Sunken Love

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Marinette and Jack both walk side by side.  The Spring breeze blows into their faces.  With the sun making sure they won't freeze, as the breeze makes sure they won't boil.  As they walk, Marinette gets nervous.  "Jack, are you sure going to the swimming pool with my husband, I mean, Adrien, is a good idea?"  Marinette asked.  "Of course.  Swimming pools are a great way to inter act with your lover.  The two of you get to swim, laugh, maybe slash water into your faces, and just have some good old aquatic fun."  Jack replied.  "But... Adrien will see me.  In a swimsuit."  Marinette said worried.  "And?"  Jack asked.  "And, doesn't that sound weird to you.  Come to think of it, I will see him in a swimsuit.  Oh God!  That's truly horrific."  Marinette panicked.  "Ok, I'm not disgusting for recommending this to you.  It's perfectly natural to see other people, even those you like, in swimsuits.  Don't you dare think like that.  I mean it."  Jack said.  "Ok.  [gulp].  I'm just to nervous."  Marinette replied.  "What did we talk about?  Always think positive, and don't freak out when speaking to him.  This is the third time we are doing this, yet your still at square one."  Jack said.  "I understand."  Marinette replied.  "But again, let's why you have a pal like me to assist you."  Jack said.  "Your right.  I can do this.  I can move on from square one.  I can."  Marinette replied.  "What square one?"  Adrien asked.  Soon Jack and Marinette run into Adrien, who is outside the swimming pool.  "Uhhhh, what I mean is, square.  Yep1. Square.  You know when you square a number to make it a bigger number.  Sorry, Adrien.  Jack and I were talking about Math."  Marinette said.  "I total understand.  Well, thanks Jack for setting us up at the swimming pool.  This was a nice idea you came up with."  Adrien replied.  "You two seem to be sending a lot of time together recently.  And since you guys are some of the best people I know, I figured I offer a helping hand to your relationship, I mean, friendship."  Jack said.  'I appreciate it.  So Marinette, I'll see you inside."  Adrien replied, as he enters the pool.  "And you said don't freak out when speaking."  Marinette said.  "Shut up."  Jack replied with a mood face.  The two enter the pool, so they can get ready for some fun.

All three friends arrive inside.  It's not that jam packed today.  Although there are some couples.  Including Kim and Ondine, who are racing each other.  All while laughing after each race is done.  "I must say Kim and that red hair chick look pretty cute together."  Jack said.  "Her name is Ondine.  Kim told me all about her.  He describes her as funny, sweet, loving, and especially competitive.  She makes a great pick for the most athletic person in our class."  Adrien replied.  "True love is really beautiful once it blooms.  Who knows, maybe one day you two will find your partners."  Jack said.  "Uhhh, yeah.  Of course, Jack.  Find out love of our life."  Marinette replied.  Anyway, all three of them leave to go change.  As they go get ready, Luka parks his bike outside the pool.  With him his Chloe, his brand new girlfriend.  "Here we are babe.  The swimming pool."  Luka said.  "I didn't know you liked to swim."  Chloe replied.  "It's mostly a Spring or Summer activity.  Just going into a pool or river, and swimming like I'm a fishy."  Luka said, as he makes fish noises.  That gets a giggle out of Chloe.  "Ok, I'll give you points there.  Your humor is getting slightly better."  Chloe said.  "Thanks.  Now what are we waiting for?  Let's go have fun."  Luka replied.  The two hold hands, as they walk inside the pool.

Back by the pool, everyone is suited up, and ready to go.  Marinette and Adrien's swimsuits are the same ones from MP72.  Expect both have a pink, or black swim cap.  As for Jack, he wears no swim cap, and his swim trunks are blue with black stripes on the sides.  "Anyway, I better leave you guys to your swimming.  I'll be at the high dive."  Jack said.  "Hold on, your not hanging out with us?"  Adrien asked.  "I better not interrupt you guys.  After all, I recommended this for you both.  Not for us three."  Jack said.  "Understood."  Adrien replied.  "Well then, you guys have fun."  Jack said, as he leaves.  Marinette takes one last look at Jack, as he leaves her to deal with Adrien.  Marinette then looks at Adrien, who smiles at her.  After a quick blush, she too smiles at him.  And then, they make a big splash in the water.  The two of them go swimming together inside the pool.  Doing swimming races like Kim and Ondine, or jumping into the pool in hilarious ways.  During this whole thing, Marinette hasn't freaked out.  She is natural, and calm.  She is having a good time with Adrien by her side.  Jack watches all of this unfold at the top of the high dive.  "So far so good, Marinette.  Let's see if you can keep up this pace for the rest of the day."  Jack said.  In the meantime, he is on the high dive.  After a single deep breath, he runs, and jumps.  "CANNONBALL!!!!"  Jack screamed, as he makes a huge splash into the water.  The water goes up into the air, and splashes everyone close by.  He rises from the water like a champ.  "He has some great energy, Marinette."  Adrien said.  "Uhhh, yes.  Yes he does."  Marinette replied.  Then Adrien splashes Marinette in the face with water.  He laughs, before he gets splashed in the face.  "You really shouldn't have done that."  Marinette said in a joyful way.  Then the two have an all out splash war.  Jack watches this warfare bleed out, as Marinette and Adrien laugh.  Jack smiles at Marinette's work.

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