Chapter 25

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We all continued to talk for a while then we showed them around the house and the back yard before returning to the living room.

"Rose, I can honestly say that I just never imagined you as being the white picket fence type of person." Christian teased.

Which made Roza moya and I both laugh. (my)

"That is exactly what she said when we first saw this house." I told them all.

"But you should have seen her, before we even got out of the SUV she was squealing, giggling, and bouncing in her seat. She LOVED this house so much. As soon as we pulled up to it, she was saying that she could FEEL that this was MEANT to be our home. And I agreed because I could feel it too, it was like this house was built just for us. As if it was destined to be ours. Kind of like it was waiting for us. I know that this house was calling to angel moya because it called to me as well. Just as soon as I saw it and saw her reactions to it." (my)

After talking for a little while longer we heard the children start to cry.

"Wow, you guys must have an awesome baby monitor." Eddie bragged.

"No, before we even moved into the house baba had an intercom system installed. We can hear the children anywhere on the property and with just the push of a button we can talk to each other no matter where in the house we are. Which is a very good thing when the triplets are asleep, because it means no screaming and waking them up. We can even play music through it just in case the kids are having a challenging time going to sleep." (daddy)

"Wow, that's great you guys." Mia encouraged with a smile on her face.

"Yeah. He also had the best security system in existence put in, he actually had someone design it especially for us and our home. He's even had three sets of wards placed around the entire property and has someone come every other week to reinforce them. The entire nursery is covered with security camera's, every single inch of it. The windows even have four alarms on them, two visible and two separate inferred laser grids. You couldn't stick so much as a fingernail or a toothpick into their windows without setting off an alarm that would put a freight train to shame. Their future bedrooms, our bedroom, the guest rooms, and the playroom is exactly the same way. The windows in the rest of the house only have two alarms one audio and one inferred laser grid." I told them all myself this time. Abe was making sure that no one, strigoi or not, could get to us or the children. Which Roza and I were both extremely thankful for.

"We will be right back." Roza informed them as we got up to go get the children.

Our friends stayed in Baia for a week before they had to get back to court. Lissa said that they were touring colleges next week. She was going to major in political science, Christian in culinary science and Adrian was even going back to college.

He would be majoring in law, two separate field's he said. Which was unusual, I think, but never having needed an attorney myself I wasn't really sure.

He was going to specialize in criminal law as well as political law, with a minor in art. Apparently, he likes to paint in his free time. Which was news to all of us, well all of us except for Roza moya obviously. (my)

Apparently, Adrian had asked her to sit for him so that he could paint her MONTHS ago and she had. But only for long enough for him to sketch what he wanted to paint; he wasn't finished with the actual painting yet.

Thankfully, the painting would be a gift to us... well, for me he said, as soon as he finished it. He said that he REALLY thought that I would like it. But he promised me that she did not sit for a nudie portrait. So, I was completely fine with it.

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