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We finally get the real story of Season five started right where Perfect Payback left off.  In the cliffhanger with Duusu forming in Jack Edger's hotel room.  Duusu yawns, as her eyes look around the room.  "What the?  Where am I?  This isn't home?  [looks at Jack in the corner].  And who are you?  How did I get here?"  Duusu asked as he flies closer to Jack.  Jack is pretty freaked out, so he carefully grabs his phone, and chucks it at Duusu.  She flies past it in fear, and flies as Jack chases after her.  He tries to grab a scared Duusu, not wanted to be hurt by Jack.  Jack runs across his bed, jumps over his couch, falls on his table, and even slips on the ground chasing the little birdie.  "Hey, are you ok?"  Duusu asked Jack, after he slipped.  She flies carefully to an injured Jack.  When Duusu gets close enough, Jack grabs his phone, and whacks Duusu against a wall.  She hits it hard, and falls to the ground.  "Gotcha."  Jack said.  He walks to a hurt Duusu on the ground, and prepares to stomp on the creature.  He is only stopped, when he hears Duusu crying.  She is in pain from the attack.  Jack is confused, so he puts his foot down, and gets a closer look.  He sees Duusu crying on the floor.  "Ummmm, are you.....ok?  Well, I guess not because I just sent you flying against a wall."  Jack said.  He looks at Duusu in tears, and he starts to feel a bit bad for the creature.  He didn't know it would act like this.  It was unexpected to Jack.  He puts his phone in his pocket.  He then slowly moves his hands towards Duusu, who rolls up in fear.  This makes Jack feel bad, so he gently taps Duusu on the shoulder.  She looks to see Jack, as Duusu whips tears off her face.  "Hey, I'm.......sorry about the whole phone thing, and hurting you.  I guess that's not the best way to react, after seeing some.......weird creature come out of this brooch I just found.  But.......you can trust me.......if you want to that is."  Jack said.  Duusu thinks for a moment, and she sees how Jack was just frightened for a moment.  She also sees how sorry he is for what he did.  "It's alright."  Duusu said.  Jack helps Duusu help, which surprises the kwami.  "Here, let me take you somewhere more soft."  Jack said.  He lies Duusu on one of his couch pillows, and Jack sits next to her.  "Well, I'm Jack if your wondering."  Jack said.  "Jack?  Nice name."  Duusu said.  "Oh thank you."  Jack replied.  "It's nothing.  In that case, I'm Duusu."  Duusu said.  "Duusu?  No offense, but that's kind of a strange name for a fella like you."  Jack replied.  "I mean, I am a kwami.  All our names sound weird.  Except for some like: Pollen, or Roarr."  Duusu said.  "Whose Pollen and Roarr?"  Jack asked.  "Oh, they are the kwamis for Queen Bee, and Purple Tigress.  From what I know.  "Queen Bee?  Wait a minute, I think I remember Chloe telling me something like this. [in flashback].  "Seriously? They use jewels to be superheroes? I thought it was a simple outfit to put on and off." Jack said. "I thought the same thing, but that is how it works here."  Chloe replied.  [end flashback].  Oh yes, [pulls out brooch] Chloe told me some magic jewels give heroes like Ladybug and Cat Noir their powers.  But she didn't say a thing about things like you."  Jack replied.  "Well, you got the miraculous part right.  As for me, I'm a kwami, a mythical creature bond to a miraculous.  I am mostly what helps people become superheroes.  All you have to do is put on the brooch, say my name and a specific transformation word, and boom, superhero.  Which is so awesome!!!!"  Duusu said.  "[giggles].  Sorry, I just found the way you say awesome to be a bit......adorable."  Jack replied.  "Thanks.  It's my favorite word.  Really capitalizes how much fun something can be.  Too bad things haven't been awesome lately."  Duusu said.  "What do you mean?"  Jack asked.  "I am one of Shadowmth's miraculous.  Meaning I was....."  Duusu replied.  "Hold up.  Your one of Shadowmoth's miraculous?!"  Jack interrupted.  "That's right."  Duusu replied.  Jack goes from calm to scared at this news.  He pulls out his phone, and looks up Shadowmoth.  There, he finds the exact same brooch on his body.  The same one Jack has in his hands right now.  "Oh no.  No, no, no, no, no!  This can't be happening."  Jack panicked.  "Hey, no need to worry.  It's ok."  Duusu replied.  "No need to worry?  NO NEED TO WORRY?!  HOW CAN I NOT WORRY WHEN I HAVE ONE OF SHADOWMOTH'S MIRACULOUS????!!!!!  Sure it's not Essence, but still!!!!  He's dangerous!  Oh man, this is bad.  This is severely bad.  What will my friends think?!  What will the public think?!  What will Ladybug and Cat Noir think?!  Oh God, they'll see me as an accomplice."  Jack panicked.  He takes fast deep breathes, so Duusu flies in front of him.  "Hey, it's ok.  No need to panic."  Duusu re-evaluated.  "Really?"  Jack asked.  "Of course.  First of all, let's calm you down.  Take a deep breath like your filling a balloon.  [Jack takes the deep breath].  Good.  Now, slowly let it out.  Like releasing the air from it.  [Jack slowly releases his breath, until it's all out].  Good.  How do you feel?"  Duusu asked.  "Surprisingly better.  How did you learn to do that?"  Jack asked.  "I've been told to relax myself many times.  I'm known for having energetic behavior, and explosive emotions.  So, I used that method to help me if I need to relax, anger, or scared."  Duusu replied.  "Impressive.  So, if I have you, does that mean Shadowmoth only has one miraculous?"  Jack asked.  "That's right.  Nooroo, the Butterfly kwami, and my favorite.  I hope he's ok.  My old master must be furious that he lost me.  [Jack gasp].  Oh, don't worry.  You'll be ok.  I think."  Duusu replied.  "Ok.  So, what should I do with you then?"  Jack asked.  "Definitely not send me back to Shadowmoth that's for sure."  Duusu replied.  "Agreed.  [thinks].  Well, I'm only here for a couple more weeks.  I'm a transferred student from Chicago, and my time here is almost up.  Tell you what. For now, you can just stay with me, and I'll give you back to Ladybug and Cat Noir once I leave. Therefore it shouldn't be a big deal." Jack said.  "Why not now?"  Duusu asked.  "Again,  I'm sure they will they will think I work with Shadowmoth."  Jack replied.  "Fair point.  But hey, you don't seem like a bad guy.  Maybe we can have some fun together."  Duusu said.  "I guess.  Just, promise me you won't cause any trouble?"  Jack asked.  "I promise."  Duusu replied.  Jack sighs in relief.
