"I-I did." I raised my hand feeling a little bit shy that Jordi's mom saw my drawing. My only intention was to give that drawing to Jordi and only Jordi and now I felt slightly embarrassed that his mother saw it. I don't really know what she's going to think about it.

"Really? It's very skillfully sketched, it's like I'm looking at a portrait. You are a very talented young man. Look, you even got Jordi's eyes that he got from his father. Ooohhh, I love that." Mrs. Adkins said with such a cheerful tone that it made me feel good about myself. I was just feeling embarrassed but now, I'm feeling better.

"Thank you, Mrs. Adkins." I muttered.

"Oh please, Xavier, quit calling me Mrs. Adkins. I love the utmost respect but just call me Zinnia instead and don't you dare put aunt before it. I'm really fine with people just addressing me by my name. I hate being called aunt, it makes me feel old and barren like my alcoholic sister which I'm not."


I was just about to speak and acknowledge Jordi's mom's request to call her by her name but Jordi stepped in. "Cookies!"

"What?" Mrs. Adkins asked.

"You asked if we wanted some snacks, right?"

"Oh yeah. Cookies then. Jordi, sweetie, I think you really need to frame this."

After Jordi's mom left, Jordi swiveled back to face me. "I'm really sorry about my mom. She's a little intense at times."

"What are you talking about? She's not intense, she's actually really cool and I think she really loves you that much." I replied with a little pinch of jealousy in me. Jordi's mom was really one of those cool moms and I know for a fact that she loved Jordi as much as she loved herself. It's a very nice thing to see and Jordi should be really thankful that he got a nice family because I'd kill to have one but I'm choosing not to. "I really wish my mom was like that."

"Why? Is your mom like—"

I know Jordi would ask about my mom and I don't want him to know that my mother's a junkie. "Let's not talk about my mom. Sorry, I'm just not comfortable talking about her."

After a while, Jordi reminded me that we actually have some things to do. We needed to shoot a video about Billie and everything about parenthood. I wasn't excited about that one but getting to do it with the person that I like turned things around.

Jordi and I did the entire shoot and somehow we were both the actors and the directors of our own video. As Billie's second dad, I was actually enjoying every moment that I had with the bag of flour. I felt like I'm really a father even though I'm only looking at a bag of flour. I wondered how did my father felt when I first came out into this mad world. I know he already got a first family and perhaps he loved his children from his original family more than anything but still, I'm just quite curious if he truly felt happy for having me as a child.

The truth is, I don't really know if I wanted to have a child one day in the future. Based on what I'm currently going through right now; I don't really think I want to bring an innocent soul into this world filled with madness. I don't think I am capable of raising an actual kid. However, this sex ed. activity was just a ton of fun for me. It kind of brought out a new side of me that I don't even know I have in the first place.

While we were shooting, I just noticed that I'm more the hands on one. I don't know if Jordi's enjoying it as much as I'm enjoying it mostly because he's the one behind the camera and he only show up to shoot with me when he's needed.

After shooting, things seemed to have gone so fast. It was already dark. Perhaps it's because I really did love working with Jordi. Just having him around me feels like everything's on the right track and I eventually thought I truly needed to ask him out. My mom did say I should ask him out even though she technically know I'm talking about a girl.

"So, things didn't go the way I planned it earlier." I began opening the floor of conversation. We've been sitting right beside each for quite a while and I don't want the air to go stale.


"Do you have any plans after class tomorrow?" I spat out. This time, I am feeling more than courageous with my tone.

"Uhm... I don't have any plans."

"Do you like want to hang out?" I asked.

"Uhm, what?"

"I'm asking if you want to hang out with me tomorrow?" I looked straight at his face and I saw a small nod which meant he said yes. My heart was already jumping out of pure happiness inside my chest and I just really wanted to pull Jordi to my side and kiss him but I know there's a perfect time for that.

And then things suddenly went in a slow motion as if this was edited somehow. There was great silence and the only thing that I could hear was my heart beating twice as fast. Jordi started to lean towards me and I started to have a tunnel vision of his pink bow-shaped lips.


My chest was just pumping fast and in my head I heard my own voice speaking what I really wanted to do.

Yes, Jordi, I want to kiss you too.

Before Jordi and I could even fasten our lips to each other, the door opened and then his mom showed up subsequently killing the situation. In my head, I was already cursing out. We quickly looked away pretending as if nothing's going on.

"Hey boys, are you done with your shoot?" Jordi's mom asked with her usual cheerful tone.

"Yeah, we are done." Jordi nodded as he got up and returned Billie to his desk.

"Alright then, it's time for dinner!!!!!" Mrs. Adkins screeched loud enough that it probably pierced my eardrums. "Who wants roasted chicken?!"

"Actually, I have to go." I blurted out.

"What?" Jordi asked turning around to look at me.

"Ohhh, you have to stay, Xavier. It's okay, you can have dinner with us." Mrs. Adkins added.

"My mom's waiting for me. She's all alone at home and she's probably waiting for me." I said in a blatant lie. I just don't have any courage to have dinner with Jordi's family. I'm more than satisfied to have apologized to him.

"Awww, I really want you to have dinner with us and Jordi but since your mother's all alone, I'm afraid we should let you go."

"Thanks Mrs. Adkins. Uhm, sorry, Zinnia." I muttered feeling a bit awkward to call her by her given name.

"But you have to promise me that you'll have dinner with us sometime."

"I promise!"

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