On The Phone

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Luke's POV


Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid! I'm an idiot! Why did I agree to this!? 

I scream at myself inside of my head as Zander keeps rambling on and on about how happy he is that Joy and him had a good time. Through and through, I wanted to holler at him to quit talkin' about my sister like that. Hey, don't judge, where do you think I got it from? Dad! Blame him for me being protective over my sister.

He sighs dreamily as I drop my face into my hands. "Ok! We get it! You're totally, disgustingly in love with my sister! Get over it!" Yeah, that's what happens when the pressure pops. Zander stared at me with a look of caution. He leaned back as he whispered intimidated. "You okay...?" 

I groan as I drop my head in my hands. "Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to... yell." Zander moved away from the opposite bean bag and plopped down on the bed with me. "What's goin' on Luke? You've been acting really weird these past days. Actually, scratch that, you've been acting weird since you got back from The Four Lands Peace Pact. Why?" 

I look up at him slowly, with the same sheepish grin Joy has. As an act of 'innocence' but the catch is that when either of us does it, everyone knows we did the exact opposite. "What did you do?!" He asks the second he sees my grin. Pointing an accusing finger at me as he leans back cautiously. I groan, throwing my head back and out of my hands. "How'd you know I did something?!"

He blinked at me once, twice, thrice. "You're kidding, right? You always make that grin when you did something! Come on, dude! I've known you since we were in diapers!" He had a point. He threw his hands up in The Air exaggeratedly. He drops them like a hit potato as he shrugs. "You also made it very obvious." "How?" "You literally just told me!" "What do you- you little bitch!" 

I shout as I realize what he did. He tricked me! He made me confess that I'd done something when he wasn't even sure! Damn it! I am such a shit head! Zander breaks out laughing in loud roars. Crashing on the bed as he does. "Oh, yeah, go ahead and laugh it up, idiot." And so he does. Laughing and laughing even more. 

Making me pissed off by the second, I grab a pillow and wack him with it. "Oh, shut up!" This just makes him laugh more. I decide to screw it and just ignore him. After he FINALLY calms down, he sits up next to me and clasps his hands together in front of him, mirroring my position. "So, what is it you actually did?" 

Should I tell him?


Two years ago~

Zander and I were sitting in my room as I sat on the bed and he played video games. "Dude, you've been really quiet. Why?" "Oh, no reason." 

Zander raised a questioning eyebrow at me and paused the game. He sat down next to me. "Come on, you know you can talk to me." I sigh, dropping my head into my hands. "Fine. Promise you won't tell anyone?" "I swear."  I pause, reconsidering telling him. "You know Heather?" "Yeah...." he says unsure.

I bite my lip harshly as I look at the ground and then back at Zander. "I may... like her-" "I knew it! You little bastard! Ha, ha! Finally!" "Don't you dare tell anyone, Zander, I swear I will kill you if you do." He drags his two fingers across his lips and makes a zip-zip sound. "My lips are sealed."


(Next morning)

I walked into class where Heather was, the minute I did, everyone started snickering and whispering. Heathers cheeks flushed a bright red as she avoided eye contact. I brushed it off and went to sit next to her as I usually do.

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