    "And the miraculous of the Rooster, Orikko, belongs to Marc Anciel." Ladybug said. "No way. Marc? The guy who writes those Ladybug comics with Nathaniel?" Cat Noir asked. "Yes." Ladybug replied. "Wow!" Cat Noir said. The two heroes are inside of a warehouse, so no one can see them working. Ladybug puts the Rooster miraculous back in, and pulls out another. "And here is the Ox miraculous. Stompp is the kwami, and the holder is Ivan Bruel." Ladybug said. "Ivan!" Cat Noir replied. "Yeah, it's kind of weird when you finally find out someone's identity. But, it's for the best since you deserve to know." Ladybug said. "Yeah. I love the team, but it was a pain not being allowed to know who they are. Except some like, Queen Bee, Ryuko, Viperion, and Pigella. But I'm so glad your finally telling me who they all are." Cat Noir replied. "I think it's a good way for us to start being an actual trustworthy duo." Ladybug said. "That reminds me, how did you find out Luka was Viperion?" Cat Noir asked. "Sass couldn't say his name, but he could show me a picture of him. [in flashback]. Sass points to a picture of Luka, and Marinette understands who Viperion is now. She also freaks out to a massive extent. [end flashback]. It was a shocker, but I grew to it." Ladybug replied. "Got it. So, since you are revealing secret identities to me, does this mean we get to reveal our secret identities?!" Cat Noir asked in excitement. "What?! No way. Not going to happen. Nope!" Ladybug yelled. "Oh, my bad I guess." Cat Noir said in sorrow. Ladybug looks, and feels bad for what she said. "Hey, I didn't mean it like that. It's just....the last time that happened, well......" Ladybug said. "Cat Blanc?" Cat Noir asked. "[sighs]. Yes. Again, I can see you want to know, but we can't risk having him come back. Especially after all I've done to you. He's the reason I was such a punk to you, and also the reason I was so scared." Ladybug replied. "I get it. It's hard seeing the thing you fear most 24/7. Even if it's your own partner." Cat Noir said in a sad tone. "It's past us now. We are no longer trapped in a toxic relationship. We are building this relationship to where it should be." Ladybug replied. "Same. So, when, or will we reveal our identities?" Cat Noir asked. "When Shadowmoth and Essence are gone for good. With them out of the way, there is no need to hide who we are. No megakumas to worry about, or clawers. I promise you, that is when we will do the reveal." Ladybug replied. "Thanks for that." Cat Noir said in a happy tone. "Ok, just one more left, and we are done here. [in whisper]. And the one I'm the most afraid of. [pulls out Fox miraculous. Not in whisper]. Cat Noir, this......is the Fox miraculous. It's kwami is named Trixx, and his holder is........is........is.......Alya Cesaire. [deep breath]. She is also the one I told my secret identity to, let her have my miraculous to be Scarabella, and has been a spy the whole time after Sentibubbler! There, I said it." Ladybug admitted. "Wait, wait, wait. Alya knows who you are, is Scarabella, and was a spy for us?" Cat Noir asked. "Correct." Ladybug admitted in a worried way. "Well,.........I mean, ok. I can understand why she would be Scarabella, since you did tell her who you are, but why was she a spy?" Cat Noir asked. "Shadowmoth somehow found out she was Rena Rouge, so she became a permanent holder only to spy. Just in case of any danger." Ladybug replied. "Ok, but why her? Why make her the one to tell your secret identity?" Cat Noir asked. "She was a trustworthy girl. I felt like......she was the one." Ladybug replied. "And......I wasn't?" Cat Noir asked. "What? Of course not. You definitely would have been the one. It's just, the whole Cat Blanc thing made me not want to tell you. If you know what I mean." Ladybug replied. "I do. But it still hurts a bit you broke the rule." Cat Noir said. "I can see that. But don't worry. Like I said, you will know who I am once all of this is over. As for me and Alya, she renounced being Rena, so she won't be making an appearance again." Ladybug replied. "Is it because Shadowmoth knows?" Cat Noir asked. "No. I would still let her stay just to help. The only problem is he attacked her family. That's too dangerous for her be a hero again. As for Queen Bee and Ryuko, they would stop if Shadowmoth or Essence attacked their loved ones. But they haven't so...." Ladybug replied. Cat Noir looks a little upset not being able to see Rena again. "Hey, I didn't say it was permanent. Once those two scumbags are gone, she will come back." Ladybug said. "Are you sure?" Cat Noir asked. "I'm certain." Ladybug replied. Cat smiles. "Well, [puts Fox miraculous back in yo-yo] there you have it. All fifteen miraculous holder's identities revealed. Best we part ways, and get ready if Shadowmoth or Essence attacks again." Ladybug said. She is about to leave. "Before you go, I have something I wanted to give you." Cat Noir said. "Oh really?" Ladybug asked. "Yeah. I wanted to know who you are not only because it's best for us to know, but so we can have better communication. You know? The thing we were mostly lacking back then. I get why we can't do it, but I still want us to be in contact. So, I made these." Cat Noir replied as he throws Ladybug his idea. Ladybug catches some kind of recording box. "I painted it myself. You're's is red with black dots. Mine is pure black. All we have to do is press the button on the front, and we can directly talk to each other." Cat Noir said. "Can't we just do that with normal radio chips we get from our weapons?" Ladybug asked. "Of course, expect we can use these when we are not transformed. So if we are always in contact at all times. I figured it's a good way to tell each other if we can't go to battle or not, or just simple info in general." Cat Noir replied. "Huh? [looks at box]. That's actually a very smart idea, kitty. Way to think outside of the box." Ladybug said. "Thanks. Also, like the pun there." Cat Noir replied. Ladybug giggles, before she is ready to leave. "Oh, and Ladybug." Cat Noir said. Ladybug turns around. "Thank you for keeping your promise." Cat Noir said. Ladybug smiles, and replies with, "No problem, kitty." Ladybug leaves, as Cat Noir smiles more that things are better than ever.
    Sadly, Marinette's smiles end when she gets home. "Spots off." Ladybug said in a sad tone, as she de-transforms. She sadly climbs down her stairs to her bed, and sits down in her chair. "What's wrong, Marinette? You don't look so good." Tikki asked. "[sighs]. I actually told him. I told him everything. The secret identities, Alya knowing my identity, everything he should know." Marinette replied. "Almost everything. You didn't tell him about your plan to replace him." Trixx said holding the Essence mask. Marinette freaks out, and smacks the mask out of Trixx's hands. "I thought I told you not to touch that mask. And also, why on God should I tell Cat that?! Just be like, oh hey Cat Noir, I was going to replace you because you remind me of a demon. There's no way he should know." Marinette asked. "He now knows about Cat Blanc. Like all of us once you got back from Brazil." Trixx replied. "Meaning?" Marinette asked. "Meaning he would probably understand your intention." Trixx replied. "Still not going to happen. I caused too much trouble already, and I'm not going to make it worse." Marinette said. "Understandable." Trixx replied. "So, is that reason why your so upset, or is it telling Cat everything?" Xuppu asked, as he and the other kwamis surround her. "It's not about Cat knowing all the identities. That mask is my problem. Apart from the video of my plan, how could we all forgot the other thing on there. Essence know ALL the identities of the heroes, except for Cat and I. And this happened right in front of me. It's all my fault he knows the truth. I should have been more careful. More secure. How foolish was I to do it in a random alleyway, or the sewers." Marinette replied. "The question on my mind is how he did it without being caught." Wayzz said. "I don't know either. But I do know one important thing.......I can't have the team anymore." Marinette replied. "WHAT?!" All the kwamis asked in shock. "It's true. Sure, their loved ones haven't been attacked, except for Alya's, but Essence is a literal menace. He'll do anything for a miraculous. Even the thought of attacking or murdering their families won't hesitate him. So, to play it smart, I have no choice. No more heroes. Just me, and Cat Noir. That's it." Marinette replied. All of the kwamis are sad because they won't be able to see their holders again. "Well, you did say they will come back, once Essence is gone right?" Tikki asked. "Yeah, but what are the chances we actually defeat him?" Marinette asked back. "Cat Noir did back when he invaded Paris." Tikki replied. "But he got away." Marinette said. "Listen, I get it's hard, but we will find a solution to stop him, and Shadowmoth. We always will." Tikki replied. "Thanks for that, Tikki. Let's only pray there will be no more plot twist along the way." Marinette said. Suddenly, Marinette's phone rings. She pulls it out of her pocket to see who it is. "Alix?" Marinette asked. She accepts the call. "Hey, Marinette. How are you doing?" Alix asked. "I'm good. Just chilling." Marinette replied. "Great. I need you to come over to my place now. It's important." Alix said. "Why is it important?" Marinette asked. "I promise I will explain once you get here." Alix replied. "If you say so. Alright. I'll be there in ten." Marinette said, as she hangs up. Before Marinette leaves, she and Tikki go to put the Essence mask away. Leaving her purse on her desk. As she does that, Fluff quickly goes to the Mother Box, which is out of the sowing box, and takes out her miraculous. "What are you..." Longg asked. "Shhhh. She can't know I'm coming. Help me put my miraculous on her purse." Fluff interrupted. "What for?" Daizzi whispered. "Trust me. I know what's happening." Fluff replied. The kwamis open up Marinette's purse, and some of the other kwamis help Fluff put her miraculous inside. Once inside, they put the purse just like it was before. Fluff hides inside. "Ok, ready Tikki?" Marinette asked. "As always." Tikki replied. Marinette puts on her purse, puts her phone in her pocket, and leaves her bedroom to see Alix.
