Tom Felton request

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(Another request for @JulzLovDraco4Eva
I hope you enjoy)

Y/N held her breath as she watched Draco Malfoy disarm Dumbledore. No matter how many times she watched this movie, she always worried for Draco. She felt his pain, the struggle inside of him. Of course, she knew that it was only a movie, but in her opinion Tom Felton did a wonderful job acting the part of the Harry Potter character. The next movie was going to come out soon, it was the Deathly Hallows part 2. It seemed like it had been forever since the first came out, and Y/N couldn't wait to see what happened next. "Y/N!!!" Y/N's roommate, Alissa, called from the kitchen of their rental house. "Yeah?" She asked. "You're gonna be late for your first class!" Y/N was an interior design major in the college she was going to, and she took several classes on woodworking, machinery and of course, design. "Ahh! Thank you!!!" Y/N grabbed her coffee, turned off the TV and ran out the door, yelling "See you at diner!" To Alissa before the left.

*Time skip to diner*

Alissa place the plates out as Y/N cooked the steak and mashed potatoes.  "I see you stayed up watching the Harry Potter series again last night..." "Yeah I can't help it I just love them so much." Y/N smiled, sleepily. "Your mom called while you were gone." Alissa pointed to the house phone on the counter. "Oh?" Y/N asked. "Yep. She said to tell you she'll be here by the morning." "Oh???" "Yeah." "Did she say why?" "" Alissa hesitated. "Hmmm." "Well yes but I'm not allowed to tell you." Y/N rolled her eyes. "Guess I'll find out tomorrow." "Yep." Alissa smiled. "Now, is diner done? I'm starving." It was Y/N's turn to smile. "It's almost done, sit down and hold your horses." She laughed.
All during diner she wondered about why her mother was coming to visit. She had only been gone for three months. College had just started. What if something bad happened? What if she had to go home? When Alissa finished, Y/N took their plates to the sink to wash them. "What happens if I have to leave? What happens if someone has heath issues...? I hope everyone is ok..." She thought as she placed the dishes in the cabinets. "You ok?" Alissa asked, when she walked in to get a glass of water, like she did every night. "Yeah I'm fine. Thank you." Y/N reassured her friend. "Ok... Goodnight." "Night."

"Knock, knock, knock!" Y/N's mother sang as she rapped on the door to Y/N and Alissa's house. "Mom!!!" Y/N's exasperated voice sung back. She hugged her mother and waved her inside the living room. "Wow, look at you! It's such a big house! And to think there's only two of you!" Y/N's mother laughed. "Heh... Mom, Alissa said you have something to tell me, and that's why you flew down to see me... I've been going crazy all night... Is everything ok?" "Honey, you better sit down." Her mom smiled. "ITS THAT BAD?!??! NO NO NO NO NO, I'll start packing right away I'm sure it will all be o-" Y/N stopped as she saw her mom laughing. "Y/N I never said it was bad-" Alissa said, walking into the room. "It's actually really exciting!!" "Honey, look, I entered you into a competition. Remember that day I asked you all those Harry Potter questions?" "Yeah?" "Well they were for me to fill out a form to participate. So.... You're about to be flown to London to be on set of The Deathly Hallows part 2." The older woman's face was so full of pride as she told her daughter the exciting news. "Really??!?!!!" Y/N squealed. "Really!" Her mother smiled. "Oh mom thank you thank you thank you!!!" "You're welcome honey, so packing is a yes, but no, no one is hurt." She laughed. Y/N smiled. "I'll start right away!!!"


After being flown to London, Y/N couldn't believe she was actually standing on the set of her favorite movie series.  She kept squeaking and squealing at the tiniest details. The sorting hat, she even met Dumbledore! (Full costume) "Alright Ms. Y/L/N, now it you would please choose one of our actors to finish the tour." The director asked. "Tom Felton." She answered without hesitation. "Tom!" The director called, causing the young actor to look up from his script. "Yeah?" "Come over here for a second." Tom nodded and laid his papers down. "This is Ms. Y/L/N." "Y/N is fine..." She mumbled. "She won the contest and has chosen you to be her tour guide. "Wait I know you..." Tom rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "You're that girl with all the Wattpad stories on Draco." Y/N mental cringed and blushed. "Uh yeah, yeah that's .... That's me." She laughed, quite exasperated. "I've read quite a few of those stories. I like how you've kept him so true to his character, even in verbage." He smiled at the fangirl standing in front of him. "Thanks!" She finally smiled genuinely, instead of being awkward or nervous. "So where do we start this tour..... Oh I know! Diagon Alley." He smiled. "Sound good to you?" Y/N's face couldn't have gotten much brighter. "Yes!!!" She squeaked again.
Tom showed Y/N everything there was to know about Diagon Alley. "I want to give you so many spoilers, but I promised I wouldn't" Tom sighed as they stood in Fred & George's shop. She sighed as well. "Why?" "It's the unbreakable vow love. It's called a contract. All actors sign them. Y/N pouted a little. "Hey come on, I've got to get back on set they need me for a scene real fast, what do you think about accompaning me?" Tom held out an arm for her to take, and of course she took it.

After the scene was finished Tom walked over to Y/N to find her in tears. "That was beautiful." "I know, Matthew does such an amazing job playing Neville." She punched him lightly in the arm. "I was talking about when you hugged Voldemort." She laughed. "Oh that!" Sending them into a fit of giggles. "Y/N?" "Yes?" "I really like your laugh." Tom smiled, causing Y/N to blush. "Thanks..." "Would you... Maybe like to go get something to eat? With me? Like... Like a date I suppose..." "Really?" Y/N asked. "Yes really." Tom smiled holding out his arm again. "I would be delighted." Y/N said in her best British accent, earning a cackle from Tom, and a wink from the director.

*Time skip*

It had been three weeks since the tour, but Y/N still hadn't left London yet. She and Tom had been going on date after date. Tonight was the last one for a while, seeing as though she had to go back to school. "You can't just have them send you the paperwork?" Tom said, rubbing Y/N's arm with his hand. "I'm sorry honey, but no. I want to take you with me but I can't." She groaned. "It's in America, yeah?" "Yeah." She sighed. "Love, listen. I will see you again. Soon. I don't know how soon, but I promise. I want to go with you. I want you to stay here, really. But I know you need to get your degree. So I need you to know  something, before you leave." Y/N arched her brow. "What's that?" "Ever since I saw you, that first day on set, smiling like a maniac, laughing, giggling. I've been in love with you." He placed his forehead on hers. "You make me feel like I don't have to be Draco, to be important." Y/N's breath hitched hearing the words coming out of Toms mouth. "I love you Y/N Y/L/N." His blue eyes almost bore a hole in Y/N's (Y/E/C) eyes. "Do you think you could love me back?" He asked, his breath beginning to quicken a little, out of slight fear. "I've loved you since before we met." Y/N smiled. "That's the Y/N I know and love. The one who always has to one- up me." "Tom?" "Yes love?" "Kiss me." Without hesitation, Tom leaned in, pressing his lips against hers. Much passion was shared that day, the day Y/N had to go back to America. But she was at peace with knowing that she would see her lover, once again.

(Hope you like!)

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