Lady Wifi 2.0

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"Ohhhhh, I'm so excited to go to your school."  Duusu said in an energetic tone.  "I bet you are, Duusu.  But remember."  Jack replied.  "I know.  Don't stay about of your sight, no matter how fun something looks."  Duusu said.  "Good.  [stops at stoplight, in front of school].  Now just to remind you, some of my friends here are very friendly people.  Like some of the nicest people I've seen in years.  Maybe in my life.  So, while they are friendly, you may NOT go out of my pocket to see them.  You got it?"  Jack asked.  "I got it."  Duusu replied.  "Ok.  It's nice to see you adapt to my rules so quickly.  Perhaps the whole.....baker incident made you realize how careful we must be."  Jack said.  "It did.  I want to apologize again for my behavior."  Duusu replied.  "It's ok now.  As long as you don't do it again.  If so, I won't hold anything back."  Jack said.  "I won't.  I learned my lesson."  Duusu replied.  The stoplight turns green, and Jack walks across the street to school.  He is about to enter, when all of the sudden.  "Oh, great.  Her."  Jack said.  He is talking about one, Lila Rossi, who just arrived as well.  We rewind the footage, and see this scene happen through Lila's POV.  "[inhale, and exhales].  It's nice to see the outside world.  The amount of times I was forced to stay indoors almost drove me insane."  Nooroo said.  "No worries little butterfly.  With me, we won't be spending our time entirely inside.  Except for work, both school, and villainous.  In the mean time, we get to spend sometime out here.  Who wouldn't enjoy a sunny say like this?"  Lila asked.  "Not me."  Nooroo replied.  "[giggles].  I honestly love the way your voice sounds.  So cute, and wholesome."  Lila said.  "Awww.  But then again, I don't know if your lying to me, or not.  It's hard for me to decide."  Nooroo replied.  "[stops at stoplight].  Ok, you have a fair point.  Then let's make this clear.  When talking with you, I will be openly truthful for once.  But that can't be the case with my fan club."  Lila said.  "Fan club?"  Nooroo asked.  "Oh, the mindless fools who see me as a goddess.  I can't tell them the truth because if I did, my empire will fall.  How else will I get Adrien.  He deserves better than his previous lovers.  Especially Marinette."  Lila replied as she makes barf sounds.  "You must not like her very much?"  Nooroo asked.  "Oh! She is so annoying, and knows about my lies.  But she doesn't come off as a threat.  Besides, she won't get with Adrien.  I mean, she can't even talk to him directly.  It's all, blah, blah, blah.  Oh Adrien, let me tongue, I mean, give you some love, I mean.....never mind.  What a dork."  Lila replied.  Nooroo starts to moan in some sadness.  "Not feeling well again, Nooroo?"  Lila asked.  "Sorry.  I just.......don't like lies.  While it can help people get out of some situations, it's mostly sinful.  I'm a being who wants the truth, and the truth only.  Not scams people say....all the time."  Nooroo replied.  "Oh........unfortunately, I have no choice, but to lie.  It's the key to my success."  Lila said.  Nooroo still feels a bit upset, as the stoplight turns green.  Lila walks across the street to the school.  "Wonderful.  He's here.  Jack Edgers."  Lila said.  The two of them walk up to each other.  Not happy to see each other.  "Morning, Jack."  Lila said.  "Hey, Lila."  Jack replied.   "[start to walk into school together].  How is your day, Lila?"  Jack asked.  "Oh, it's great.  Just ordered me some expensive new makeup equipment.  Did you know I get them for free from Gabriel every time I do a great job for my modeling?"  Lila asked back.  "Of course.  Classic Lila Rossi.  Lies to everyone all the time because she's a loser deep down."  Jack replied.  "Excuse me.  I am now apart of the most famous fashion team in the world.  Not a lie.  So, it's best to keep your mouth shut."  Lila said.  "I'm just speaking the truth.  Just because you are on this fashion team, doesn't automatically make you not a loser.  You still lie to make the others get what you want.  Thus, making you pathetic."  Jack replied.  "Whatever.  I can smell the jealously on you."  Lila said.  "Does it look like I care about my fashion sense?  I'm wearing cashmere, and black sweatpants."  Jack replied.  "Then you don't have good taste.  Adrien and I, reminder modeling partners, know how to dress up properly.  Unlike you."  Lila said.  "Like I said, I don't care.  [phone rings.  Pulls out phone.  Jack's eyes open up].  So, you said you and Adrien are modeling partners right?"  Jack asked.  "Course.  It's a dream come true.  Can't wait to see all those simps, especially Marinette, cry before my rankings for Adrien's fav gal."  Lila replied.  "Pffff.  Good luck with that because Adrien told us he quit."  Jack said.  "WHAT?!"  Lila asked, as she immediately stops.  "Yeah, check this out."  Jack replied, as he shows Lila his phone.  Lila reads a message Adrien sent out to everyone.  Stating he quit being a model due to lack of interest.  "Yeah.  So, I guess those simps won't be cry over rankings after all."  Jack said, as he leaves a shocked and anger Lila. 
