Draco Malfoy x Y/N

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Hello darlings! It has been quite some time!! I do apologize for my lack of activity here, but life has been busy! I graduated, started to write music, got into a relationship (one year and still going strong) and watched my sister marry, and now I'm fixing to be an aunt lol. But I've come back after maturing a bit, having my first kiss, finally, and brooding on some story ideas for quite some time, so hopefully this new, Draco x Y/N based off several yt shorts I've seen, will make up for my time gone. The first bit, is a backstory to your character. Please enjoy.(Pic is not mine, credit to woshibbdou on Deviant Art

Y/N was your almost typical Slytherin girl, but had the heart of a Hufflepuff, kind and generous, and always compassionate to those who seemed in pain, or in struggle. The set up for this one shot starts in Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures class, where Harry rides buckbeak. Although Y/N is a Slytherin, Y/N and Draco have never spoken, this will be their first interaction.

Y/N sat slumped on the tree whist watching Hagrid drone on about the large Hippogriff standing a few feet behind him. She loved animals, and in that, already knew practically everything about them, which made this class particularly boring to her. Instead, she would make herself comfortable, and draw the most interesting thing that caught her eye. As she observed her surroundings she noticed the Slytherin boy Draco eating an apple. She didn't know why, but she felt a strong urge to draw him. There was something about the way he stood confidently as he ate the apple that peaked her interest. Though she had never spoken to him, she had made up a story in her mind about him, based off of what she had heard others say about him. In her mind, he was a scared little boy, who had fake confidence to hide the fact that he was Daddy's shot to fame. Well, continued fame. He was known as a bully but deep down Y/N felt that it was only due to the fear that people would realize he didn't want to be who his father told him to be. So therefore he was trapped. But for a fleeting second, the confidence displayed almost felt real to Y/N. Perhaps she had misread him completely, maybe he was indeed that horrible ferret everyone claimed him to be. She looked down at her drawing,  (picture above) and chuckled to herself. She felt as though she had perfectly captured the way she saw him.

"Who'd like to try first?" Her attention was shifted to Hagrid now as he was no doubt asking if anyone wanted to try to ride the temperamental, yet majestic beast. "I'll go." Her friend Harry spoke up. This didn't concern nor shock her. Harry was the greatest definition of what it mean to truly be a Gryffindor. She also knew he wouldn't do anything stupid enough to anger dear Buckbeak. "You've got this Harry." She stood up, offering some words of encouragement to her friend. "Thanks." He nodded, then walked up toward Hagrid. Some bonding went on between the two, and Y/N felt it an honor to watch, and soon found herself lifting her head to follow Buckbeak who was now above the earth with Harry on his back. She smiled to herself, then sat back down. Truly amazing these magical creatures were. And although the experience was incredible to watching, she was more interested in having her own. "Daydreaming a bit much eh L/N?" Y/N quickly pressed her sketch book to her chest hearing Draco's voice startle her out of her thoughts. "There is never such a thing as "too much" daydreaming Malfoy. You should try it sometime. Might get you out of your constant state of irritableness." Now, Y/N had a heart of gold yes, but she was known for her quick wit, and often sarcastic behavior. "Quite a bitter tongue you've got there." His smirk faded. Y/N shrugged. "Guess that's what makes me a Slytherin yeah? The cunningness right?" He rolled his eyes. "If it were have been up to me I would've put you in Hufflepuff where you really belong love." "And if it were really up to me," Y/N chose her words carefully as she lowered her voice so only he could hear. "I would have become friends with you first year, so that you actually had someone to be yourself around, and not just some stereotypical Slytherin." Draco's facial expression didn't change, and Y/N wondered what he could be thinking now. Her words either made him feel seen, or in danger of being discovered, she prayed it was the first. Her heart of Hufflepuff empathy made her see him as misunderstood, as she often felt herself. And for some reason in the back of her mind, she began to wonder how different he could be, if someone just tried to understand. "Watch yourself Y/N" He finally whispered back. He pulled her sketch pad from her hands and pointed to her art. "People might start to think youre obsessed with me." He then ripped the page out of the book and wadded it up in his hands before giving the book back to her. She felt a sting in her heart, not for him, nor for the words he said, but rather the hurt she felt from someone so carelessly destroying something she had worked so hard to create. But the feeling soon left when she had a strange thought. "He felt threatened by me" For some reason, that thought made her whole mindset change. This would be a new game for her. To see how long it would take to get Draco Malfoy to fold his "Dark side" card onto the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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