A Frustrating Gingle Knob.

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"Goddamnit! Stupid Earth Kingdom pig!" I scream at my phone as it goes to voicemail for the 15th time. Luke had been ignoring my calls for the past week, which was getting annoying. Not only annoying, but hurtful. Why was he ignoring me? Why did he cancel my calls? What the heck?! You can't just make someone your date and then ignore them!

To say this was bothering me would be a understatement. 

I don't understand, what did I do? What did I do wrong? Did I hurt his feelings? Did I do something? Or maybe, was I boring now? Now that I had been his date for our own dance? Why? What had I done? "You did all you could! Now, would you please calm down, already!?" Uga says, scoldin' me slightly as Adam nods, his arm around her shoulders. I screamed hallelujah three times from the highest mountain when they told me they were together. About damn time. Seriously.

Uga apologized about a thousand times and broke down crying in the process. Of course, I forgave her, although I'm still hurt. Uga knows I didn't forget, even though I may have forgiven. So, she swore she'd make it up to me in any way. The first thing I could think of after she denied me to deny her doing this, was coffee. So, here we are, at our favorite Starbucks, me still tryin' to get a hold of Luke.

After the dance, it seemed as if we all had only gotten closer, if that's possible. It was a wonderful feelin' knowing we were the best of friends still. Even more so now. Adam leans over and kisses uga gently on the head, making her smile and place her head on his shoulder. I grin smugly at them and say. "I knew you would get together." They roll their eyes, smiling widely at me before looking at each other. Uga leaned in and kissed Adam, which Adam gladly did back, making me cringe. "Ugh, yuck! I already see that with my parents every day! Not you too!" They separate and laugh at me. "Better get used to it. Besides, you'll understand when you're older~" they tease. I throw my head back and groan. "Seriously?! You guys suck!" They laugh loudly, while I glare at them, before also laughing. 

Although it seemed like all fun, I was a nervous wreck today, too. Why? Well, today is the day I tell Ms. Frilore.... everything. I've been holding it off, avoiding her purposely at work. This made her grumpy and offended, of course, but I just couldn't look at her without blurting it out. I didn't tell Uga and Adam about the fact that the siblings of the Power Masters of Earth and Air are in the other ones Lands and think the other ones dead, making them heartbroken because they were in love with each other. 

I mean, how do you even begin to tell someone that? Seriously. Also, I'm scared they'd have a heart attack. Haha, no, thank you.

I still have a really hard time believing the whole switching-Lands-as-the-Power-Masters-Siblings-thing. I mean, what are the odds? Come on! God, Odin, has it in for me, can you talk to him please, and tell him to BACK THE HELL OFF!!! Jesus. I immediately grab my phone the minute I feel it vibrate, only one message, only three words.

#Bolder Brain: stop calling me.

Those three words caused a whirlwind of emotions. Anger, sadness, hurt, disappointment and fear. What the heck?! Who the fu***** hell does he think he is?! You can probably guess that anger was the strongest. I grab my phone with both hands and violently text.

#Blondie: what the hell is wrong with you!? Why are you ignoring me?!" 

                     Bolder Brain saw your message.

Oh, so, he's ghosting me now? Pig! I slam my phone down fierce fully, making Adam and Uga flinch. I grab my drink and suck violently. My short fuse is used. "Agh! I hate you!" I scream at the phone, standing up and rushing to the garbage bin. Uga and Adam eagerly rush after me, making sure I don't do anything stupid. "Ari, calm down. What happened?" She asks, calmly. I show her my phone and the text message. Uga's mouth opened in surprise, before she glared at the text message. "Forget about the pig! You're your own women! Show that asshole what he's missing out on!" Adam nods, glaring heavily at the phone as well. I sigh, lowering my phone. What is up with me today? Why am I acting so furious because of him ignoring me? Why wouldn't I be, is a better question. "Guys, I could use a hug." I say, looking up at them with a pout. "Awe, baby." Uga pouts, hugging me tightly, so does Adam. "Need me to punch him? I've gotten pretty good at that." I laugh. "Uh, no. Also, concerning." I say. They both chuckle, rubbing my back. 

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