Jack enters the classroom, where some of friends, Rose, Juleka, Ivan, Mylene, Alix, Max, Kim, and Nathaniel are waiting.  Jack greets him pals, as they greet him back.  They all are chatting about the new Hawkmoth, and how she won't stop until their heroes are dead.  Meanwhile, Duusu peaks to see his class right before her eyes.  It makes her happy to see other people than just Gabriel now.  Jack sits down in his seat.  "Sup, Ivan.  [shakes his hand].  How you doing?"  Jack asked.  "I'm going great actually.  Remember the whole Project Oxygen thing, before Mega Leech struck?  Mylene and I actually got a group of people to help plant trees after school today.  Over twenty to be exact."  Ivan replied.  "No way.  That's incredible."  Jack said.  "Thanks.  It can be twenty three if you join us.  Plus myself, and Mylene.  The more help, the better."  Ivan replied.  "That's true.  However, I actually......can't.  I have......[looks at Duusu].....personal stuff to take care of."  Jack said.  "Oh really?"  Ivan asked.  "Yeah.  Important, personal stuff."  Jack replied.  "It's cool.  Your more than happy help next time if you want."  Ivan said.  "I'll keep that in mind.  Thanks, dude."  Jack replied.  "Why didn't you say yes?"  Duusu asked.  "[covers side of face with hood].  As long as I have you, I got to play it more careful.  Remember, one wrong move, and we're toast.  Yes, it's good.  Especially French toast, but you get what I mean."  Jack replied.  "[sighs].  I do."  Duusu said.  "Don't worry.  That doesn't mean we can hang out on my balcony back one.  Get a nice breeze in."  Jack replied.  "Oh, yay!"  Duusu said.  "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, HE QUIT???!!!!"  Lila asked in anger.  "Lila, lower your volume down a bit alight?"  Gabriel asked back.  "How could I do that, WHEN ADRIEN IS NO LONGER MY....."  Lila screamed.  "LILA!  Look, Adrien didn't want to be a model anymore because it made his life unenjoyable.  So, I gave him what he wanted."  Gabriel replied.  "Sweet act of kindness, but what about me?  You know how much I love Adrien, and this was my chance to get closer to him.  Apart from being his protector from negative influences.  How could this happen?"  Lila asked wanting answers.  "May I remind you that Essence knows who I am.  And may I also remind you that this man isn't hesitant to kill people.  I can feel him coming after me soon, so I want Adrien to have the best, before my time comes."  Gabriel replied.  "Ugh!!!!!!"  Lila yelled, as she hangs up the phone, and leaves for class.
Outside, Alya walks to the school. Once there, she sees Marinette entering.  "Oh hey, Marinette."  Alya yelled.  Marinette notices Alya waving at her, but for some reason, she runs away.  Alya gets confused. She walks up the school stairs to enter a place of learning. "Marinette. Marinette. Girl, where are you? I just saw you by the entrance, and said hello. Not sure why you ran away from me, but I'm here......[silence]. Ok, you must be in the classroom. Best I get there, before it's too late." Alya said, as she strolls to class. Little does Alya know, Marinette has hiding behind a trash can the entire time. She looks to see Alya walk up the stairs, and enter the classroom. Which gives Marinette the chance to go in now that Alya doesn't see her. Inside the classroom, everyone else, except Marinette and Adrien, is in their seats. When Alya sits down, she gets a bit of an awkward feeling when she sees Nino in front of him. She brushes it off, though it still gets her. Mrs. Bustier enters the classroom, just in time for the bell to about to ring. It's also just in time for Marinette to fall right to the ground of the front door, when she enters the classroom. Then the bell rings. This has the class laughing at her in the process. "Your lucky, Marinette. Arrived at the last second. Better than the other times I see you show up a minute, or more afterwards." Mrs. Bustier said. "I'm getting much better at this." Marinette replied. "Indeed you are. Now it would be best for all of us if you head to your seat, so we can begin class." Mrs. Bustier said. "My seat?" Marinette asked. "Yeah. Next to Alya. As usual." Mrs. Bustier replied. Marinette looks at her seat, and sees Alya right there. "Uhhh, do I