Nathaniel Kurtzberg

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An alarm clock goes off once again, and this time, it's Nathaniel Kurtzberg who turns it off. As always, he gets out of bed, where he rocks a red shirt, and black long pants as pajamas, and unleashes a yawn, and a nice stretch. To get the muscles working properly. Once done, he goes to get ready for the day. Inside his room, we see he has loads of drawings. On the walls, floor, heck, even the ceiling. Sure it's a mess, but Nathaniel doesn't seem to mind. As he goes to get ready, his new pal, Ziggy, gets up as well. She does a nice yawn, before she looks around her new home. "Quite a mess. Yet one I do appreciate." Ziggy said. "Glad you like it." Nathaniel replied, as he gets out of the bathroom. "Morning, Nate." Ziggy said. "And morning to you Zig." Nathaniel replied. "Nate, I recommend you don't call me that." Ziggy said. "Oh. Is it because... you like the y to your name?" Nathaniel replied. "Yes. It makes me sound extra cute. Zig sounds like a villain name. Ziggy is a cute name. Kind of for one of those... side alien characters in a TV show." Ziggy said. "Umm, fair point. Ziggy it is then." Nathaniel replied. Soon, both of them head off into the kitchen to whip out something to eat. Nathaniel eats a bowl of grapes, got to boost on that fiber, as Ziggy eats a granola bar. "So, you like granola bars?" Nathaniel asked. "Only the strawberry kind. They have a nice flavor to them." Ziggy replied. "Interesting. Guess I found what your av food is." Nathaniel said. "Which means you have a little extra something your going to need to carry in your pocket." Ziggy replied. "Reminder, I need that, so you can give me powers right?" Nathaniel asked. "I need food after you are done using me. It's uses a lot of my energy. Especially if you use my powers." Ziggy replied. "Note taken. Or in my version, drawing uhhh... drew." Nathaniel said. "[giggles]. Nice." Ziggy replied. Nate smiles, as the two of them continue to chow down. Getting fueled up for what today has in store.

    After breakfast, Nathaniel and Ziggy are both walking on the streets of Paris. With Ziggy in Nate's pocket to stay hidden. "So, you only like to draw?" Ziggy asked. "Pretty much. I do party occasionally. I'm sort of the "social outcast" of our group, but that was me mostly last year." Nathaniel replied. "Why would you say that?" Ziggy asked. "I mean, the only thing that really changed for me last year was meeting Marc. And who I am as a person. This year definitely changed because I meet you. And fought a psychopath, who almost killed me. And on top of that, not only did I get the power to heal people mentally, but I also got to keep you." Nathaniel replied. "Good point. And real quick. Your new power can heal people mentally. But it cannot heal PTSD, trauma, fears, etc. It can only heal an issue the person is having. Like the art teacher, who was horrified of Jack's kitty drawing." Ziggy said. "Understood. I mean, Jack is a great guy, but sometimes he just gets a little too creepy." Nathaniel replied. "I heard he's a hardcore horror fan. Probably explains his behavior. Anyway, so what's this about you changing as a person when you meet Marc?" Ziggy asked. "Glad you asked. You may not know this, but I use to be in love with Marinette. She just looks like a pretty girl, who I think could work well with me. That didn't work out honestly. Then came Ladybug, due to how she saved me, and saved everyone around her. She also served inspiration for my drawings as well. That once again, didn't work out due to reasons. But then, came Marc. We started off on a bad foot, but slowly became good friends. And then... we became a little more than that." Nathaniel replied. "[gasp]. No way! You tasted the rainbow?" Ziggy asked. "Ok, why did you have to say it like that?" Nathaniel asked back. "It sounds funny." Ziggy replied. "I mean, it kind of does, so... Anyway, yes. I "tasted the rainbow." Marc and I are now dating." Nathaniel said. "So, does that make you gay or..." Ziggy asked. "No. I'm bisexual. I still can have feelings for girls, but I choose Marc due to how much we have in common. We both love to make art. We both love rom coms. We both are shy, honest. Though Marc is more adventurous when it comes to trying new things with me, while I just want to draw." Nathaniel replied. "So what your saying is that he wants to get you out of your shell?" Ziggy asked. "Yes." Nathaniel replied. "Good boyfriend." Ziggy said. "So you support me being bi, and my lover?" Nathaniel replied. "You know it." Ziggy replied. Nathaniel smiles again, as he and his kwami head off to continue their day.

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