    As Marinette leaves, we see what Adrien and Plagg are up to. Adrien is lying on his couch, while Plagg is eating some delicious cheese. "Can you believe this Plagg?" Adrien asked. "I can. This camembert is so delicious. So rich, and creamy. There's a reason it's my favorite out of all the others." Plagg replied. "No, Plagg. I'm talking about the fact my entire class are superheroes. Except Marinette, Lila, Alix, and Jack." Adrien said. "Oh.....yeah, it's nuts. Your entire friend group also being the team you fight with. It's crazy. Sort of like you love this cheese so much, but you don't know the ingredient for it. That ingredient for that cheese is one of your favs, so to find out it's used in a cheese you love so much is very surprising." Plagg replied. "It is." Adrien said in a sad tone. Plagg notices this negativity, and flies up to him. "So, what's with the long face?" Plagg asked. "[sighs]. It's the fact they will be put in so much danger now. Don't get me wrong, [sits up] I'm happy they are superheroes, but........remember the first time they fought Essence?" Adrien asked back. In flashback, we see Essence beat the crap out of all the heroes. "I do. Very well." Plagg said. "That's my problem. I'm just worried if they will get extremely hurt. Or even worse, killed. You know how much they mean to me" Adrien replied. "I do, and I understand. Like I said before, it's a devastating feeling to see your best friend or friends be taken away from you. But, as long as I'm are here, you and your friends will be safe." Plagg said. "It's your commitment to me happy that makes me love you, Plagg." Adrien replied. Plagg slightly blushes, but hides it from Adrien. Soon, a knocking settles on Adrien's door. Plagg hides in Adrien's jacket, as Adrien answers the door. "Natalie?" Adrien asked. "Good morning, Adrien. I hope I wasn't interrupting you." Natalie replied. "You weren't." Adrien said. "Ok. Well, I came to tell you that your Father wants to talk with you." Natalie replied. "My Father wants to.......talk to me?" Adrien asked in a scared tone. "Yes. He's in his office, as he normally is." Natalie replied in an anger tone. Adrien is frightened to his core. He remembered what happened the last time he saw his Dad. He yelled at him, and chucked a book at his face. One that made him bleed. He is scared, but end ups inside of his Dad's office, where he is working. "Hello, Adrien." Gabriel said. "Hey, Father. You....called me?" Adrien asked. "Yes. I want to discuss your freak out you had a few days ago. [Adrien gasp]. If I recall correctly, you wanted to quit being a model because you hate it so much. And then you chucked a book at me when I told you to stay. Resulting in my nose bleeding. Am I wrong?" Gabriel asked in a serious tone. Adrien now shakes in terror, and struggles to speak. "Am I wrong, Adrien?" Gabriel asked in a serious tone. "Ummmm.......ummm..........ummmm......n......no. Your not wrong at all." Adrien replied scared. "[clears throat]. Well, then. I guess I know see how you are when your anger. It's a threat. Something you should avoid at all times. [gets away from computer, and starts walking to Adrien]. It also shows me how rebel you can be. How you will even hurt those who upset you to get what you want. [Adrien slowly backs up in fear]. Even your own Father. The one who raised you, since birth. I guess this is what happens when I don't look after you for a while. You do what you want no matter what. Like the common, average teenager. [Adrien ends up against the wall, with Gabriel right in front of him]. And it's shocking to see you be like everyone else from how I raised you. It makes me sick inside. [Adrien takes deep breathes]. That's why I've decided I'm going to do something I thought I would never, ever, ever do to you in my life. [Adrien's heartbeats faster than a predator going after it's prey]. Adrien. I'm........[Adrien takes fast deep breathes] releasing you from your modeling career." Gabriel replied. "OH GOD!!!!!! NOT THAT!!!!!  PLEASE, FATHER, DON'T DO THIS TO ME wait a minute, what?" Adrien asked with surprise. "It's true. I've learned I can't keep you bond to something you don't want to do. I mean, it was because of modeling that you weren't able to go to your friend's party, which I promised you would go to. Also, about that, I apologize for lying to you. I......was afraid, something bad may happen, but I ended up hurting you dearly. I hope you still had fun regardless." Gabriel replied. "Oh, I had lots of fun, but back on topic, you're serious? Your ok with me not being a model anymore?" Adrien asked. "Well, I do have Lila for a model now, so I can still make ads. But, yes. I'm fine with it." Gabriel replied. Adrien stands frozen for a second, before he runs and hugs his Dad. "Thank you, Father. You have no idea how much this means to me." Adrien said. Gabriel smiles, and he hugs his son. "Your welcome, Adrien, I mean, son." Gabriel replied. The two of them hug some more, before letting go. Adrien goes to leave. "Oh, Adrien." Gabriel said. Adrien turns around. "In case there is anything else you need, I'm here for you." Gabriel said. Adrien smiles, and replies with, "Thanks, Dad," before he leaves.