have to sit there?" Marinette asked. "Well, yeah. It's just next to Alya. No issues I see there." Mrs. Bustier replied. Marinette just goes with it, gets up, and clumsy walks her way to her seat. She sits uncomfortably. "Morning, Marinette." Alya said. "Oh, morning, Alya. How are you? Great. Wonderful to hear. I'm doing great as well. Best we end this conversation, and start class." Marinette replied. "Uhhh, that's not the way I expected you to reply. [looks at her]. You don't look so good. Is something, wrong?" Alya asked. Soon, the front door opens to reveal Adrien making his entrance. "Ah, Adrien. Your late." Mrs. Bustier said. "Yeah, sorry about that. I got stuck in traffic on my way here." Adrien replied. So suddenly, the entire class runs, and gathers around Adrien. They all are freaking out over Adrien's decision to quit modeling. It overwhelms Adrien a bit, but gives Marinette the opportunity to get away from Alya. She hides among the crowd, and Alya gets up to find her. As Alya looks, Marinette moves to avoid her BFF. "[claps hands loudly]. Alright, alright, that's enough! Everyone get back to their seats now! You can commence your Adrien circles after class. Understood?!" Mrs. Bustier asked with rage. "Yes, Mrs. Bustier." Everyone replied. They all go back to their seats, as Marinette makes the best of what she has. "Excuse me, Mrs. Bustier. But, is it ok if I sit with someone else today?" Marinette asked. "What?" Alya asked. "Sit with someone else? [Marinette nods]. I........don't see any issue behind that, but may I ask why?" Mrs. Bustier asked back. "Ummmm......I've been next to Alya for quite some time, and figured I could change it up today. That's all." Marinette replied. "Ummmm, I guess I understand. Very well then, Alix, switch seats with Marinette." Mrs. Bustier said. Alix is ok with this, so Marinette sits next to Mylene that day, and Alix sits next to Alya. Who is more confused, and not happy to see Marinette act like this.
We see the gang exit out of class, after a good hour of learning.  "That was an interesting lesson your teacher was teaching."  Duusu said.  "Her name is, Mrs. Bustier, and it was.  Although I think most of school is boring me to my limit, it is sometimes cool to learn about some stuff." Jack replied. "Indeed. I love learning. Every since my existence, I've been dying to see more of the world. It's beauty, it's culture, it's forms of fun activities. I want to see all of it, and learn more about it." Duusu said. "Never thought you were the exploring type." Jack replied. "I'm more than just a kwami who loves saying awesome. So, where are we going now?" Duusu asked. "The cafeteria." Jack replied. "What's a cafeteria?" Duusu asked. "Well, consider this something to learn from human culture. A cafeteria, or cafe for short, is were students get food for lunch. The school can't expect to just let their students starve all day. They need to feed them, so we don't end up all skin and bones." Jack replied. "Cool. Do you think there will be blueberry muffins?" Duusu asked in joy. "Maybe. We'll see." Jack replied. The two of them wind up in the cafeteria. In line, Jack grabs a plate from the shelf. He moves his way in line. Grabbing the food his stomach hungers. Duusu peaks out, and sees the food. She is excited, but most excited if they have blueberry muffins. Jack finds himself a table. One where he is all by himself. He succeeds, and sits down. "Why are you here by yourself?" Duusu asked. "Remember, I need to play it stealthy now that I have you. Don't want any of these guys to find out I have a magical creature in my pocket." Jack replied. "I guess." Duusu said. "Hey, don't worry. I'll sit with them...again. Just at a time I get use to this whole.....thing." Jack replied. "Got it. By the way, you do realize I'm a peacock right?" Duusu asked. "You are?" Jack asked back. "Yeah. [shows tail]. See, my tail is peacock feathers." Duusu replied. "Huh? I never noticed until now. So, I assume the other kwamis like that?" Jack asked. "Yep. Based on a specific animal, which grants awesome power." Duusu replied. "Cool. And your's grant the power to create any magical creature you want?" Jack asked. "A sentimonster is what it's called." Duusu replied. "Again, that's a pretty cool