"Air and Earth don't match."

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 Hope you all enjoy~

Back to Arista's POV.


After the council- and everyone else's- meeting had ended, we came back with our decision. As it turns out, there's really no need for us to go to war, or end peace. So, instead, we kept our peace, while compromises on lost property being returned was negotiated.

After that, we were thrilled to all go back home, and tell that our once lost property will be returned. I was happy to know that, but I was mostly disappointed. Why? Well, you see, I wanted more then regaining lost property, I wanted permanent peace. Which we didn't get. Ugh, grown ups!

Forget about the fact that I'll be a "grownup" in a couple of months. By a couple of months, I mean April.  As we exited the building, the first thing that The Council did was grabbing me by my arm and asking.

"Did you find out anything important?" 'No.' I so saw that coming to the point where it was pathetic to see it being true. I rolled my eyes at her and got out of her grip. "No." I say sternly as I walk off. Truth is, I was pissed at The Council. They were supposed to make peace, not threaten it. 

And that is how we flew back home and ending me up with where I am right now. Crap.

You see, life decided to be a pain in the ass- no surprise there- and instead of being on guard duty, I'm on Borderline duty!

Uuuuggggghhhhhhh! Borderline duty is basically a massive downgrade from guard duty. You just guard the borderline! Walkin' back and forth, like pacin'! I don't get to spy on the other side, sittin in a tree while lookin out to see if anyone is even close to the border!

After the meetin, instead of cooling things down, it erupted like a volcano! Tensions rose! Even higher! Meaning, because they don't trust each other, there has to be more guards at the borderline. Due to us being only separated by a pity of a stream that one could just jump over to the other side for. 

It was stupid. This war. This treason. This mistrust. What for? What did it bring us? One things for sure, things are not what they deem themselves out to be. Even though I hate Boulder brain. He's infuriating!

But still, I don't loathe him. He doesn't deserve that... much.

So here I am, fiddling around with my "armor" trying to find how my life came to this. Let's not forget the long, long, long, LONG safety lecture I got from BOTH parents! It drove me insane. Like, "if you have any wounds run straight home!" "If you see someone crossing the border, punch him in the face!" "Aaron!" "It's true, Ira!" And on and on...

And on.

All I wanted was for this day to end, for things clearer than ever.

This sucks!

<><><><><><><><>Time skip<><><><><><><><>

God, I hate this. 

I think as I approach my "post" of the day. Man, this is so borin'. The safety suit was clingy. It clung to your body for dear life. Imagine walking around in that for the next year.

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