    "It makes my heart bloom like a cocoon to see you be a loving Father to your son." Nooroo said as he comes out. "It is, but I had no choice in releasing Adrien." Gabriel replied. "What do you mean, master?" Nooroo asked. "[sighs]. When I found out Essence knows my secret identity, and the son of Satan who killed my wife, I prayed things wouldn't get worse. But they did once I lost Duusu, and the Peacock miraculous. Now I only have you, and a target on my back. And with the rest of my family, Essence could pull off anything to get to me." Gabriel replied. "So, why let Adrien stop being a model? You'll have a good eye on him." Nooroo asked. "It's because I'm going to be honest. One way or another, I'm going to die, Nooroo. So it's best for Adrien to live the best he can with his life, before I go. Plus, who knows how long Natalie has to live. If we both go, Adrien will be all by himself. It's just......too hard to accept." Gabriel replied in despair. Nooroo flies to his master. "I'm so sorry, master." Nooroo said feeling sympathetic. "Thanks. At least I still have you to accompany me. Actually, not anymore." Gabriel replied. "Not anymore?" Nooroo asked. "The only way for Adrien's life not be be ruined permanently is to make my wish come true. Wish for Emilie to be alive, Natalie's sickness to go away, and for Essence to never show up again. But now that Essence knows, it's too risky for me to be Hawkmoth. That's why your getting a new holder today." Gabriel replied. "WHAT?!" Nooroo asked. "[phones rings, and Gabriel checks it]. Oh, and she is here now." Gabriel replied. Gabriel gets up, and leaves his office. He opens the front door. "Ahhhh, if it isn't my favorite friend of Adrien. Lila Rossi." Gabriel said. The two of them go back into Gabriel's office. "I'm glad you called me over, sir. I have some modeling ideas for me and your son to do. First..." Lila said. "Quiet, Lila. We have more important business to discuss. Secret business if you know what I mean." Gabriel interrupted. "Ohhh, that business." Lila said. "Yes. You are the first person to know my true identity as Hawkmoth." Gabriel replied. "Yep, and I haven't told a soul since." Lila said. "That's nice. But here's the thing. Apart from Emilie and Natalie, you weren't the first person to know." Gabriel replied. "Excuse me?" Lila asked. "You know Essence right? Masked guy who has an army of robot killers, and wants what I want." Gabriel asked back. "Oh, of course. I was very lucky to survive his invasion." Lila replied. "Yes. Well, he knew I was Hawkmoth way before I showed up here in Paris." Gabriel said. Lila gasp in surprise. "It's true. The truth is.........he killed my wife." Gabriel said. "WHAT?! HE KILLED YOUR WIFE?!" Lila asked. "Please be quiet. Yes. He is the one. That's not all. In addition to his unexpected return, I lost my Peacock miraculous. Now I can't make sentimonsters anymore. Nor megakumas, since Essence will come after me to get it." Gabriel replied. "Why hasn't he done it now?" Lila asked. "I don't know. Looks like he's playing it slow, but smart. Waiting for the right moment to get me just like his invasion. Except that's not going to happen." Gabriel replied. "How so?" Lila asked. "Well, that's the main reason I called you here. [Lila looks confused. Gabriel takes a deep breath, and takes off his scarf]. Nooroo......I renounce you." Gabriel replied. He takes off the Butterfly miraculous, opens up Lila's hand, and places the brooch in her palm. "No.  This is a joke, right?  It has to be." Lila asked. "Not at all. I want you to take my position as Butterfly holder. As long as Essence doesn't know your identity, he can't get Nooroo. As well as give us an excuse to create supervillains. Meaning you can make akumas, get me the miraculous, and save my family." Gabriel replied. "Does that include.......destroying Ladybug?" Lila asked. "Yes." Gabriel replied. "Ok. Ok. Just give me a second. [slaps herself]. I'd be happy to fill in your shoes." Lila said in a sinister tone. Lila takes the Buttefly miraculous, and puts it into her pocket. "As for akumas, I'll send you a cage of butterflies to pull it off. All you need to do when transformed is the basics. Find a negative emotions, cover the butterfly with hands, and send it to the victim to akumatize. The faster you destroy Ladybug, the faster this nightmare will end for us all. And no need to ask. I don't care how brutal you want Ladybug's demise to be." Gabriel said. "Ohhhh, I love working with you, sir." Lila replied. Lila leaves with Nooroo, and her cage of butterflies. Smiling that she has the power to make Ladybug pay.
    Marinette arrives at Alix's home, and rings her door bell. "[opens door]. Oh, hello Marinette. What brings you here today?" Alix's Dad asked. "Hello, Mr. Kubdel. Alix wanted to see me. It was for something....." Marinette replied. "MARINETTE!!!!!" Alix interrupted as she runs to the door. "Hey, Alix. Must be happy to see me." Marinette replied. "Oh of course. Sorry, about interrupting. I'm just really excited to see you." Alix said. "Well, I better leave you two to take care of it. I have to go back to work now, Alix. I'll be back by dinner time." Alix's Dad replied. "Ok, Dad. See you soon." Alix said as her Dad leaves. Alix takes Marinette to her bedroom, which is full of stuff. In addition to her green and light blue bed, Alix has bean bag, skating and engineering posters on her walls, a pull up bar, and a wall dedicated to her collection of roller skates. "Woah! You really love skating." Marinette said. "And engineering. I plan to make it my career once we graduate." Alix replied. "No way. That's so cool. So, is that the reason you called me over? So I can check out your room?" Marinette asked. "No, though I did get some new stuff I wanted to show you. Care to sit on my bean bag?" Alix asked back. "Sure. It looks comfy." Marinette replied. Marinette sits on the bean bag, as Alix pulls up a chair to sit on. "Your bean bag feels so relaxing."  Marinette said.  "Thanks.  It's often I sit when feeling stressed,  Anyway, the important stuff.  Before I begin, the only think I need you to do is not freak out. Like, scream, panic, any of that. I will expect you are going to, and I get it, but please remain calm.  Ok?" Alix asked. "Ok, I guess." Marinette replied confused. "[deep breath]. I know you are Ladybug." Alix said. Marinette freezes up. "What......what are you talking about?" Marinette asked as she giggles nervously. "I mean it. I know you're Ladybug. Like, the Ladybug." Alix replied. "Alix, stop joking around, this isn't funny. [laughs nervously]. You really think I'm Ladybug?" Marinette asked. "No, I know you're Ladybug." Alix replied. "Please, Alix. This isn't funny at all." Marinette said nervously. "Ok, I think it's about time I make my appearance." Fluff replied as she flies out. "FLUFF!!!! [hugs her, as Fluff hugs her on the cheek]. It's so good to see you again." Alix said. Marinette is now frozen like a block of ice at this. "[stop hugging]. See, I know you are Ladybug." Alix said. "[deep breath]. Ok. This is all a dream. Yeah, a sick and twisted dream I need to wake up from." Marinette replied as she laughs like a maniac. "Fluff, what are you doing here?" Tikki asked flying out. "[shrieks]. TIKKI, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!!!" Marinette yelled. "Ok, you two. Relax. Just, calm down, and I will explain everything. Understood?" Alix asked. Marinette and Tikki take a moment, and relax. "Good. Now, I bet you have a lot of questions." Alix said. "I definitely do. How do you know I'M LADYBUG????!!!!" Marinette yelled. "HEY! I SAID CALM DOWN!!!!!" Alix yelled back. "Sorry. Just had to get that out of my chest." Marinette said. "Ok. To answer that question, things will get a little weird..........I found out you are Ladybug from an alternate timeline." Alix replied. "Hold up, a what now?" Marinette and Tikki asked. "Yes.  An alternate timeline, and please don't panic again, Cat Noir's as well." Alix replied. "Wait, WHAT??!!" Marinette asked. "What did I just, never mind. Listen, in an alternate timeline I found out both your's, and Cat Noir's secret identities. No need to freak out, I didn't tell anyone. It's also in that timeline that I got my miraculous. My first assignment from that Marinette was to go back in time to prevent that timeline from ever happening. It was a hard first mission, but I made it work. So after I saved the timelines, I knew my next move would be telling you, and Cat Noir the truth.  Which brings us here" Alix replied. "Wait, why did the alternate me wanted you to erase that timeline?" Marinette asked. Alix and Fluff look at each other, and get some flashes of Cat Noir's Perfect Payback. Flashes of Adrien murdering his friends in plain cite. "Trust me, you don't want to know." Alix said. "Absolutely. It's best to be stayed silent." Fluff replied. "Very well then. So, if your telling me all of this, are you going to do the same with Cat Noir?" Marinette asked. "Duuu. Of course." Alix replied. "Oh. [leans on bean bag]. But this makes everything worse than it already is.  Do you have any idea how much danger you put yourself in, Alix? What if Shadowmoth, or Essence finds out you know our identities? They'll be able to win, and get what they want easily." Marinette panicked. "That will never happen. You know I can keep a secret? Even if it's that serious." Alix asked. Marinette thinks back to what Adult Bunnix said at the end of Cat Blanc.  That she knows how to keep a secret. "Yeah. I guess your right. [gets up]. So, I guess your the new Bunnix now." Marinette replied. "Technically the same, but younger to be more exact." Alix said. "Great. I guess that means no more consequences are coming?" Marinette asked. "Unless you do something that can lead to them." Alix replied. "Of course. That makes sense." Marinette said. "Ummm, I hate to make this worse, but are you two forgetting something?" Fluff asked. "What?" Marinette and Alix asked. "My power of time travel comes with a cost. Remember, if you use time travel to fix a mistake in the past, a deadly consequence will always follow." Fluff replied. "What do you mean a deadly consequence?" Marinette asked. "[thinks]. Oh right. I remember now. [in flashback].  "No matter what mistake you fix, there will always be a deadly consequence that follows.  AND I MEAN, A DEADLY CONSEQUENCE!"  Adult Alix said.  [end flashback].  Adult me told us how time travel works.  And that a deadly consequence will come if we fix a mistake."  Alix replied.  "So, the consequences aren't over yet?"  Marinette asked.  Fluff nods her head.  "[leans on bean bag].  Ahhhhhhh, why can't we just end this, and have a happy ever after?!"  Marinette asked stressed out.  "We will, once the villains are gone."  Tikki replied.  "Yes, but now we have a deadly consequence to deal with.  Just to make everything more horrific."  Marinette said.  "Now hold on, a little depth with the deadly consequence.  It doesn't happen right away.  Sometimes it does right off the bat, and other times it takes years, even decades, even centuries to happen.  And sometimes the consequence isn't always deadly."  Fluff replied.  "Really?"  Marinette asked.  "It's how I was made."  Fluff replied.  "Thanks for the that.  But still, we know it will come, and it can be at any moment."  Marinette said.  "We'll get through this.  All of us will."  Alix replied.  "[gets up].  Oh, yeah.  All of us."  Marinette said in a nervous way.  "I can feel you are a bit uncomfortable now, after what Fluff and I told you.  Care for us to make you some tea?"  Alix asked.  "You made tea?"  Marinette asked.  "Yep."  Alix replied.  "Well.......I guess some tea will help us lose stress.  Ok, we'll stay for some."  Marinette said.  "Awesome."  Alix replied.  The two of them leave Alix's room, and go to the kitchen for some tea.
