Chapter 6

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"No Dimka, don't say that. When her mother and the rest of the world find out about the two of you YOU will go to jail, they will send you to jail. This childish little blood whore isn't worth that, she isn't worth endangering your career as one of the best up and coming young guardians in the world Dimka. Plus, straight laced stick up her ass Janine Hathaway will force the two of you apart anyway, she will charge YOU with statutory rape Dimka. Do you really want to take that chance? Do you want to take the chance of losing your guardian title just to fuck this worthless little blood whore slutty piece of filth?! She is a fucking slut, a tramp, a whore Dimka!! You have heard the way that people talk and think about her."

I knew that it would do no good to tell her not to call me that again, so I just let it go.

"Yes Natasha, I will gladly risk EVERYTHING to be with my Roza. EVERY-YEBLYA-THING!!! That is just how much she means to me; how much I love HER. As for how people think and talk about lyubov' moya that is only because they are ignorant stupid jealous and want to sleep with her and she does not want that. So they, just like you apparently, spread all of these vicious rumors lies and gossip about her." (fucking)

"That other blood whore Janine Hathaway will have you arrested Dimka."

Speak of the devil, that is when Janine made her presence felt.

"Wrong you are once again Natasha, on a great many things as a matter of a fact."

Surprisingly, Janine stopped and kissed both Roza and myself on the check before turning back to Natasha. Of course I had to bend down quite a bit, in order for her to reach my cheek, since she is even shorter than my Roza. But I didn't mind one bit because the woman IS my mother in law after all.

After she kissed both my Roza and I Janine turned back to look directly at Natasha. "Not only is my daughter not ANY of the disgusting and atrocious things that you have called her, nor am I for your information. You see, there is something that you should know and that is the fact that my daughter has never been with ANY moroi. She has only ever been with one man, and he is a dhampir. So there is absolutely no way in hell that she COULD possibly be a blood whore because she has NEVER given herself to a moroi in ANY way whatsoever. Another thing that you are wrong about is the delusion that you are under that Dimitri is in love with you. Because he is not now, has not ever been, and will not ever be in love with you. So get that through your overly thick skull once and for damn all."

Abe, my Roza and I all laughed at everything that Janine had just said to Natasha.

"Also, Dimitri and Rosemarie have had both mine and Abe's permission for their relationship since the ski lodge. Which is when they got together officially."

"But he slept with your underage daughter!!"

"If she is old enough to kill and die, for other people, then she is damn well old enough to love for herself and her soul mate. I mean, it is after all because of royals like you and others like you, that we dhampir have to grow up and mature much younger and faster than we should ever have to."

"But you pulled her out of the room when Adrian Ivashkov was flirting with her."

"Yes, I did." Janine admitted sadly.

"And I regret that part of the night, but what I don't regret, is the talk that I had with my daughter after that. That is when I found out that all the gossip, the innuendoes, the lies and those disgusting rumors about my daughter were a bunch of bullshit. I should never have listened to those idiot ass royal's gossip, I fucking knew better. But they talked so much that I had let them cloud my judgment of my own daughter. All of that gossip, the rumors and the innuendoes were started by a royal moroi asshole. And he did it all because he was pissed off at her because she WOULDN'T sleep with him. You see Natasha, what very few people actually know is that my daughter was still a virgin on the night that you were speaking about."

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