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Josh got up early and made breakfast for him and his little. He had planned for them to spend the whole day together and let Noah pick what they do since Josh has been working a lot recently and felt bad.

To make up for it the first thing he did was make Noah's favorites waffles, toast, and bacon. While finishing up the food he hears Noah yell for him.

"One second baby boy I'm almost done!" Josh says back.

"No I don't want to wait daddy come right now!" Noah shouts in a bratty tone and throwing what sounds like his empty sippy cup.

Usually Josh would wait for Noah to apologize or come out to talk but he threw something and he sounded like he was in an older headspace so Josh went to talk to him. As Josh went to go and open the door it was locked.

"Noah open this door right now," Josh demands.

"No you mad." Noah says behind the door.

Josh sighs

"I'm not mad baby I just want to talk to you because you sound upset," Josh explains. He hears sniffles followed by the sound of the door unlocking. He opens it to see Noah on the floor crying into his knees.

"Noah's s-sowwy daddy I no mean to throw my cup a-and make you mad."

Josh bends down to pick up Noah and starts to bounce him. He knows something is wrong because Noah doesn't usually act like this. He is usually calm and overall well behaved besides the occasional tantrum. After a couple of minutes Noah's cries reduce to sniffles and Josh sits on the bed with him.

"Baby can you tell daddy what happened?"

"I wake up an no feel good so I yell for you and you tell me to wait and I get upset so I throw my sippy cup I sowwy." Noah says with his fingers in his mouth and tears begin to fill his eyes again.

"Oh baby don't cry it's okay I'm not mad. What doesn't feel good?"

"I feel hot and my tummy huwts." Noah says as Josh puts his hand on his forehead.

"You do feel hot. Let's get you some medicine so you can feel better." Josh says as he holds Noah and they go dowstairs. Noah cuddles into Josh's shoulder. They get to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and Josh digs in it until he finds what he is looking for. He finds the medicine for Noah which is a liquid and when he's little he can't swallow pills. Since Noah has an older little age he doesn't put up a fight to take his medicine but he does make a face.

"Do you want breakfast? I made your favorite." Josh says to Noah once they leave the bathroom. Noah nods and Josh sits him in his chair and gives Noah his plate. When he finishes Noah chose for them to cuddle on the couch. Noah falls asleep due to the medicine kicking in and being tired from crying. Josh decides to stay on the couch so he doesn't wake him up. Noah sleeps for an hour and when he wakes up he is much happier. Josh was watching tv and didn't realize Noah had woken up.

"Good mornin dada"

"Good morning sweet pea. Do you feel better?"


"What do you want to do now?" It doesn't take long for Noah to decide that he wants to do a craft. Noah also decides that he wants to make a surprise for his daddy so he chases him out of the room. Josh waits for what feels like forever for Noah to get done. After about 10 minutes Noah finishes and calls Josh back in.

"Surpwise! It's a picture of us together doing our favowite things!"

Josh starts to tear up.

"It's beautiful baby." Josh says as he looks to Noah and smiles. Noah smiles back and goes to hug his daddy. Josh knows how much love Noah put into his picture which makes it so much more special.

"Let's put it some place where we can see it all the time." Josh says as they walk to the kitchen. He puts it on the fridge and picks up Noah. They hug and admire Noah's work in it's new home.

I hope you like the cute little ending. Hope you enjoyed! <3

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