Wind Slap And Earth Smash

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Hope you enjoy~

This'll be a blast.


Okay, what the hell? I have no idea what is going on anymore. I think as I stare at my bedroom ceiling. I couldn't get stupid Blondie out of my head. Why though? She's annoying, energetic, optimistic, smart... beautiful- gorgeous... enough! See what I mean? After our interesting conversation at the border, I couldn't get her out of my head.

Why? Why? Why? Why does she have this affect on me? After that thought escaped me, three familiarly polite knocks were heard on my door. Mom. "Come in." I say as gruffly as usual. "Hey, baby." "Hey..." my mom walks over and sits down on the bed with me. "You okay?" "Yeah, why?" "You've been acting weird since we got back home from The Meeting." I stare at her for a minute. Oh, shoot, they noticed? Crap, why does my family have to be so observing?

I blink at her, thinking of something to make sure she won't know the truth. "Nothing, it's just... a lot to think about when you're barely eighteen and suddenly you're in politics." She laughs at that. "Just because you attended one meeting doesn't mean you're in politics." "Isn't that what being a politic is about?" "No, what being a politic is about is lying. Get dressed, breakfasts ready." She states while patting my leg and walking towards the door.

She turns around abruptly and says with the smirk I inherited. "That Air girl seems nice by the way." Leaving a wink before going outside. I just sat there dumbfounded. How did she know?! She knows everything. Okay, well, yeah, but not this! I feel violated! Is she spying on me or something?

Shaking that thought off and making sure to ask billions of questions later, I throw a shirt on and run down the stairs almost knocking over Joy in the process. "Sorry." We both say in unionization. We share a laugh as we walk downstairs. We walk downstairs to hear sizzling and the smell of bacon. "Tombok, we cant just have bacon for breakfast." "What? Why not?" He asks with a slight whiny voice. "Because we have two growing kids! They need nutrition." "But they love bacon! Right?" "Uh, yeah." "Duh." "Who doesn't?" "See?" My mom raises an eyebrow and the next thing that happens is dad cutting up some fruit. Joy and I laugh as we see him practically skip to the fruit, giving mom a smirk of satisfaction and us a wink as we help carry out the breakfast.

Joy and I laugh again as we sit down. I just realized, I hadn't spent time with Joy at all this past week and days. "Hey, Joy?" "Yes?" "What're you doing today? Thought we could hang out." Joy stops getting Nutella and looks at the wall ahead of her sheepishly. "I want to L, I really do, it's just..." "just what?" "I... have a date." That alone took me about nine seconds to process. "What?!" I wasn't the one who shouted that though. Dads very... stoic, but he's also very... protective. And I mean when it comes to his little princess. "Who?!" We both shout, almost blowing off mom and her eardrums off. "It's Zander, isn't it, dear?" "Mom!" Joy shouts as mom cooks eggs in the pan. She stops and looks at Joy sheepishly, then shrugging as she turns back to the eggs.

Joy turns to me again and my shocked expression. She sheepishly grins at me, a simple sign of trying to disarm the situation. "Zander?" I repeat, as if to see if I had understood this situation correctly. Her grin widens and she states slowly. "No...?" My face drops as I raise an eyebrow. She tries one more time before dropping her stance and she sighs. "Yes, I am. When we were baking together he asked if we'd hang out." I look at her confused. Zander and Joy often hung out. How's this time different? "He asked me out after he realized I didn't get the memo." She blurts straight out. "Ahhh."

I love my sis, don't get me wrong, but she can be very oblivious to some things. To say I was jumping up and down about this news would be a lie. I don't want a heartbroken Joy and a broken friendship with Zander. "Luke, I'm almost eighteen. I can make my own decisions." She says as she senses my none approval. I look at her with uncertainty. "It's not that I don't trust Zander- I do, it's just.... you'll always be my little sis, wether you like it or not."

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