power." Jack said. "It is. Hey, did you manage to get any blueberry muffins?" Duusu asked. "Uhhhh, [looks at plate], ok please don't cry," Jack replied in a worried way. Duusu goes from happiness, to silence. As she starts to gag up bit. And at the worst time, since Chloe and Sabrina walk to his table. "Hey, Jack." Chloe and Sabrina said as they arrive at Jack's table. "Ohhh, Chloe. Sabrina. What are you doing here?" Jack asked nervously. "To sit with you of course. [sit down]. I haven't seen you sit alone, since your first day here." Chloe replied. "Yeah. I remember. [giggles, and looks at Duusu, who is ready to cry]. Ahhh, well today is different for me. I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but I need some....[sees Duusu is about to scream].....TIME!!!!!!! [covers Duusu's mouth] myself. Yep. Time to myself." Jack replied. "Ok. Say, are you alright?" Sabrina asked. "What me? Alright? Of course. Why would I NOT be sad on a day like this?" Jack asked back as he giggles. "Well, you freaked out for a moment, so that's why. You sure you're ok?" Chloe asked back. "I told you, I'm fine.....[Duusu tries to break free. She tickles Jack's hand with peacock tail]. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!" Jack screamed. "Ok, now I know something is up when you laugh like a maniac." Chloe said. "[grabs tail with other hand. Finishes giggling]. I made it clear, I am FINE!!!!! No SAD emotions at all." Jack replied. "Why said emotions?" Sabrina asked. Jack starts to sweat, as Duusu breaks free from Jack's bondage. She let's out a massive wail, that gets the entire room's attention. They all stare at Jack, which makes the kid start to lose it. "Uhhhh, I have to go now. It's an emergency!!!! See you guys." Jack said, as he sprints away. He runs out of the cafe, and covers Duusu's mouth. He runs into the bathrooms, makes sure they are all empty, and locks himself in one of them. He brings out Duusu. "WHAT ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH IS WRONG WITH YOU????!!!!!" Jack yelled in anger. "I JUST WANTED A BLUEBERRY MUFFIN!!!!!" Duusu yelled back. Her wails make Jack's ears bleed. He can't take it. "Duusu, I swear if you don't shut up, I'll..." Jack said. Duusu cries more, which echo in the bathroom. "Duusu, shut up, this is serious!!!!" Jack said. Duusu doesn't listen, and keeps crying. Jack clenches his fist, and they shake. He closes his eyes in rage. And then, it burst. "HOLY CHRIST, SHUT YOUR ANNOYING MOUTH, YOU BIG CRY BABY!!!!!!!!!" Jack yelled, as he slams Duusu against the bathroom stall. Duusu falls to the ground. Now in pain. She looks to see an anger Jack, violently let out deep breathes. Duusu sheds tears of pain, as she rubs her cheek. When Jack sees this, he gasp, and his eyes open up. All of the sudden, Duusu flashes away into an ordinary kid crying, as Jack and the kid stand in a black abyss. Jack, instead of mad, is scared with tears in his eyes. Because the kid is covering his cheek, which has a chunk of flesh taken off. His exposed jaw gets Jack all freaking out. Especially when he tilts his head to see a knife covered in blood in his right hand. Jack gets flashed back into the present. "No. No, no, no. What have I done?" Jack panicked. He gets on his knees, and gently tries to pick up Duusu. She sees him, and backs away. "Duusu. Please. I'm......I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I swear." Jack begged. Jack's anger comes back as he slams his fist against the toilet, and cries on the ground. Duusu whips the tears in her eyes, and sees her owner cry. She gently gets up, and flies to him. "Uh, Jack. Are you ok?" Duusu asked. Jack raises his head to see Duusu. He gags, and then grabs her into a hug. "I'm so sorry." Jack said as he cries. He let's go of Duusu, and pulls himself together to stop crying. "Well, that was sweet, but out of no where. [stops crying]. If you hit me because of me crying, I'm sorry for that. I really need to get my emotions in check." Duusu said. "It's ok. Just.....get into my pocket now. Put this behind us." Jack replied. "Wait? So, your not.....mad anymore?" Duusu asked. "Please just get into the pocket." Jack ordered. Duusu obeys, and flies into Jack's pocket. Jack takes a deep breath, before he leaves the bathroom.
