The Autumn Dance (prt. 1)

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It's finally time, everyone. The Autumn Dance!

Here we go!

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Hope you enjoy~


Oh, god, I could choke! I could die! I will die! I can't do this! I can't do this! I can't do this! I can't do this! 

I scream inside my head as I bite all my nails off. I am so nervous! Even though I've been at this thing for already two years, I'm still terrified. Only this time, it's worse. You see, we're supposed to be walking something called a "red carpet". Where everyone is supposed to stand there still and wave, before walking out again. 

This was the first year we had to do this. I don't know why they chose such a weird time, but they did. It was midday, I had no reason to worry but I did. I walked around with Uga and Adam to stop me from worrying, I had long talks with mom, and I even went so far and talked to Luke about help. They all told me to do the same thing. 

"Relax!" Luke scolds me as I keep blabbin' to him all the scenarios that could go wrong. I let out a heavy sigh and scoff, sitting up again. "Easy for you to say." I say, glaring at him from the other side. Even though we both crossed borders, we still tried to keep that to a minimum. Only if it's a must. 

One month, two weeks, six days, seven hours and 28 minutes have I known this boy, and I already come to him for my problems. "Look, Ari, you'll don't great. You're gonna have a great time. I know it." My heart started beating faster at his words, as I felt a tiny blush start to form. I let out a sigh and cover my face with my hair so he won't see. "T-thanks... I guess you're right. I'll be fine." "Of course you'll be fine, I was right, after all." "You're askin' for a smackin'." He laughs at me and shakes his head. I look at him with adoration.

If I'm a princess, than he's defiantly a prince. His laugh was so beautiful, his eyes shone with happiness as he laughed. Over the past four days, I realized that I was, indeed, falling for him. I didn't want to accept it yet, though. No matter how hard I tried to squish him out of my mind, he stayed. It drove me insane that I couldn't sleep at nights, that I couldn't eat, drink, think or laugh without thinking about him. Who knew decorating a fake tree would make me realize that. 

It was hard for me to face the idea of us being... something, because we couldn't be, and it won't happen. No! Don't even think like that! You might be falling, but it's just a crush! You'll get over it! "Uhm... Ari?" "Huh? What?" "You there?" "Uh... yeah! Sorry." "What? To busy staring at my handsomeness?" "Shut up." "I don't hear you denying it." "I said shut up!" He laughs at me again as I roll my eyes. I chuckle a little myself as I stare at him again. This time, we lock eyes on each other. I can see the same joy shimmering in his gorgeous eyes. It wasn't hard to fall for them when they shone so bright in the sun. 

His eyes held a soft gaze and his lips were curled into a soft, sweet smirk. I look down, blushing a little, before looking back up at him. "You're one to talk." I say. "You're staring at me!" I say, laughing as his inspecting begins once again. He chuckles at me, saying. "Caught red handed." He chuckles. I laugh louder, throwing my head back as I smile in joy. His eyes suddenly sparkle with something as I do. Showing off his gorgeous eyes. I stop laughing as I see his look held disbelief and admiration as he stared at me. His soft gaze now an intense one. 

I stare back at him with a puzzled and confused look. Why is he starin' at me like that? I mean, yeah, I don't look my best right now, but that's just rude! I roll my eyes at him as he stares even more at me. "Hey, eyes are up here!" "Huh? Oh, sorry." "Speak for yourself. Again!" He laughs at this. Again. Which makes me roll my eyes. Again. "Welp, I should go. See ya." I say hesitantly as I stand up and brush the dirt off. "Wait! Princess!" I turn around again and say. "Yeah?" He opens his mouth, but quickly closes it again. "Just... have fun, okay? And call me if something were to go wrong." I stare at him questionably, before nodding. "Okay... see you." He waves bye, still starin' at me from behind. 

Separated By A Streamजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें