The Water Tribe

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'Am I forgetting something? Feels like I'm forgettin' something'

I ask myself as I rush through my room to find what I don't know I'm looking for.

"Arista! Why is your tablet at the bathroom sink?" My mom shouts through the house as I stop walking and rush to the bathroom.

"He, he, sorry, mom. I forgot it there while I was getting medicine out of the cabinet." I say as I quickly grab my tablet and run to my room again.

I may or may not be over worrisome sometimes. Uga and Adam say I'm always prepared for every situation.

I quickly stuff my tablet inside my backpack and then make my way outside where my mom was kissing my dad goodbye. "Now, Aaron, don't over do yourself." "You're tellin' me?! I should be tellin' that to you!"

She just raises one eyebrow and his, once, serious expression fades into a slightly intimidated one.

I laugh. "Ari, please be careful. I don't want you lost or hurt." "Mom! I'll be fine! It's just a three day trip." "To a totally different and strange country." "Mom..." "I know, I know! You're seventeen. You should decide."

I smile at her, adjusting my backpack as I give her one last kiss and walk out the door. I wait outside, slight impatience crossing my path as I tap my foot.

I watch as my dad kisses my mom one more time with a bear hug and then walks out. He makes his way to me and says. "Well, better get a move on. Are you excited?" "Heck ya!"

He laughs at me as we walk through the market and towards the dock. As we arrive, I see Urtag.

A. K. A. Uga's dad.

He was uploading the ship with the final boxes of goods. When he passed the last box, he wipes his forehead in slight exhaustion.

You know those kind of guys you see who are really buff and really strong but are a big softie inside and are the most gentle person in the world? Yeah, that's Urtag.

Him and Uga have that perfect 'daddy's little princess' relationship.

Well, him and all of Uga's siblings, and she has four. Three sisters and one brother. She's the oldest.

Which brings me back to mom. I hope she'll be okay.

When he sees us, that famous big smile cracks on his face. "Ari! How are you?!" His deep voice roared through the docks, making me laugh at his smile.

"Good, thanks." "I hear you'll be comin' with us today." "I am." "Ha! I knew it." "Huh?"

He looks at my dad smug, and wiggles his eyebrows with crossed arms. Did I forget to mention that my dad and him are best friends? Well, there you go.

"You're dad and I had a bet on if you'd go or not. I bet that you would." He chuckles. I stare at dad with fake offensiveness. "Pay up, bozo." My dad groans and rolls his eyes before passing him a twenty.

I raise my eyebrow at dad and he visibly flinches. I do have some things from my mom.

I roll my eyes and say. "Ready to go, dad?" "Sure am, pumpkin." "By the way, if you pay me a twenty I won't tell mom you made that bet."

He gives me a silent glare. "You wouldn't." "Try me." He glares at me for a moment, while I grin.

He gives up and hands me a twenty. "Pleasure doin' business with ya, dad." I say with a smug grin as I aboard the ship.

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