    Jack enters the courtyard of the school. He prays nothing else bad will happen today. "What now?" Duusu asked. "We go home. Normally we would have another class, but the afternoon classes got cancelled due to our teacher getting sick. Stay quiet, and I'll get us out of this." Jack replied. Jack carefully makes his way to get out of here. Hiding behind garbage cans to avoid people, and silently moving around them to stay out of sight. He ends up by the entrance, and sighs with relief. He runs to go home, and more importantly, pretend this day never existed. "So you're actually done with modeling? Like, officially done?" Nino asked with the rest of the class, expect Marinette, surrounding Adrien, who sits on a bench. "Yeah. I get it was something I was doing for my Father, but the problem was it wasn't working out for me. Just standing around, posing for hours made me feel a bit lifeless inside. Especially my distance from you guys. It was there I had enough, and I wanted to stop. So yeah, I made it happen. Hope this doesn't change anything between us." Adrien replied. "Seriously? Of course not, dude. Just because you're not a model anymore doesn't mean we can't be friends. It's your choice, and we all have to accept it. Right guys?" Nino asked. "Right." Everyone replied. "On the bright side, your Dad still has me as his model. [sits next to Adrien]. I'll do what I can to make his company proud. Just like you did for him." Lila said. "Yeah. Of course, Lila. I believe in you." Adrien replied. "Well, we'll see you later, dude." Nino said. The rest of the class leaves, and Alya finds Marinette walking by herself. She runs to him, as Lila prevents Adrien from leaving. "You have a lot of nerve abandoning me like that, Adrien." Lila said. "What? I wasn't abandoning you." Adrien replied. "Of course you were. We were suppose to be "best modeling couple in the world," now it's just "best model in the world."" Lila said. "Marinette. There you are. I've been looking all over for you." Alya said. "Uhhh, Alya. Hey, love to chat, but I have work to do." Marinette replied as she leaves. "[grabs Mari's wrist]. No, girl. You're not leaving, until you tell me what's wrong." Alya said. "What do you mean what's wrong?" Marinette asked. "You already heard me. I didn't want to do this anymore, and I stopped. I can understand if your upset that I'm leaving, but it's what I want. Not what others want." Adrien said. "What you want? Wow! Caring only for yourself, and not everyone else." Lila replied. "No. I didn't mean it like that." Adrien said. "What's wrong is you getting away from me whenever you have a chance. I didn't even do anything to you." Alya said. "Please, just let me go. I have stuff I need to work on." Marinette replied. "Not until you tell me what's up. Go ahead and make excuses. In the end, I'm not leaving, until I get answers." Alya said. "How could you, Adrien? I thought you were better than this. No wonder your Dad wanted me to come along. Because he knows I'm good when it comes to fixing bad influences. Lila said. "Shut up, Lila. Stop filling my head with lies." Adrien replied. "Stop hiding the truth you miss being a model." Lila said. "Stop trying to back away from this Marinette." Alya said. "Stop keeping me here." Marinette replied. "I'm not. All I want is your honest truth." Alya said. "All I want is for us to show these losers, you miss being separated from me." Lila said. "[boils up]. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!" Marinette and Adrien screamed at Alya and Lila. Alya and Lila go into shock, as Marinette and Adrien leave. Alya walks away in sadness, which gets Lila's attention. She loses focus on Adrien, and looks at Alya walking away from an anger Marinette. "Intriguing. Change of plans." Lila said. She waits for Adrien and Marinette to leave, as she sneaks into the boiler room. A perfect, empty place. Lila puts on the Butterfly miraculous, as Nooroo flies out her pocket. "[inhales]. I can feel it. The negativity of a girl whose heart got crushed from her own BFF. And everyone says Marinette is a precious angel." Lila said. "You're not trying to.." Nooroo asked. "What? Akumatize Alya? Why do you think I'm here?" Lila asked back. "Of course." Nooroo replied. "Adrien is important to me, but humiliating and ruining Marinette's life is as important as Adrien. And destroying Ladybug.  This is the perfect chance for me to kill two birds with one stone. Nooroo, dark wings rise." Lila said as she transforms into Farfalla. Inside of her backpack, Farfalla pulls out a jar with a buttefly inside of it. "Good thing I keep one butterfly on me, so I don't have to go home to get one. Then again, I am next door, ah whatever." Farfalla said. She lets the butterfly out, and it flutters into her hand. She evilizes it, and turns it into an akuma. "Now my beautiful being of brutality. Give Alya Cesaire the power she needs to make my victory sparkle." Farfalla said as she releases the akuma. Alya sits on the bench, and looks at old photos of her and Marinette. She lies in sorrow when her own best friend told her to back off. This attracts the akuma, which goes into her phone. A mask forms on Alya's face. "Lady WiFi. I am Farfalla. So Marinette isn't the friend you once know and love? Comes to show even the nicest people have a sinister side to them. I give you the power to use your phones details as a weapon. Use them to make Marinette pay, and in return, destroy Ladybug and Cat Noir. Of course, bringing me their miraculous." Farfalla said. "Pfff, that's nothing. I can do more than that. I will bring you all the miraculous, since I know who Ladybug is." Alya replied. "WHAT?! You know who Ladybug is?" Farfalla asked. "She told me herself. Now Marinette will regret telling me her deepest secret." Alya replied. "Marinette is Ladybug. [thinks]. It makes so much sense now that I think about it.  Very well then, Lady WiFi. Destroy Marinette, and bring me her miraculous in return." Farfalla ordered. "It would be my honor, Farfalla." Alya replied as she transforms into Lady WiFi.