Lila arrives back home with her new friend, and butterflies.  She enters her bedroom, closes the door, and locks it.  She places the butterfly cage on her nightstand, before sitting with her back against her bed.  She pulls out the Butterfly miraculous, and puts it on.  There, a bright purple light forms, and Nooroo reappears again.  Nooroo looks at Lila.  "Lila Rossi.  I would expect you to be my new holder."  Nooroo said.  "Awww, that's so sweet of you.  I'm the one you expected. So far, I'm starting to like you, Nooroo."  Lila replied.  "Yeah.  So, this is your room?"  Nooroo asked.  "Indeed.  And now it's my new base of operations.  For creating akumas to infect Paris of course."  Lila replied.  "[sighs].  New holder, same job.  How fun. Nice room you got."  Nooroo said in a sad tone.  "Thanks."  Lila replied.  Lila notices this sadness from Nooroo, and surprisingly, she gets a bit concerned.  "You don't look alright.  Care if I fetch you something to eat?"  Lila asked.  "Really?  You'll do that for me?"  Nooroo asked back in shock.  "Of course."  Lila replied.  Nooroo smiles, and we then see him snacking on some candy.  "Yum.  This chocolate is so good."  Nooroo said, as he eats more.  "They are called, baci perugina.  A famous chocolate from Italy, which is actually where I'm from."  Lila replied.  "[finishes eating one].  Is that a lie, or the truth?"  Nooroo asked.  "Oh no, it's the truth.  I'm actually Italian, and born in Italy."  Lila replied.  "Cool.  I'm aware how much you lie, so I want to be sure you're telling the truth."  Nooroo said.  "Makes sense.  So, why were you so sad in the first place?"  Lila asked.  "[finishes eating].  Oh, well.......it's Duusu."  Nooroo replied.  "The Peacock kwami?"  Lila asked.  "Yes.  And the only other kwami I had.  Ever since I lost her, I have been worried sick.  She was more than just an ordinary kwami to me.  She was my favorite.  After all, we have been away from the others for years.  It's a long story.  What I'm trying to say is that I really hope she is ok."  Nooroo replied.  Lila, again surprisingly, feels a bit bad for Nooroo.  "I'm sorry to hear this.  I bet she meant a lot to you."  Lila said.  "No.  She meant the world to me."  Nooroo replied.  "Woah.  Don't worry.  We'll get her back.  No matter how long it takes."  Lila said.  "Thanks, Lila."  Nooroo replied.  "Well, hope you enjoyed your treat because it's time to get to work."  Lila said in an evil way.  "Do we have to?"  Nooroo asked.  "If there is anything more important to me other than getting with Adrien, is destroying Ladybug for ruining my life.  The faster we kill her, the faster you won't be used for evil anymore."  Lila replied.  "Understood.  But it still hurts for me being used like this. Anyway, all you need to say is, Nooroo, dark wings rise."  Nooroo said.  "Got it.  [stands in front of window].  Ladybug, you made a fool out of me over a year ago, and crumbled my chances to get with Adrien.  But it's thanks to that experience that made me see what you truly are inside.  A selfish, cruel, manipulative bug, who doesn't want anyone touching her precious idol.  Well so be it.  Once your out of my way, you'll see what it's like to have something you love be taken away from you.  With Adrien being all mine, forever as the cherry on top.  And so, your countdown to destruction begins......now.  Nooroo, dark wings rise."  Lila said as she transforms into Farfalla(The image from above is the way I want Farfalla to look btw.  Shout out to Ирка Редная, who made this design).
