| 22 | The Episode Before Labyrinth Runners

Start from the beginning

"I thought that was strange, too," you admitted. "I don't know what it would be... Honestly, Belos has had a strange interest in me from the beginning. I mean, he trained me personally, even if it was just for a day. He let me join two years before I was at the age requirement, too... I got one of the good rooms right away and I was rising through the ranks like crazy... I know I'm talented, but can it really just be that? I'm not the first prodigy the Isles has seen, but other than you, I was the youngest person to join the coven."

"Do you think he was planning on using you for something?" Hunter asked, voicing the exact question that was plaguing your mind.

"I don't know... maybe. Whatever it was, though, it's not like he can use me for it now."

"Yeah, that's true..." A tense silence filled the room as your head began to spin.

Why did Belos save me? What could he still need me for? I wouldn't ever help him! But... wait, he had me completely frozen in his mind... so could he use magic to control me in real life? But why me? Wouldn't it make more sense to use someone stronger? But then... You stared at Hunter. Why is Hunter a teenager? Grimwalkers aren't born, so he would've had to have been a teenager at creation... but why? Is that why he chose me instead of an adult?

What makes teenagers different from adults? Adults are more mature typically... They have better decision-making skills and their brains are better developed. Oh... Their brains are better developed... thus making it easier to manipulate a teenager...

And if it's easier to manipulate a teenager, it's easier to control them...

Your mind flashed back to the time you were in that strange nightmare. You went to Hexside to look into a crystal ball... and saw yourself under the influence of some spell, hurting your friends and standing beside Belos.

What if that was... No, that was just a fear, right? I was looking for a fear, not the future... and there is no way I messed it up. I took the oracle track! I'd never mess that up!

But... When I arrived at the Emperor's Coven, I was immediately put into battle. Then it was combat training... and Belos himself even taught me a spell... Portal magic... Portal magic is great for instantly traveling long distances, but that's not something that adds up in the equation. Why would he need me to know how to do that?

And besides, if he planned on using me to fight for him, it doesn't make sense. He knew Hunter would betray him by the sounds of it... So why did he allow me to become friends with Hunter?

It seemed too easy to befriend him... Almost like Belos... wanted it.

What is that man planning? Come on, Y/N! Think! If you don't figure it out before it's too late, you're screwed!

"Mrrow!" Huh?

You looked down to see Scraps sitting at your feet. He pushed your scroll toward you with his paw.

"Scraps? What is it?" You leaned forward to pick up your scroll. There was a notification from Penstagram. Steve posted.

It was a picture of him leaning against a wall with Max. You read the caption to yourself. They say to never quit, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

"Holy shit! Steve and Max quit the Emperor's Coven?" you gasped.

"They did?" Hunter said, leaning over your shoulder to see. "Hmm, makes sense."

You liked the post and rushed to make a comment voicing your support.

"I think people are finally starting to see Belos for what he is," you said.

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