At Marinette's home, she heads into her bedroom, and lies on her couch.  "What a day.  Finally get to relax for once.  Let's only hope Farfalla doesn't come to attack."  Marinette said.  "Or you being bad again."  Tikki replied in some anger.  "What was that?"  Marinette asked.  "Marinette.  You really didn't have to yell at Alya, before you left.  That wasn't a good thing to do."  Tikki replied.  "[sighs].  I know, Tikki.  I know it's a bad way to treat her.  But you know why."  Marinette said.  "I do, and I get it completely.  I get why you want to ignore her, but what if she gets akumatized because of it."  Tikki replied.  "That won't happen.  Alya has been working with me ever since, you know, and I know she will be more carefully when it comes to akumatizations."  Marinette said.  That's when her phone rings, and Lady WiFi forms.  Marinette falls the the ground, as Tikki hides.  "Hello, Marinette aka Ladybug.  Happy to see your BFF again?"  Lady WiFi asked.  "Wh.....what?!  Alya?"  Marinette asked in shock.  "[mask forms].  So this is the one and only Ladybug?  If so, where are the miraculous you said she has?"  Farfalla asked.  "In the sewing box, and all of them will belong to you, Farfalla.  But first."  Lady WiFi replied.  She swipes her phone, and Marinette runs to dodge it.  This swipe however isn't same from her pause feature.  Inside this one touches a book on Marinette's floor, and erases it.  This surprises Marinette.  "Shocked?  So am I, but Farfalla did say she won't stop, until you are dead.  So this will be a fast spray and clean."  Lady WiFi said.  She swipes at Marinette, who runs to dodge the attacks.  The erase swipe makes Marinette's posters, and other material disappear.  Marinette is now by her computer desk, and decides to push her chair into Lady WiFi.  Marinette then runs to open her bedroom door, and run to grab Lady WiFi.  "I'm so sorry, Alya."  Marinette said as she throws Lady WiFi down the stairs of her bedroom. As Lady WiFi falls, Marinette makes a run for the bakery. Locking the door behind Lady WiFi. Before she leaves, Marinette leaves her phone in her room, so Lady WiFI can't get to her with her powers. As Marinette sprints for her life, she uses her communication box to contact Cat Noir. Adrien sits on the stairs at school to wait for his bodyguard to arrive.  "I still don't get how you can be friends with Lila after what she did back there."  Plagg said.  "I already explained why.  I see good in her.  Some of it.  It's just so frustrating how she doesn't try to use it for once." Adrien replied. "Why not make her pay, and expose her lies?" Plagg asked. "As much as she aggravates me, I still hope she will choose a better path in life. It's simply taking longer than I hoped." Adrien replied.  "No wonder everyone loves you.  Your heart is as wholesome as a circle of yummy cheese."  Plagg said.  Adrien hears someone calling him on the communication box.  He immediately pulls it out.  "Cat Noir, you there?"  Marinette asked.  "I am.  What's up?"  Adrien asked back.  "Lady WiFi is in Marinette Du Pain Cheng's home.  You have to go over there now to save her."  Marinette replied.  "Lady WiFi?  [gasp].  Lady WiFI is Alya Cesaire.  So, did she....."  Adrien asked in horror.  "It's a long story.  I promise I will explain everything.  Please hurry."  Marinette replied as she signs off. Lady WiFi bust the door to the bakery open, and Marinette runs out the front door. Adrien sees her run, as Lady WiFi chases after her.  "Alright, we have work to do.  [runs and hides in empty trash can].  Plagg, claws out."  Adrien said as he transforms into Cat Noir. Marinette runs through the streets. Trying to get away from her BFF. Too bad she is surrounded by loads of technology because Lady WiFi comes out of a bus advertisement screen. Marinette runs right into Lady WiFi. Lady WiFi then kicks Marinette int he gut. Spending her flying into a lamppost. She sends pause swipes to Marinette, which gives her the encouragement to get up, and run. She tries to flee Lady WiFi, but she swipes to where Marinette's feet are. That makes Marinette fall, as Lady WiFi turns her over, and punches her in the face several times. Before, she picks her up, and throws Marinette to the ground. "It always makes me happy to see this little rat get what she deserves. Save the revenge, after you get me her miraculous." Farfalla said. Lady WiFi gets on top of, and goes for the earrings, only for Cat Noir to tackle her off of Marinette. "Don't worry, Marinette. Ladybug sent me to help you." Cat Noir said. Cat then grabs Marinette, and together they escape. "[mask forms]. Bring me the miracle box, and then go back to crushing them."  Farfalla ordered.  "That's not a good idea.  I've been working with Ladybug, and I know how smart she can get.  Same with Cat Noir.  Once they are out of the way, there will be no issue with getting the box. I'll make sure to get it once I'm done."  Lady WiFi replied.  "Just hurry up, and do it.  I can't wait to see my mortal enemy be squashed like the vile bug she is today."  Farfalla said as she laughs.
