his paci. Kai held Jackson as they went to Jackson's nursery to get him ready to go out. Kai lets Jackson choose between a blue sweater with overalls or shorts.

"Alright do you want the overalls or the shorts?"

"Overwalls," Jackson lisps around his paci. Kai gets him dressed and clips a paci to his overall strap. He leaves quickly to his room to get ready then they get in the car and head to the store.

"Jackson do you want to walk or sit in the cart?" Kai asks once they are parked at the store.


"Remember that you must stay next to the cart and listen to daddy at all times okay?"

"Yes daddy." 

"Good boy." Kai smiles at him and they walk hand in hand into the store. Kai grabs a cart and they start their way through the store. Jackson keeps babbling to Kai about his dream last night. They walk past the candy aisle and Jackson begs for some.

"No you have some candy at home and I'm not buying anymore."

"I want it!" Jackson whines and stomps his feet.

"We don't act bratty when we want something so behave or I'll give you timeout once we get home." Jackson just pouts but stops whining. Kai pops his paci back in his mouth and they continue shopping. They get to the line and there are only a few people in line. Jackson walks away and comes back with a toy with candy attached to it.

"Daddy have?"

"No you were acting bratty earlier and you don't need it."

"NO I WAN IT!" Jackson screams and stomps his foot.

"You better stop or you'll get a spanking when we get home." Kai whispers into Jackson's ear. Jackson starts to tear up and fall to the floor. He is on his back stomping his feet, hitting the ground, and screaming. Kai sighs as he watches Jackson flop on the ground. He lets other people pass him while he lets Jackson tire himself out. After 10 minutes, Jacksons sniffles and reaches to be picked up. Kai picks him up and puts his paci in his mouth. Jackson lays his head on Kai's shoulder while they check out. The drive home isn't long and Jackson manages to stay awake.

"Your behavior was unacceptable today and your gonna get a spanking so go sit in timeout while I put the groceries away." Kai tells Jackson after they get out of the car. Jackson doesn't fight but keeps his head down and walks to his timeout chair to sit down. Kai unloads the groceries and goes upstairs to get lotion for after Jackson's punishment.

"Come here." Kai pats his lap and Jackson comes over and Kai pulls his pants down as he lays across his lap.

"Do you know why your getting a spanking?"

"Because I was bad at the store." Jackson says sadly.

"Yes so your getting 10 spankings because you had a meltdown for 10 minutes. Do you understand?"


"Count after each one." Kai says as he lands the first smack on Jackson's bare bottom.

"Thank you." Another smack comes down on Jackson's other cheek.

"Thank you." Jackson says beginning to tear up. Kai delivers the next 8 smacks each slighly harder than the last alternating between each cheek. By the end Jackson is sobbing.
Kai quickly rubs the lotion over his bottom and lifts him up to give him a hug.

"You did so good taking your punishment. Good boy."

"I'm sorry for being bad daddy." Jackson said through sobs.

"It's okay you are forgiven." They hug and Jackson ends up falling asleep in his daddy's arms.

Sorry this is late. I made the mistake of waiting til the last minute to finish but hope you enjoy! <3

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