Coffee Talk and Dance Preps

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 I am personally excited for this chapter. It's not the dance yet, but it's only a few days before.

The dance will be the main topic in this chapter.

Hope you enjoy~


"No, Uga, I don't have a date." I say for the hundredth time as I get my coffee off the counter from our favorite Starbucks. "What? How? Why did someone not ask you to the dance yet?" Actually, they did, three boys did, but I declined all of them politely. I just.... didn't feel anything for them or with them. My mind was too focused on Luke. That man is driving me crazy. It's been three days since Luke's and mine little stargazing trip, and he hasn't left my mind since. He's like a disease! It won't leave and it's only getting worse! Only, there's no cure either. "Well, that's technically not true, Yale asked her. Again."

Says my dear best friend Adam as he sits down, coffee in hand and a smile on his face. Uga and I let out groans. "Yeah, that psycho asks her every year. She never says yes." "And I won't." "Thank god." Adam says relieved as he places a hand on his heart in relief. "Why so relieved?" "Ari's like my sister, Ugie, there's no way she's going with someone without my approval." I roll my eyes. "You sound like my dad."

———————earlier this morning———————

"Now, boys can be real jerks. Make sure that you don't drive with him if he's drunk, drugged, or horny." "Dad!" "What? This is boys we're talking about Ari!" He says while I throw my head back. "You can never be safe enough!" "I don't even have a date!" "Good!" I throw my hands up and leave the house. Ignoring the calls from my father about further situations to avoid. 

"Have a good time with Adam and Uga!" He yells back after realizing he's not being listened to. "Uh-huh!"  I shout back absentmindedly.

———————present time——————

"Yikes, what did he say?" Adam cringed along with a chuckling Uga. "Well, let's just say that if a boy ever wants to drive me home and he's either drunk, drugged, or horny, I'll be prepared." Uga and Adam slowly turn to each other before bursting out into laughter. I roll my eyes and say as I take a sip of my mocha. "Oh, shut up." 

They laugh even more after that. I roll my eyes before starting to chuckle along. Actually, the way I put it was quite hilarious. After calming down, I grab my mocha and say. "Here's, to overprotective dads, and mocking best friends." They grabs their coffees and say. "I'll drink to that." Uga says after we 'clang' our drinks together. "Cheers!" We all say before laughing again. I take a sip of mine and release a satisfied sigh. 

I see Adam looking at Uga from the side with a loving look. It makes me frown that Uga can't see that what she needs is right in front of her. Adam would treasure her more than any man. "So, Uga, how's things with Eeran?" Uga and Adam perk up. Uga with a frown, and Adam with a glare. "Not good. He keeps telling me that going to the dance is a stupid, childish thing to do." Adam grabs his drink with a strong hand and violently drinks from it. Did I forget to mention he's known for having a short fuse? Surprising for a golden boy. "So, he basically called you childish and stupid?" I say. Uga frowns again and nods her head slowly with a sad look. I put my hand on hers and give it a squeeze. "I'm sorry, do you want me to talk to him?" "No! No, no, I don't want you guys entangled in this mess." She lets out a heavy sigh and rubs her temples as Adams jaw clenches and un-clenches again. 

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