Percy Jackson part 2

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"It's been five years since I met Autumn. Mother Nature herself. We found out we were betrothed. It's funny, all my life I've grown up learning about people who were betrothed, and how they hated each other. But, I love Autumn. And I know she loves me. We got married two weeks ago, and it has been, heaven on earth. Well. The best earth possible. She's Mother Nature for crying out loud. She's become even more beautiful then the day we met. Her hair is constantly changing color with the seasons. Her face is full of maturity, but it's peaceful and calming. She reminds me of a field of grass. When then morning fog has lifted and the grass is just drifting with the wind. Or a beach. Y- you know with the sun beating down on you ... As the, the waves roll... What?" Percy asked. Grover rolled his eyes. "You've been rambling. Any chance you're gonna stop anytime soon? I'm getting grossed out with all your lovey dovey details." "I think it's sweet." Autumn said as she walked up to the two of them. "Would you like to know what I see when I look at you?" She smiled as he kissed her on the lips. "I would like that a lot." He whispered. "When I look at you, I see the caribbean sea. The huge caverns in the earth where the ocean has blessed the land with a piece of it's heart. And it's even more beautiful and magical then the open sea. The water is so blue. So deep. So mesmerizing... So-" "So gross! Y'all are gonna make me sick!" Grover fake gagged. "Yeah right. G we all know you and Annabeth got a thing going on now." Clarisse said walking past. He actually choked. "W-what?!?! I don't know what you're talking about. Y'all are crazy." He got up and walked away as Percy and Autumn laughed. "I... Missed you." She said as she sat on his lap.  "You missed me? Huh... That's funny because it's been exactly..." He looked at his phone. "An hour since I left the house and I was just thinking that it was wayyyyy to long to be without you." "You guys are so cheesy it's disturbing!" Grover yelled. "Can't hear you I'm too busy listening to my husband's sexy voice!!!!" Autumn yelled back. "maturity huh? Is that really what you see?" "Depends on the light." He smiled. "Good answer." She laughed.  "I've got news!" She poked him. "oh?" He smiled at her. Their love was ... Well... A bit suffocating to some, but to those who had experienced it for themselves, saw it as a gift. Something pleasurable to the eyes. Something that produced joy. "What's that?" He placed another kiss on her lips. "Percy. I'm pregnant." She giggled. "WHAT?!?!!!! OH MY GOSH WHY ARE YOU WALKING AROUND?!? WHAT DO YOU NEED? DO YOU NEED HOT WATER OR A TOWEL - WHat-" she doubled over laughing. "Honey I'm fine, were only two months in. "Oh." He said. He touched her stomach. "I- I can't believe.. I'm gonna be a dad?" He asked. "Yes darling, you will be a dad- that doesn't hinge on the gender of the baby, you know that right?" She smiled playfully as he glared at her. "I wonder what the baby would think if I... Tickled you!!!" He started tickling her sides. "No!!! Stop!!!" She said in between laughs.  "Let's go tell everyone!" He smiled. "Alright." She smile back.

Seven months and two weeks later....

"PERCY THE BABY!!! ITS HERE!!!!" Autumn cried. "GROVER!!! OH MY GOSH SHE- THE BABY- GET CHIRON!!!" Percy screamed out the door. If she wasn't in so much pain, Autumn would have laughed. But, she could feel that it wouldn't be to long. Spring had come early, the camp was convinced it was in celebration of Autumns baby.

I'm sorry I'm lazy ok??

Autumn held her new born baby boy. "Percy...?" He walked in with no haste. "Yes?" She smiled. "Look at him. What will we name him?" "How about Caspian? Like the sea?" He asked. "Caspian Jackson." She mulled it over. "I think it works." She smiled.

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