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Some things to address about the book:

In all of the stories the names of the characters will be listed in the order: daddy/little! <3

I also plan to do some stories with three characters and will try to address who they are in the first paragraph or so! <3

For posting I plan on posting on Saturday's but at some point I might (probably won't) switch up but if i do updates will be here! <3

I might post another random day throughout the week but don't hold your breath <3

I really hope at least one person enjoys this and please feel free to comment ideas you have <3

Enjoy! <3

4/8 Annoucement: I'm thinking of stopping the oneshots but making a longer story that will be ddlb themed! Feel free to share your opinions on this! Love you all!<3

4/29 Announcement:  I am working on a new book! It will also be ddlb themed and the chapters will be posted on Saturday instead of this book. The title is "A Little Lost" <3

DD/LB OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now