    We then cut to Jack walking on the streets of Paris. "Ok, so now that I have you, it's best if I make some specific ground rules you must follow." Jack said. "What kind of rules?" Duusu asked popping out of Jack's pocket. "Get back in there. No one can see you." Jack said. "Um, who are you talking to?" A citizen asked. "Myself. It's a nice conversation we're having, until you interrupted." Jack replied. Jack leaves the civilian. "Hey, that wasn't very nice." Duusu said. "I'm sorry. He can't know your with me." Jack replied. "Try to be a bit nicer next time. Just saying. So what are the rules you were talking about?" Duusu asked. "Right. So, number one. You can not at all under any circumstances whatsoever go anywhere you want, unless it's with me. Not going to risk you getting into any trouble." Jack replied. "Ok." Duusu said. "Good. Number two, I'm not using your powers for any purposes. As long as I have you, I have a target on my back. One that won't end nicely if Ladybug and Cat Noir find out my secret. That means the brooch stays in my pocket at all times, but I'll keep you out for someone to talk to." Jack replied. "Awwww. I wanted to make some sentimonsters. For good, not evil." Duusu said. "I'm sorry, that's not happening. And also, sentimonsters?" Jack asked. "Oh, that's my power. I can create a creature based on a human emotion. Anger, sadness, jealousy, anything. For example, ones Shadowmoth made include: Guiltrip, Mega Leech, Kuro Neko, and Rage Ravager." Duusu replied. "Not going to lie, that's a pretty dope power." Jack said. "Thanks. I think it's awesome myself. Allows your creativity to go insane." Duusu replied. "Anyway, back to the rules. Number three, you are only allowed in my pocket, except when I'm back at my hotel room. A bit like number one, but you get some freedom." Jack said. "Ok. [peaks a bit]. It does look beautiful outside. I just wish I could experience more." Duusu replied. "I assume Shadowmoth doesn't let you get out much." Jack said. "Yeah. It's not fun. But, it's nice to see it for a change." Duusu replied. "I can see that." Jack said. "[stomach growls]. Hey, is it alright if we can get some food now. I'm really hunger?" Duusu asked. "Uhhhh, yeah. We are actually by my favorite bakery in Paris. It's actually owned by one of my friends. Her parents make some awesome bread." Jack replied. "That works." Duusu said. Jack arrives at Marinette's parents bakery, and goes inside. "Mr. and Mrs. Dupain. How are you guys doing?" Jack asked. "Ah, Jack. Great to see you once again." Mr. Dupain replied. "We're doing good. What about you?" Mrs. Dupain asked. "Awesome. I'm just here for a nice loath of bread. As usual." Jack replied. "Coming right up." Mr. Dupain said. As he goes to work, Duusu peaks out to see the other goods the store has to offer. She search ends up right on a specific pastry. "[in whisper]. Hey, Jack. What's that?" Duusu asked. "That? Oh, that's a blueberry muffin." Jack replied. "It looks delicious, can we get some please." Duusu begged. "I'm not sure. I like a loath of bread is enough." Jack replied. "Come on, please." Duusu begged. "No, Duusu. We're getting bread, and that's it." Jack replied. Duusu gags a bit, and starts to cry. Her wails not only annoy Jack, but blow their cover. "[in whisper]. Duusu, what are you doing? We're going to get caught." Jack ordered. "Please can we get some?" Duusu asked. "I already told you, no." Jack replied. Duusu cries more, which makes the scene more embarrassing. Jack tries to think of something, but he can't. Duusu's cries make Jack freak out. "OK! OK! WE'LL GET BLUEBERRY MUFFINS!!!!!! YOU HAPPY NOW????!!!!!" Jack yelled. Mr. and Mrs. Dupain look at Jack with shock, as Jack looks embarrassed. He leaves the shop with a loath of bread, and blueberry muffins. "Your lucky they believed my bad day lie. We could have got caught back there." Jack said. "[eats blueberry muffin]. At least they bought it, and we bought these blueberry muffins. Which by the way, are so good. Thanks for getting them." Duusu replied. "I'm very happy you like them." Jack said in an anger tone. "I see you don't feel so positive. Is it.....because of what I did?" Duusu asked. "No, I'm just having a terrible day. Of course it's because of you. [stops walking]. Listen, Duusu, you look like a sweet creature. But the whole cry baby thing isn't something I want from you. It's annoying, and especially immature." Jack replied. "Oh, I'm sorry then. I didn't mean to cause a scene." Duusu said. "[sighs]. Lucky for you, I'm one to forgive those who apologize for their mistakes. So, I forgive you Duusu." Jack replied. "Thanks, Jack. I promise, no, I'll try not to lose my temper again." Duusu said. "Good. Well, you weren't lying about emotions from before." Jack replied. "Oh, just wait until something energetic happens. I'll drop anything I'm doing, and just give into it." Duusu said. "Then you would have loved the party I went to the day I found you. It was an absolute blast." Jack replied. "Awesome. AHHHHH, JACK, LOOK OUT!!!!!!" Duusu screamed. Jack looks, and sees a red laser beam being blasted at him. "WOAH!!!!" Jack screamed as he jumps into an alleyway, dodging the attack. Jack carefully looks around to see what caused the beam. He sees a massive robot blasting stuff with a red laser. That laser turns things into pixel cubes, and it goes into the robot. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! At this rate, I'll have enough power to decimate any hero in my way." The pilot of the robot said. "Your doing phenomenal, Gamer XL. But remember, I need the miraculous in perfect condition." Farfalla replied. "No need to worry, Farfalla. My percentages tell me I have a 97.56 percent chance of winning. Ladybug and Cat Noir won't stand a chance." Gamer XL said. "Excellent. Keep using your upgraded powers to make way for my arrival. They need to witness what Farfalla is capable of." Farfalla replied. "With pleasure." Gamer XL said. Gamer XL walks past Jack, and Duusu, who he doesn't see. "Thanks for the save." Jack said. "No problem, so can we go into battle, and save the day?" Duusu asked excited. "Hello, rule two. No using the Peacock miraculous." Jack replied. "Oh yeah. My bad." Duusu said. "Don't worry about it. Ladybug and Cat Noir will stop him. They always do. Let's hurry back home, before we get caught." Jack replied. He grabs his loath, and muffins, before he and Duusu run along.
    Back at Alix's home, she and Marinette drink some tea, while Tikki and Fluff eat some snacks Alix brought out. "I have to say, this tea is pretty darn good." Marinette said. "Thanks. It's a family recipe. It's one me, my Dad, and brother made one time." Alix replied. "[drinks tea]. Well, tell them they know how to make a killer tea. [drinks tea, until it's done]. So, are you sure you'll keep mine, and Cat Noir's identity a secret?" Marinette asked. "I can keep a secret, Marinette. You can trust me." Alix replied. Marinette smiles, as does Alix. Their conversation gets interrupted, when Marinette hears her radio box ring. She takes it out of her pocket. "My Lady. It's Cat Noir. Gamer has returned, and he's red for some reason. Looks like Shadowmoth wanted to go virtual again. I'm already here at the Arc de Triumph. Meet me there, so we can come up with a plan." Cat Noir said. "Got it. I'll be there in five." Marinette replied. "So you two have a communicator now?" Alix asked. "It was Cat's idea. It helps us have better connection. Well, I need to go now. Thanks for the talk, and tea, Alix." Marinette replied. "Hold on now. Can I come with?" Alix asked. "Uhhh, you can.......not because......I don't have your miraculous." Marinette replied in a worried way. "On the contrary, you do. Look in your purse." Fluff said. Marinette opens her purse, and pulls of the Rabbit miraculous. "Are you kidding me?" Marinette asked in anger. "I wanted to see Alix." Fluff replied. "Ok, you could have left your miraculous at home." Marinette said. "Well, I was hoping she would also tag along, in case of a villain." Fluff replied. "Thanks, big ears." Alix said. Marinette thinks of an excuse because of Essence. Tikki flies next to her holder. "[in whisper]. What should I do Tikki? She can't come because of the mask." Marinette asked. "[in whisper]. Now hold on, Marinette. The video on Essence's mask didn't show Alix being revealed. Therefore, he must not know who she is." Tikki replied. "[in whisper]. True, but it's still a big risk otherwise." Marinette said. "[in whisper]. I say we take it. We'll be more careful this time. In case he tries something." Tikki replied. Marinette thinks this over, as Alix waits for an answer. "[deep breath]. Ok, you can accompany us." Marinette said. Alix smiles, as Marinette gives her the Rabbit miraculous. Alix puts it on. "Ohhh, I'm so excited to this again. Fluff, clockwise." Alix said as she transforms into Bunnix.
