The Fire Nation

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This is still Luke's POV.



"Luke, did you pack you're underwear?!" "Mom!" I could hear Joy laughing in the distance as I run down the stairs, rolling my eyes. "Okay, I think we're ready to go." My mom says as she points out to my bag and her suitcase.

She nods and walks over to Joy. "I'm gonna miss you, baby. Be good, okay?" "Mom, I'm not five anymore." "I know, I know." She says she hugs Joy one more time, before going to dad. "Gonna miss ya, sis." "You too. Be careful, okay? I want my brother back in one piece." "Will do." I give her a quick squeeze.

We separate and I look over to see my mom and dad. . . Kissing. . . awkward. Both I and Joy look the opposite direction awkwardly. When they are finally done, I move over to dad. "See ya, dad." "Have a good time, son." I give him a quick hug and smile at him as I walk outside.

I get slightly impatient as my mom says goodbye to my dad again. "Tombroke, I want you to go get groceries while I'm gone, including doing the laundry with Joy. I'll see you in three days, honey. I love you." "I love you, too, sweetheart. Be careful." "I will." She gives him one last kiss and hug.

I silently grumble under my breath and roll my eyes. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" My mom has super hearing, apparently. We wave them bye one last time, before making our way towards the Air Force.

Ah, geez, three hours in the air. Ulch. When we get to the airport, I see one with The Fire Nation symbol on it. The ones with black, green symbols are ours. The ones with orange, red symbols are The Fire Nation; we're boarding a flight to The Fire Nation.

I felt excitement rush through me as I adjust the backpack on my shoulder. We board the flight and sit down after mom puts her suitcase down. Having a mom who is pilot is really helpful, considering that you get your own cabin.

Mom turns to me as she puts her lipstick on and says. "Now, behave. I know I can trust you to not cause any trouble. If you need anything, Zaria will help you. Love you, baby. Try and not get bored, okay?" "Got it, mom." "Good. See you soon."

She leaves the cabin, making me sigh. As much as there are ups, there are also downs. Now, I don't have the chance to ask her about The Fire Nation.

I see a brochure in the net under the seat. Marked red with the words "Everything you need to know about The Fire Nation." Huh, talk about helpful. I grab the brochure and browse through it.

"The people in The Fire Nation have any kind of red or orange hair. Their eyes are either red or amber. As our special eye color is green, theirs is red-" "Vampire alert much." I mumble as I continue reading. "The Fire Nation is known for its hot and spicy meat, suiting to the hot and deadly climate-" "'Deadly'? Who made this brochure?" I roll my eyes in disbelief as I continue to read.

"If you're looking for incredible fabrics, clothes and pottery, then The Fire Nation is the place to be. The Fire Nation has incredible sights to see and impressive Architecture."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, where do we get to the interesting stuff?"

"The Fire Nation is known to be powerful and passionate. Their weakness is not as appealing, however. Corruption and harmfulness would explain the many robberies in The Fire Nation

"Ok, seriously, who wrote this thing?! What are they trying to do? Send a message that says. 'Hey! Go to The Fire Nation and you'll be robbed for sure, goodie'?" I roll my eyes and shake my head as I continue reading.

Separated By A Streamजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें