Tom Holland

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(I am more then angry at myself rn. I just realized I've never done a Tom Holland One-Shot. And I'm a BIG Tom Holland fan. So please bear with me as I write this request with much enthusiasm.)
Tags/Warnings: Some sexual implications and topics

Y/N had wanted to be an actress since she could remember. At a very young age she started doing plays and skits, but never really to the fulfillment of her passion. See she was only a child when she begun, and everyone underestimated her skills. Y/N was an IN/SFP personality type, shy but very in tune with her emotions, allowing her to actually physically feel a characters pain, or happiness. This caused her roles to be ever so much the better. But in her younger years she realized it was too easy for her to stay like the character she last played. So she took a step back, and started to try other things she loved. Bodybuilding and gymnastics being just a few.
At the age of 20 she finally got her first role in a big time movie. She-Hulk. She was large enough and her emotional capacity was still the same. The producers being amazed of her ability to act, seeing as though she had no professional training. But nonetheless, left impressed the producers hired Y/N. She was more then thrilled. A Marvel movie being her first movie. but she was even more excited to meet the rest of the cast.

Time skip to her meeting the cast

"Alright everybody, I think mostly everyone here already knows each other. But I'd like to introduce the star of our new film. This is Y/N aka She-Hulk. The group clapped. "I'm scared to ask ... But do you know how large your biceps are?" Chris Hemsworth asked. "Not large enough." She smiled gently, meaning this honestly in her opinion. He nodded feeling a bit small compared to this female. "Hi... I'm Tom Holland..." He stood up and shook her hand offering her a place to sit beside him. "Thank you Tom." He nodded and smiled. "Now, I'm sure you know everyone Y/N. She is a big Marvel fan." "Who's your favorite avenger?" RDJ asked. "Honestly, the black widow." She said quietly. "If you cant tell I'm kind of big on proving that not all women are weak and not all men are dominant." This caused Tom to shift his weight and clear his throat. "Right, let's get on with reading the script shall we?"


After reading the scripts, they began to play out some of the scenes. One scene being when the She-Hulk meets Spiderman for the first time. She thinking he was some sort of alien, making her attack him.

"Alright so, Y/N go ahead and start on your line." Y/N nodded.

"What are you?" She made her voice a bit deeper and louder knowing that She-Hulk wouldn't have the same gentle demeanor she had. "I'm Spiderman!" Tom smiled doing a flip. "See?" "You've proved nothing alien!" She ran towards him, grabbed a hold of a bar (what would be a light pole in the actual scene) swung herself around and at him. Her legs wrapping around his throat, she spun her body again causing him to fall over, her feet on both sides of his head on hand above. "Weak Alien." She spat. "She-Hulk!" Bruce yelled, getting her attention. "What are you doing to Spiderman?!?!" She grunted and pulled him up. "Are you sure this isn't an alien?" She lifted him up in the air. "Very." Bruce frantically waved at her to put him down. "Sorry about that... It's... I'm still adjusting to being ... Her... And me at the same time... Sometimes her brain does things instead of mine." She set him down.

"That was great everyone!" Tom was still in awe that this woman had just lifted him into the air with one arm. She really was She-Hulk. That when he noticed just how.... Excited he had gotten. "AH!" He turned towards the wall. "Mark... Pst Mark-" he called silently. "Wha- oh my gosh-" he rolled his eyes. "Walk behind me towards the door." The rest of the cast unaware of what had happened. Untill Mark walked up to Y/N. "You uh, you've got some power there." She nodded. "You had Tom... Standing up for you ..." At first unaware of what Mark was saying then realizing, Y/N put a hand over her mouth. "Tom Holland...?" He nodded. "Oh wow...." This caused Mark to laugh. "For some reason that's not the reaction I expected." "From who?" He laughed again. "Either of you. But I can already tell there's a connection between the two of you." She smiled. "Yeah. Maybe we do."

This is where it began

(Sloppy, crappy and written at 4 am so-)

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