    Back at the Arc, Gamer XL is blasting people and objects to power himself up. He laughs, as Cat Noir waits for Ladybug to show. She finally does, along with Bunnix. "[turns around]. Ah, My Lady. You're here. And......Bunnix, but smaller?" Cat Noir asked confused. "Not quite. I'm Bunnix, just a few ages down." Bunnix replied. "Wait, Alix? Like, not future Alix, but Alix from our time? Or, is it another Alix. Or.." Cat Noir asked. "She's just the Alix Kubdel we know. The one with us, before future Alix arrived on the day Timetagger came." Ladybug interrupted. "Ohhh, got it. Just making sure because I don't want to be disrespectful. Welcome to the team. You'll being felining a lot of energy once we go into battle." Cat Noir said. Ladybug giggles at that joke. "Come on, that made you laugh?" Bunnix asked. "Once you get use to it, you'll understand." Ladybug replied. "Anyway, back one track. Gamer is back, and he's looking for a rematch. He may have a new suit, but we have a new hero on our side." Cat Noir said. "If that so?" Gamer XL asked looking at the heroes. "Hello, Gamer. Nice to see you've been re-uploaded to fight us again." Ladybug replied. "That's Gamer XL to you, and this time, I'm certain you, Cat Noir, and the bunny will fall before me." Gamer XL said. "It's Bunnix, and don't try it, Moron Mind." Bunnix replied. Gamer commands his robot to blast at the Arc de Triomphe. The three heroes jump off it, as it is absorbed into Gamer XL's robot. The heroes land on the ground, and run to scale Gamer XL. He turns around to blast at the heroes. Setting it's course at Ladybug and Bunnix. He blast, and the female heroes notice the laser, and jump away from it. Ladybug lands, runs back to the robot, and jumps into the air. She throws her yo-yo, and wraps Gamer XL up. Ladybug lands, and pulls. Trapping Gamer XL. "Ha, you think I'm that easy to defeat? I'm more upgraded than ever, insect." Gamer XL said. He presses a button inside of his robot, which unleashes an electric shock. One the surges down Ladybug's yo-yo, and electrocutes her. She is sent flying into a car, as Gamer XL is freed from place. "Ladybug! [jumps to his Lady]. Are you ok?" Cat Noir asked. "I'm good. Just a little shocked." Ladybug replied. As Cat tends to Ladybug, Bunnix takes on Gamer XL. She runs, as Gamer XL fires at her. Bunnix swiftly dodges the attacks, and even does some flips to prove it. She ends up under Gamer XL's legs, and spears her umbrella into one of the legs. Once it hits the leg, the robot sort of almost falls. Bunnix gets back her umbrella, and runs behind Gamer XL. As he slowly turns around, Bunnix jumps, and spears her umbrella into one of the arms. Right in the elbow, it also flinches. She lands on the ground, gets her umbrella back, and goes for the head. "Nice try, bunny rabbit." Gamer XL said. He presses another button to give himself six grabber tentacles on his back. One grabs Bunnix, and slams her onto a car. Cat Noir and Ladybug run to her, as Bunnix falls off to one of the car's sides. "Bunnix, you alright?" Ladybug asked. "[coughs]. I'm good. Ouch, that hurt lot more than I expected." Bunnix replied. "Ok, Cat's time to shine." Cat Noir said. He uses his staff to javelin pole his hand to Gamer XL. In the air, he whacks his staff on the robot's head. As Cat lands on the ground, he jumps, and hits again. He keeps hitting the robot in revenge for Ladybug and Bunnix getting hurt. Soon, Gamer XL sends his tentacles to get Cat Noir. Too bad Cat is faster, and is able to dodge the grabbers with fast movement, and some impressive summer sults. Cat ends up behind Gamer XL, and jumps to get him. Gamer XL presses another button, which activates a gun on it's back to shot a net. Cat notices it, but is only able to get his staff stuck by the net. Good thing because it turns his staff into cubes, that Gamer XL absorbs. "Awww, what's wrong kitty cat? Lost a helping paw?" Gamer XL asked he blast at Cat Noir. He dodges, and regroups with his team. "That cat pun totally sucked." Cat Noir said. "I can hear you." Gamer XL replied. "GOOD!" Cat Noir yelled. "Don't let that feline intimidate you. I think it's best to use the secret weapon." Farfalla suggested. "Great idea. So you guys want to play games huh? Fine then, let's play." Gamer XL replied. He presses a big red button in the middle. Once activated, Gamer XL's robot gets a massive upgrade. Spikes form out of it's arms and legs. The chest opens up to a circular core inside. It gets four metal clawers on it's hands, instead of regular robotic fingers. Three tentacle blasters on it's head. And red veins to add some cool features to it. Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Bunnix look with complete terror. "Allow me to show you all a demonstration of my new power." Gamer XL said. He presses a button that powers up his core. It starts to form a red ball of energy. One that grows into something menacing. As it charges up, Gamer XL puts it's targets on one part of the city. On target, and the orb is ready. He presses another button that chucks the red orb from the robot, to the city. Once it touches the ground, it explodes like a freakin nuke. Destroying countless cities, and definitely killing thousands of people. All three heroes look in even more terror. "Hope you enjoy my demonstration. Now it's time to get your miraculous." Gamer XL said. He sends his grabber tentacles to the heroes, who all disburse. Ladybug jumps, and ducks over and under the tentacles. Cat Noir back flips over some. And Bunnix slides under vehicles to avoid getting captured. Even a car is chucked at her, but she dodges it by doing a hand stand flip. "Cat Noir, Bunnix, meet me in the center." Ladybug said. The two heroes agree, and run to the center with Ladybug. Once in the middle, all six tentacles are in one place, which gives Ladybug the chance to yo-yo them all together. This makes Gamer XL want to rage quit, so he tries to get them free. Ladybug keeps them still, but struggles to keep them in place. Cat Noir and Bunnix help, as Gamer XL adds more strength to the tentacles. Of course, why do that when he could just add a little shock to it. He presses the button to activate an electric shock, that ends up shocking all three heroes. However, the shock does make Gamer XL fall backwards to the ground. While shocked, this gives the heroes the chance to regroup for a plan. They do in the center again. "Lucky charm." Ladybug said as she uses her powers. Her lucky charm is a blaster. "I guess we are really sticking to the whole video game theme here." Bunnix said. Ladybug looks, and tries to find something to help. Unlike other times, she can't find a thing. "Any luck?" Cat Noir asked. "Not at all." Ladybug replied. Gamer XL slowly gets back up, so they need to think fast. Bunnix looks, and she sees the joints to the robot on the arms, and legs, and then sees the lucky charm, as well as both heroes. "I got it. Listen, I tested it, and if we hit the joints of the robot, knees and elbows to be more clear, they will tumble a bit. My umbrella wasn't enough, but that blaster can give me us kick needed to win." Bunnix said. "Are you certain?" Cat Noir asked. "Not only did I test it, but I'm studying engineering. I know how machines work." Bunnix replied in a serious tone. "Fair point. So what do Ladybug, and I do?" Cat Noir asked. "You distract Gamer XL, as I make the move. I have a good sharp eye, so I can make the shots. And that's not all." Bunnix replied, and whispers her plan to the heroes. "[finishes whispering]. I say we take it. Just be safe out there. We lose the lucky charm, we lose the chance to stop him." Ladybug said. "You two can count on me." Bunnix replied. Ladybug and Cat Noir run out to the battlefield, as Gamer XL finally gets back up. "Running like lifeless NPSs. Noobs." Gamer XL said. He presses a button that sends his spikes on his body at the heroes. They are actually rockets that soar right for them. The heroes dodge the rockets by jumping onto, and over them, or simply dodging them. They thinks it's easy, until they come right back around at them. "Target missiles. THEY ARE TARGET MISSILES!!!!!" Cat Noir yelled. "Yep. And they are directed to a scum ladybug, and an annoying black cat." Gamer XL replied, and laughed. Ladybug and Cat Noir split up, as the missiles split up to get them. As they both keep on running from them, Bunnix goes in to make her move. She stealthy makes her way to Gamer XL, as Ladybug and Cat Noir distract him. Once in the right spot, she takes aim at Gamer XL. Now ready, she fires. The blast gets him right in the back of the leg by the knee, which sends Gamer XL on one leg. "What the?" Gamer XL asked. Gamer XL turns the head of the robot, and he sees Bunnix with the blaster. "Playing dirty huh? Too can play it that game." Gamer XL said. Gamer XL put its blasters on it's head to target Bunnix. They blast at her, so Alix has a bit of a challenge on her way. As the blast are sent flying, Bunnix moves at the pace of a rabbit. Jumping high, running fast, and doing summer salts to avoid the blasts. She targets one of the robot's arms, and shots. Direct shot, as the arm is sent to the ground. Gamer XL gets more mad, so he redirects his missiles to go after Bunnix, and not Ladybug and Cat Noir. So, now Bunnix has a really challenge on her hands. At least the laser blast from the head stop, so the missiles can attack safely. The missiles fly directly at Bunnix, but she wants more action to go with her day. She runs, jumps, and jumps off missiles who come her way. Like a rabbit, she bounce off them easily. Until she is behind Gamer XL, and blast at both shoulders. Sending the robot more to the ground. Gamer XL growls, so he gets very serious. He sends his grabber tentacles after Bunnix, but she dodges them as well again. Expect six on one makes it more of a challenge. It may look like an easy win for Bunnix, but surprisingly, a tentacle manages to grab her. She drops the lucky charm, and fights to get out. "Looks like the big hunter managed to trap the tiny rabbit. Now, time to get your miraculous." Gamer XL said. "In actuality, it's game over. Ladybug, Cat Noir, now." Bunnix replied. Ladybug uses her yo-yo to wrap up Gamer XL again. "Cataclysm." Cat Noir said as he uses his powers to cataclysm the robot. This overloads Gamer XL's robot, and starts sends electric sparks in his cockpit. Panicking, Gamer XL gets out of the robot just in time, before the robot powers off, and falls to the ground. Gamer XL is in front of it, but Ladybug unwraps the robot, and wraps Gamer XL up to pull him away. Now tied up, Ladybug can get grab his glasses to break out the akuma. With that, Ladybug opens her yo-yo, spins it around, captures the akuma, saves it from evil, and says a nice goodbye as it flies away. "Miraculous Ladybug." Ladybug said as she uses her powers. Thanks to the lucky charm, all the damage in Paris is fixed. And all the potential lives are saved from earlier.