    Cat Noir takes Marinette to a rooftop, in order to hide from Lady WiFi. "Ok, you stay here. Ladybug and I will take care of this. Hopefully she is alright." Cat Noir said in a concerned way. "Yeah. Hope she is ok as well." Marinette replied also in a concerned way. "What do you mean?" Cat Noir asked. "Oh, uhhhh, you looked worried for a second there when talking about Ladybug. That's why." Marinette replied. "Oh. Thanks for that. Don't worry, we're going to save Alya, before she gets anyone else hurt." Cat Noir said. Cat leaves, as Marinette praises the Lord for what just happened. "That was such a close one." Tikki said. "Yes, and I was wrong. Looks like Alya can get akumatizied again. Tikki, spots on." Marinette replied as she transforms into Ladybug. Lady WiFi starts causing havoc in Paris. All while Cat Noir spies on her. "Sorry for the delay, kitty." Ladybug said as she arrives next to Cat. "My Lady. Glad to see you. But.....are you alright?" Cat Noir asked. "I'm ok." Ladybug replied. "But how?! I thought you told Alya your secret identity?" Cat Noir asked with shock. "I......I did." Ladybug replied. "In that case, is the Mother Box alright?" Cat Noir asked. "It is. I fended her off, before she decided to go after Marinette Du Pain Cheng for some reason." Ladybug replied. "So the box is safe?" Cat Noir asked. "Not at all because Lady WiFi told Farfalla who I was. Now she knows where it will be." Ladybug replied. "Oh dear God." Cat Noir said. "I know. And I.......I'm not sure what to do." Ladybug replied, as she begins to lose it. As she worries, Cat Noir takes this time to think. "[thinks]. So, is the Mother Box still at you're home?" Cat Noir asked. "[relaxes a bit]. Yeah." Ladybug replied. "That's good.  Let's say I think I have an idea to make her believe however you are under that mask isn't really, Ladybug. Listen carefully." Cat Noir said as he whispers his plan to Ladybug. Lady WiFi continues to bring destruction to Paris. Laughing as she does so. "Hello, Lady WiFi. [lands on car]. The time has come for you to be unplugged." Cat Noir said. "Haha. Hilarious joke. Almost like, yourself." Lady WiFi replied. She starts to fire her pause swipes at Cat, but we all know his reflexes. He flips onto another car, and Lady WiFi redirects her aim. She fires at Cat, but he keeps on dodging by going to other cars. With Lady WiFi about to burn some circuits, she executes to a new tactic. She switches to erase, and starts blowing Cat Noir's cover. Erasing cars that serve as for Cat Noir's defense. Once she finds the kitty, she runs to get him. She jumps, and slams her fist to the ground. Cat dodges it, and the two of them get into combat. With Lady WiFi trying to hit Cat Noir, and Cat dodging them. Cat pulls out his staff, and starts to block more of Lady WiFi's attacks. She doesn't stop. She wants to get his miraculous. Eventually, Lady WiFi kicks Cat in the leg, which sends him to the ground. Lady WiFi pulls out her phone, and points it at Cat's face. "It's over, kitty." Lady WiFi said. Cat Noir tries to find a way out of this. His own tool for help is his staff. So, he uses it to whack Lady WiFi in the wrist. It has her yell in pain, as she rubs her wrist. "Oh my God. [gets up]. Oh my God, Alya. I'm so sor..." Cat Noir said. He gets interrupted when Lady WiFi punches him in the face. She grabs her phone, and pauses Cat Noir. "[mask forms]. Excellent work. Now, get his ring." Farfalla ordered. "Not yet. I still have one more miraculous holder to take care of. And I think I know exactly where she is." Lady WiFi replied. She leaves the frozen Cat Noir to go to find Ladybug. She bust into Marinette's home, and immediately pauses Marinette in plain cite. "I knew it. Trying to hide the box. What a fool." Lady WiFi said. "[mask forms]. Impressive. Guess I should have trusted you back there. Now take her miraculous. At long last, Ladybug. You'll now know what it's like to feel the pain you have given me." Farfalla replied as she laughs. Lady WiFi walks to the frozen Marinette. She smiles, as does Farfalla. Lady WiFi smoothly goes for her earrings. All while Farfalla gets pumped up that the villains will win. Lady WiFi's hands wrap around the earrings, and she quickly pulls them off. "There you go. The Ladybug miraculous." Lady WiFi said. "Wonderful job. Now for the miracle box." Farfalla replied. Lady WiFi goes to the box. She inputs the code, and soon, it opens. "What?!" Lady WiFi asked. When the sewing box opens, there is nothing inside. "[mask forms]. What is this? You said the box was in the sewing box." Farfalla asked. "I did. She must have hidden it somewhere. I can feel it." Lady WiFi replied. Before she goes, she drops one of the earrings on the ground. She turns