SHAZAM! (Billy Batson)

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Imagine coming to the highschool and meeting Billy and Freddy, but they don't know you're a superhero.

Crystal sat at the lunch table all by herself. What the heck was it with these humans and not liking the new kid???? You sighed, but perked up noticing the two boys who sat down next to you. "New kid huh?" The one with a crutch said. "Is it that obvious?" You say sarcasticly. "Well I mean yeah-" he started but stopped when he saw your face. "I'm Freddy, this is Billy." "Oh cool. I'm Crystal." "That's a pretty name." Billy thought. "Thank you." You said without thinking. "What?" Freddy asked, as Billy's eyes grew wide. You mentally face palmed. You were already failing at blending in, and today was only your second day. "Did you just- read my mind?" He gasped. Your face turned ghost "N- no I just... Have this habit of deducting what... People are thinking... Nine times out of ten I'm right...?" You cringed. Billy looked at Freddy. Freddy looked at Billy. "You need to come with us." Ok so technically, yes. Crystal can read minds. That's just one of her many abilities. And here's the thing, she's not human. She just ... Looks human. The two of them grabbed your arms and drug you to the hall. "Are you a superhero?" Billy asked. "Su-superhero?" You stuttered. "What are you? Five?" Your heart rate increased. You really didn't see Billy's face the way you did before. You blushed slightly, laughing nervously. His face inches from yours. Making the definition of his cheek bones and jaw line ever so much clearer.  "Freddy. What are you thinking." Billy asked his brother. You couldn't help yourself this time. "He thinks you should be worried and that I could be a villain and he thinks you like me." You slapped your hand over your mouth. "You can read minds!" Freddy pointed a finger in your face. "But i- I'm not a villain ... Or a hero. Yet. A hero yet. I don't plan on being a villain..." You babbled. "You guys are superheros too?" You asked once again reading Freddy's mind. Billy looked at him. "He wants to know why you haven't shut me out yet even though you know I can read minds. Because Billy, you can't keep me out. No one can. I only do it if I want to. So. There. But you guys are heros? Show me?" She fangirled slightly.  Billy smiled. "Meet us at our house. Here's my phone number." After she put his number in her phone she text him to tell him who it was. "seven pm..." Freddy said before they got on the bus.

Seven pm

Crystal landed at the address Billy had texted her. "Psst!!!" Freddy said from behind the bushes. "Yeah, Freddy I can see you. I saw you a mile ago." She said. "Oh." "What exactly am I here for... Captain Sparkle-fingers." She teased Billy. "Uh-huh.." he laughed embarrassed. "Um to show you our super powers." "Wait- there's only six of you there were supposed to be seven." She could she the image of the Wizard and then defeating the seven deadly sins. "So you're foster kids... Must be nice having a family. I was born in a pod. Orphaned. But see where I'm from you're an adult at the age of three." Crystal sighed. "But yeah. Let's see those super powers." Billy nodded. "You ok?" He asked in his mind. "Yeah... Just don't let go of them Billy. You really have something special." He smiled. "I know. I don't plan on it." They walked to a shed in the back where the four other siblings were waiting. "I hear you're all superheroes! Well I hope, I can learn something from you. Yes, Darla, you can give me a hug." "You an read minds?????! That's so cool!!!" Darla ran over and gave her a hug. "I like her she's nice."

Part two later bc I'm a lazy highschooler

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