    Max gets de-evilized. "Pound it." Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Bunnix said. All three of them approach Max. "Max, are you alright?" Bunnix asked. "I'm alright. I got anger over my new program that got deleted because it was my biggest project yet. I couldn't control myself from losing my work. And also, who are you?" Max asked back. "Name's Bunnix. New member of Team Miraculous." Bunnix replied. "Interesting. I like it." Max said. Ladybug opens her yo-yo, and pulls out a magical charm. "Max, this is a magical charm. It will prevent you from getting akumatized by Shadowmoth. Even if he found a way to break them. Keep it at all times to remind you that akumas aren't the solution to our problems." Ladybug said. "That's nice, but for some reason, it wasn't a megakuma that akumatized me. It was an average akuma." Max replied. "Why would Shadowmoth go back to normal?" Cat Noir asked. "I'm not sure." Ladybug replied. Suddenly, all four of them hear laughter in the distance. They look, and soon see a parade of butterflies form in the middle of Paris. The butterflies form into the face of Farfalla. "Greetings citizens of Paris. I hope you all enjoyed my debut of damnation. Now, your probably wondering why Shadowmoth isn't the one you see right now? That's because Shadowmoth is gone. There is a new Butterfly miraculous holder in town, and her name is Farfalla. Unlike Shadowmoth, my attacks won't be merciful, nice, or friendly. No. Instead they will cause mass mayhem all over Paris. No matter the limits or stakes. Soon, all of Paris will lose their precious heroes, and witness my triumph over their downfall. Oh, and Ladybug, if you watching this now, I'm going to do what it takes to finally get you exterminated. Then I will have your's and Cat Noir's miraculous, and savor my venomous victory. It's best to stay extra alert everyone because I'm ready when anyone shows the tiniest sign of negative emotion." Farfalla said as the butterflies disburse. "A new Butterfly holder? This has to be a joke right?" Bunnix asked. "No it's not. But this explains why it was only an akuma." Ladybug replied. "Yeah it does. But hey, it doesn't matter anyway. Whoever wears that brooch will always lose when we are here. Right, My Lady?" Cat Noir asked. Ladybug smiles, and says, "As always." We cut to the sewers, where Ladybug makes extra sure there isn't anyone watching them. "Ok, we're good." Ladybug said. "Counterclockwise." Bunnix replied as she de-transforms into Alix. Alix gives her miraculous back to Ladybug, who puts it in her yo-yo. "So, I guess that's the deadly consequence." Alix said. "Yeah. And looks like she isn't hesitant to really cause carnage." Ladybug replied. "But like Cat said, you two got this. Plus with me on the team, Farfalla won't stand a chance." Alix said with encouragement. "Yeah, the entire team. Of course." Ladybug replied in a nervous way. "Hope to see you soon again." Alix said. "Same." Ladybug replied as she leaves. Back home, Marinette lies in her bed. "Great, now we have more consequences on our hands. No more heroes, and a new villain" Marinette said. "It was insane. She really means business." Tiki replied. "Yeah, and we can't have any help except Bunnix to stop her, and Essence." Marinette said in grief. "Like I said before, Marinette, we will see them all again. I understand why you don't want them to come out, but once Essence is defeated, no more problems. Then with the team, we will really show Farfalla whose boss." Tikki replied. "Again, thanks for that. The big question on my mind is does Farfalla have the Peacock miraculous or not?" Marinette asked herself. Her answer is no, when Jack and Duusu watch the news about Farfalla. "So, I guess your old owner decided to give your friend to someone else? Not sure why, but ok." Jack said. "Oh, poor Nooroo. I just hope he isn't suffering like how my old master did to him." Duusu replied. "Same here. Bet he's as cute as you." Jack said. "He is, and thanks." Duusu replied. "Ladybug and Cat Noir will save him, and you two will be back together again with your other kwami friends." Jack said. "Yeah. I'm really excited for when that day comes." Duusu replied. "Hey, you know who your old owner is right? If that's true, can you take me there to see him?" Jack asked. "You want me to take you to my old master?" Duusu asked. "Yeah. It can help the heroes stop Farfalla faster, since your old master must have given it to her." Jack replied. Duusu gets a little sweaty, and softly panics. "Uhhhhh.......that's the problem.........I......" Duusu said. "I, what?" Jack asked. "I......can't." Duusu replied. "Why is that?" Jack asked. "Oh.......well.......if a kwami gets a new holder, we..........forget all the info about our old owner. Yep, that's it. We forget their name, look, address, all of that. It's in the kwami rules. We can remember what he or she did to us. Just not the person." Duusu replied. "Really? Seems a bit off, but if it's on the so called, kwami rules, I get it.  It's a shame. Could have ended this faster.  I need to use the bathroom. Why don't you eat some more bread, and we can watch a movie later tonight." Jack said. "Sounds awesome to me." Duusu replied. Jack leaves, as Duusu expresses herself in guilt for lying. She looks at a magazine with Adrien on the cover. "You're the reason I lied, Adrien. I'm only doing what's best for you." Duusu admits.
    Finally, we go to Essence's lair, where in his laboratory, he watches the news of Farfalla on his monitors. "So, Gabriel decided to play coward, and give his miraculous to someone else? What a fool. Choosing to save his own life, than be a man, and face me." Essence said. "But....sir. That means we won't be able to get the Butterfly miraculous faster than we hoped." Clawer replied. "I know, but this does make Gabriel defenseless. With no miraculous on his chest, he can't activate any powers to save himself. Or his family. That's where his real mistake is. Besides, Farfalla doesn't scare me, though she knows how to give a first impression. Nuking a part of Paris? Very delightful. None of them have any idea what I'm planning next, but it will end up with me having every miraculous in the Mother Box. And soon, all of the world will be bond to my essence, and praise me as their God." Essence declared.

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