around to pick it up, only to see something wrong. Paint shedding off of them. "Uhhhh, why is the miraculous shedding?" Farfalla asked. "I....I don't know. [takes closer look]. No. It's fake." Lady WiFi replied. "FAKE?!" Farfalla asked. "No. This can't be possible. Mari.....Marinette is Ladybug." Lady WiFi said. "You said she has the miraculous. You said she was Ladybug. But all I see, is a bunch of lies." Farfalla replied. "No. No. I promise, she is Ladybug." Lady WiFi begged. "Well by the looks of it, she isn't. Ugh! How could I have been so foolish to believe a moron like you. This whole battle was a waste of my time. I'm taking back your powers." Farfalla replied. "No. Please. Your making a...." Lady WiFi said, before Farfalla snaps her fingers. This has her turn back into Alya, and have both heroes be freed from the pause. Marinette looks, and finds Alya on the ground. "My Lady, did it work?" Cat Noir asked. "[pulls out communicator]. We're good. The akuma has been captured." Marinette replied. "Wh......what happened?" Alya asked as she comes to. Marinette gets on one knee, and puts one of her hands on Alya's shoulder. "I have so much to tell you.  Give me a second first." Marinette replied.
    We fade to the two of them on Marinette's couch. "No I didn't." Alya said in shock. "I'm sorry, but it's true. You got akumatized, and almost got me exposed to Farfalla. It was an absolute nightmare come true." Marinette replied. "Oh my God. Marinette, I'm......I'm so sorry I..." Alya said. "Stop it. This isn't your fault, Alya. It's all mine. All because I ignored you today. It's all on me. I could have lose the miraculous. Cat Noir. The Mother Box. I......I really am the one to blame." Marinette replied feeling guilt. "Well, at least Cat Noir's plan worked. Farfalla won't expect you as Ladybug, or holder of the Mother Box ever again." Alya said. "But that doesn't mean what I did is erased. You were akumatizied because of me and only me. It's almost, or exactly like the mistake of wanting to get rid of Cat Noir.  I'm such a failure.  [silence for a couple seconds]. Do you want to know why I was ignoring you today?" Marinette asked. "Please." Alya replied. "It's what happened with the Essence mask. Ever since I put that thing on, I realized how dangerous he is now. As well as the fact he would have won, and I would be the reason why. It was too hard for me to deal with, so I knew I had to distance myself from all that reminded me of it. Among one of those things........was you. But by doing so, I almost lose. Again." Marinette said. "So, that's your reason?" Alya asked. Marinette nods her head. "Woah.  While it was rude of you, I can kind of see why. I just didn't get why you couldn't tell me?" Alya asked. "Because I knew how upset you would get. I didn't want to hurt you more, but as I do with everyone I love, I end up making the pain worse than ever. First Cat Noir, now you." Marinette replied. "I mean, yeah. But what matters this time is that you didn't kept on hiding. You told us the truth because you trust us. Now that I know, I understand. And all I want now is to see my BFF happy again." Alya said. Marinette looks at Alya, who opens her arms for a hug. Marinette smiles, and she hugs her BFF. "I'm so sorry, Alya." Marinette said. "It's going to be ok, girl.  You'll have many chances to fix this." Alya replied. The two hug more tightly, before eventually letting go. "You're correct.  How about I start right now.  Want to sleep over tonight, BFF?" Marinette asked. Alya smiles, and says, "I'd love that." "Awesome. I'll go make snacks. You just chill up here, while I get the party started." Marinette said. Marinette leaves, and heads into the kitchen. She makes sure it's clear, before she sits down. "[pulls out communicator]. Cat Noir?" Marinette asked. "Ummm, yes, My Lady." Adrien replied. "I just want to thank you for what you did today. If it weren't for you, Farfalla would be more of a powerful threat than ever. It was almost like this is it today, but you managed to prevent that. You truly are the best partner anyone could ask for." Marinette said. "Thanks, My Lady." Adrien replied. "Any day. And I'm going to do what's right, and repay you for it someday." Marinette said. "Well that's nice of you." Adrien replied. "Trust me, once I have it, you'll love it." Marinette said. "Then I'll be looking forward to it." Adrien replied. "See you later, Cat Noir." Marinette said. "Bye, My Lady." Adrien replied. "It's moments like these that make me happy. All the problems solved, and everyone is A OK." Tikki said. "Indeed, Tikki. Indeed." Marinette replied. Marinette gets up, so she can get the snacks needed for the sleepover.

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