Prince Caspian (Narnia)

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(Watched the movie this morning and figured I might as well make a oneshot, and get ready cuz this is a long one)

Y/n is a dryad in this oneshot aka as a tree spirit, or the "things" made of pedals in the Narnia movie series.  And our story begins after Lucy dreams of seeing Aslan.


Lucy's p.o.v.

I woke up from a dream. At first I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or not. Often I'd have dreams of dreams. It was all very confusing really. At first, when we arrived in Narnia, I was extremely happy. But its been a few days, and I'm learning what happened after we accidentally left. The trees don't move, and the dryad's and centaurs are silent. Honestly I'm quite depressed. Unsure of how we're supposed to help. We've been gone but a year in our world, and it seems to have been hundreds here. I suddenly regret ever chasing that stag. I heard a snap of a twig and decided it was time to see if I was dreaming or not. If Aslan really was, just around the corner, He could solve all our problems. "Susan." I whispered. She didn't answer. I wasn't willing to wait for her to wake, so I stood up quietly, and began to walk to where I dreamt I saw Aslan. I touched the trees sadly as I journied. They used to dance with the dryad's, and the fauns and centaurs would play music. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened with my siblings and I if we hadn't come to Narnia. For we grew old, before we accidentally found the wardrobe in the spare 'oom again, which caused us to loose our years. But thankfully not our memories. Months went by, and we tried to come back through the wardrobe. But it did not work. I was begining to loose hope, that we'd never return. Now I'm starting to think it would have been better if we hadn't come back. Everyone hates us. Everyone thinks we abandoned them. I gasp as I heard a rustling close to me.

Y/n p.o.v.

I held my breath as I saw the young daughter of Eve walking along. I couldn't believe my eyes. I had to get a closer look, for unless my eyes deceived me, she was indeed Queen Lucy, the valiant. She gasped upon me accidentally rustling the branches. "Who's there?" You see I was traveling with Prince Caspian, and the rest of the Narnians. I was the only Dryad who refused to loose hope. Therefore the only one who didn't loose themself. "Queen Lucy?" I asked, coming in front of her. She gasped again. "Y/n?" I nod, smiling at her. "You're awake!" She smiled back. "Yes my Queen. I am the only left." I said sadly. I could see her sympathy for me. "I've missed you dear Queen." I placed a pedally hand on her shoulder. "Y/n how many times must I tell you to call me Lucy?" She asked, placing a hand over my own. I smiled. "Apologies, Lucy, I'm just in a bit of awe, I suppose. You're... Young again." I frowned, not really understanding. She nodded. "Remember me telling you about how we got here in the first place?" "Yes of course, the wardrobe." "Well, the stag hunt we went on, we stumbled upon the wardrobe again, and I, well, naturally being myself, I was curious. And we went back to our own world. Where it had been merely minutes since we left." I was shocked really, though I had no concept of how time worked in her world. "We tried for almost a year, to come back. But the wardrobe was as silent as your sisters now." She said as she sadly placed a hand on the trees beside us. "Well, what matters is, you're here now. Where are the rest of you, I have friends you must meet." I smiled. She led me back to her camp, where I was happily greeted by the other three. "Y/n!" Susan smiled as she embraced me. "My dear Susan, oh how I'm missed you all." I hugged her back. "Y/n." Peter said, as he too, came in for a hug. "It's good to see you. You've given me a might bit of hope." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Edmund." I smiled. He was always a bit more humble after the white witch, so he never felt worthy of true friendships. But to me, I counted Edmund as a brother of my own. "Y/n." He smiled back. "I was worried that you'd- you know. Be gone." "I knew you'd come back. Therefore I have not lost hope. That is truthfully the only reason I'm not." He nodded. "Now, there's a few people who I want you to meet." I waved for them to follow.

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