Chapter 29

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"I don't blame them in the least, I have never been fond of Randall in the least myself. He has always been a bully, a blowhard, and a blight on the Ivashkov name. I have always wished that Uncle William and Aunt Trudy had never adopted him. And you are right, he is a bastard."

"I have only ever met him once and it was not a pleasant experience at all." I told her.

"No, I don't imagine that it was. But be sure to talk to your parents, the four of us should be enough to represent our family appropriately at the wedding."

"Thank you, Aunt Tati, for everything."

"Of course, Adrian. Well, I need to get back to all of this paperwork, is there anything else that you need?"

"No ma'am, that about does it."

She reached up and patted me on the cheek.

"You are such a good boy Adrian. I am so proud that you are going back to school."

"Thank you, Aunt Tati. And as I said before, it is all thanks to Rose and Dimitri. Well, I need to go talk to my parents and let you get back to work."

"Goodbye, Adrian dear."

"Bye, Aunt Tati."

My next stop was my parent's suite.

Knock... Knock... Knock.

I stood at the door waiting for a few moments until my mother opened the door.

"Oh Adrian..." She hugged me as I walked in, and I returned her hug.

"How are you doing today son?"

"I'm doing well, how are you mother?"

"Good, good. I'm doing well as well. Come have a seat."

We walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

"Mom, I came to not only ask you and dad something but to give you some news that I think you will be happy to hear. Or at least I hope that you will be."

"Oh, well let me get your father he's in his study talking to Tatiana on the phone."

A few minutes later my parents returned.

"Adrian, it's good to see you son. You are looking well."

"Yes, thank you, I'm doing much better. I have cut down on my drinking and smoking drastically."

"Oh Adrian, we are sooo proud of you." My mother said.

"Yes indeed, we most certainly are." My father agreed and I could actually hear the pride in not only his voice but my mother's as well. Just as I could see it shining so brightly in both of their eyes, which helped to set me a little more at ease about the second reason that I am here.

"Thank you both. I came to ask you something and then I have something important that I want to tell you."

"All right, go ahead son."

"My cousin, Dimitri Belikov, is getting married on June eighth. And I wondered if the two of you would like to go to the wedding with Aunt Tati and me."

"Yes, yes, of course we will. I was just discussing it with Tatiana. She told me that he is marrying Abe's little girl."

"Yes, he is. The way that they love each other... there is just no way that you can't see it shining all around them when they are around each other. It is utterly amazing. It's like a fairytale, it's the kind of love that I hope to find some day."

"Soul mates then?" My mother asked as she turned and smiled at my father for a moment as she squeezed his hand, and he smiled in return.

I smiled chuckled and replied, "oh yeah, most definitely."

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