New Daddy Pt. 1

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Adam and Damien have been dating for almost two months. In a week will mark their two month anniversary and that is when Adam plans to introduce Damien to his little, Sawyer. He has shown pictures and told them about each other but they haven't met in person yet. Damien was very open minded towards the fact that Adam has a little and was estatic to the idea of meeting him. Sawyer is very shy and it usually takes time for him to warm up with a new person. Adam is very excited for them to meet.

*Fast foward* It now the night before Damien and Sawyer meet and Adam is getting him ready for bed.

"Remember that tomorrow you get to meet Damien. Do you still want to?" Sawyer smiles at his daddy and nods as he buries himself deeper into his blanket and sucks on his paci. Sawyer's little age is 3 so uses a paci most of the time, it and his blanket are his comfort item. Adam kisses his head and shuts the door. He enters his room and gets undressed down to his boxers. He lays down thinking about tomorrow and soon falls asleep.

Adam wakes up to a good morning text from Damien. He texts back and heads to go take a shower. Ten minutes into his shower he sees Sawyer walking in. Sawyer reaches for Adam through the shower glass.

"Good morning baby do you want to take a shower too?" Sawyer nods and tries to get in the shower fully clothed.

"Silly boy." Adam says and helps Sawyer to undress. They stay in the shower for another twenty minutes still waking up. Afterwards they get out and Adam gets them both a towel. He sets Sawyer on the bed while he gets dressed. He gets socks, undrwear, brown pants, and two shirts out.

"Which shirt should I wear today?" Adam says holding up a white shirt with with two buttons at the top and a cream colored sweater asking for Sawyer's opinion. Sawyer points to the white shirt so Adam puts the other shirt back and gets dressed. He picks up Sawyer and takes him to his room to get him dressed. Adam picks out some yellow overalls and a shirt with little ducks all over it. He lets Sawyer choose between his brown or navy blue shoes. Sawyer chooses the navy pair and Adam helps him to get dressed and uses a yellow clip to attach his paci to him. They go to the kitchen and Sawyer decides that he wants a blueberry smoothie and otmeal. Adam makes enough for the both of them and serves it. They both eat and go to the living room. Sawyer watches cartoons while Adam texts Damien.

"Damien will be here in about an hour are you ready?" Adams asks and Sawyer climbs into his lap.

"Yes daddy i weady." he lisp around his paci. Adam hugs and kisses him and they cuddle on couch waiting for Damien's arrival. After an hour there is a knock at the door. Adam gets up to answer it with Sawyer trailing behind him. Adam opens the door and is greeted by a 6'1 tall Damien. Adam is only 5'9 so Sawyer is taken aback by Damien's tall frame. Damien engulfs Adam in a hug and a light kiss. They both turn to Sawyer and Damien waves at him. Sawyer runs and hides behind Adam's legs.

"Sorry he's just shy but he'll warm up to you." Adam picks Sawyer up and he tucks his head into Adam's neck. They go to sit and sit on the couch and catch up.

Hello everyone my mind went kind of blank for the rest of this so part 2 will be posted tomorrow. Also thank you so much for 800 reads! I apprecitate every single one of my supports love ya!<3

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